A 94 yr old former Nazi guard at the Auschwitz Death Camp has been sentenced to 4 years imprisonment


Oct 11, 2014

The man known as the "bookkeeper of Auschwitz" has been found guilty over the murder of 300,000 people and jailed for four years.
Former SS officer Oskar Groening, who served at the death camp during the Second Wold War, was convicted by a court in Germany following a trial at which he had asked forgiveness.
The 94-year-old's case could be the last major Holocaust trial as few Nazis suspected of committing crimes are still alive.
Speaking during his four-month trial, attended by Holocaust survivors and victims' relatives, Groening admitted he knew about the killings.
"For me there's no question that I share moral guilt ... I ask for forgiveness," he said.
But he told the judges it was for them to decide his "legal culpability".
Groening was 21 years old and by his own admission an enthusiastic Nazi when he was sent to work at Auschwitz in 1942.
He was responsible for collecting deportees' belongings after they arrived at the concentration camp.


His job involved inspecting the luggage and removing any bank notes. He then sent the stolen money to the SS offices in Berlin to help the war effort.
Prosecutors argued this amounted to helping the Nazi killing machine.
Groening faced charges related to a period between May and July 1944 when 137 trains carrying around 425,000 Jews arrived at Auschwitz from Hungary.
At least 300,000 were sent straight to the gas chambers, according to court documents.
The case against Groening was unusual as he was not directly involved in the killing of deportees.
It was the first to test a new legal argument in Germany that led to a wave of fresh investigations into Nazi suspects.
The prosecution argued death camp guards can be charged as an accessory to murders, without evidence of involvement in a specific death.
Groening, who uses a walking frame, has previously spoken openly about his time working at Auschwitz in order, he said, to counter Holocaust denial.
He told the German daily Bild in 2005 of his regret, saying he still heard the screams from the gas chamber decades later.
But Groening described himself as a "small cog in the wheel" of the Nazi war machine and saw himself as legally innocent.
However, Hanover prosecutors said Groening's actions "helped the NS (Nazi) regime financially and supported its systematic killing campaign".
Groening's lawyer Hans Holtermann said his client's actions do not make him an accessory to murder and, until recently, the German justice system agreed with him.
In 1985, German prosecutors chose not to pursue a case against Groening and dozens of other concentration camp workers.
At the time they decided there was no causal link between their actions and the killings that took place at Auschwitz.


Source: http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world...er-mass-murder/ar-AAcZJMa?ocid=NAMDHP#image=2


Apr 16, 2013
LOL 94 years old. He'll be dead probably in 4 years. Look at how determined their are to right the wrongs of their past and to serve justice. Meanwhile over here in Amerikkka we have to battle to take a stupid racist flag down...smh.

Probably more like 4 months.