A dog helped kill Baghdadi, joining a long history of canine war heroes


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Cats That Had Better Jobs Than You (Yes, Grumpy Cat Is One of Them)

Brandon Specktor
A brief look at the myriad meowfices held by felines throughout history.
a recovered 1967 memo from the agency, researchers sewed audio recording equipment into a few good cats, then trained them to move short distances into strategic eavesdropping spots around Washington, D.C. The first furry surveillance drone was deployed in a park to spy on Soviet diplomats; sadly, within minutes, it was struck by a taxi and killed. The CIA resolved that “in a real foreign situation…it would not be practical.” The project landed in the litter box. Or maybe that’s just what they want us to think. This is how to decode your cat’s behavior.

1876 Times article feared. In the end, it wasn’t dogs or curiosity that killed catmail; transporting and organizing the critters was just not worth the time or scratch marks. Your cats purr for a different reason than you may think. It’s not always because they are happy to see you.

Japan’s first police cat. He mostly works a desk job (translation: sits on other cops’ desks), but on a good day you might see him riding along with fellow officers to put children and elderly crime-targets at ease. This is why cats knead.

here. “For 16 years, Stubbs, an orange manx, has served as honorary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska. According to locals, the town’s 900 residents elected Stubbs as a write-in candidate after rejecting the human contenders. Talkeetna residents say Stubbs is the best mayor in the town’s history and praise his laissez-faire business practices.”

released a statement to the public. “I have had a wonderful holiday at the Royal Army Medical College,” Humphrey dictated to a civil servant, “but it is nice to be back and I am looking forward to the new parliamentary session.” This is why your cat is so obsessed with your laptop keyboard.

first appeared on Reddit in September 2012, a meme was born. Barely one year later “Grumpy Cat” made countless TV appearances, appeared on the covers of New York Magazine and the Wall Street Journal, became the subject of a best-selling book, and scored a deal for a “Garfield-like feature film” with Broken Road Productions. Who’s frowning now? (See also: Lil’ Bub and Maru, each cat boasting millions of YouTube views.) Here is what the day in the life of a crazy cat person is like.


When not chowing on vermin or fighting off venomous snakes, cats in ancient Egypt enjoyed a charmed life—and afterlife. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, men would sacrifice their own bodies during fires to keep cats guarded from the flames, and the death of a cat would be mourned by its family as if a human relative had passed. Even the honor of mummification was extended to cats, and cults of worship sprung around them for their resemblance to the feline-faced fertility goddess, Bast. Officially those were banned by imperial decree in 390 AD, but even as cat worship dwindled, their presence as house pets and pest-control remains strong in modern Egypt. Apparently, being able to kill a rat with your face goes a long, long way.
Grumpy cat was nothing but one of the social media thots that you say you hate so much. You moving goal posts :shaq2: