"A lot of people are saying and people are saying, ‘Gee, Trump may have a point.’"


Jan 5, 2017
@tru_m.a.c. is that you giving me warning points? Or is that a different mod? I'm just asking. :jbhmm:

So according to the poster below, opinion pieces, even ones that link to sources aren't valid. So then I should expect no more opinion pieces or editorials on HL right???

Read the article you posted again idiot.

You posted a satirical article to proof that there are paid liberal protesters, you definitely deserve that warning.
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Ok. Wrong article. Changed to new article.

Ill admit if I make a mistake. I'll take a deserved L, but the fact that Google is manipulating (they admit they are) the algorithms speaks for itself for topics like this , knowing an opinion piece would not naturally be the top article. :yeshrug:

Doesn't take away from the videos.

Edit: Removed original article

So I found another opinion piece from the liberal Washington Post, from April 2017, (long before Charlottesville) that admits there are paid protestors, but the authors believe it doesn't mean protestors are not sincere about their belief.

The point is they are admitting it...even if they try to downplay the impact (Moving goalpost).. so don't say I'm making up shiit when I provide the proof. :francis:


So what if protesters are paid?

Critics of today's mass movements want you to think compensated organizers aren't sincere. But it's not true.

By Leo Gertner and Moshe Marvit April 26 Follow

Thousands of protesters gather on the Mall for the March for Science protest in Washington on April 22, 2017. (European Pressphoto Agency/Jim Lo Scalzo)

On April 15, thousands of protesters gathered around the country to call for President Trump to release his tax returns. Trump responded as he often does, by tweeting: “Someone Should look into who paid for the small organized rallies yesterday. The election is over!” Breitbart News picked up on the tweet and ran a rambling article that linked to its extensive coverage of how George Soros is (allegedly) singlehandedly funding the organizations and staffers leading the anti-Trump movement. Breitbart similarly claimed that an entirely different set of protesters agitating at the University of California at Berkeley in February were paid about $50,000; that same month, the National Review Online claimed that Dakota Access Pipeline protesters had been paid unspecified amounts for their time and trouble.

On May 1 (“May Day”), when people take to the streets to protest for workers’ rights, we can expect corporate and anti-immigrant interests to try to discredit the protests by claiming that some of the protesters are being paid by labor unions. But don’t buy it. Although critics would have us believe that payment and principles are incompatible, they aren’t — and the belief that they are is toxic.

Little evidence exists to back the claim that significant numbers of protesters are paid, or, for that matter, that any significant number of workers seeking a union are “salts.” However, the allegations that even one participant is paid immediately calls into question the legitimacy of a cause. Behind these accusation is the idea that social movements should be entirely spontaneous, volunteer-driven, and untarnished by the exchange of money. Anything else would betray a lack of moral purity and reveal ulterior motives. And although successful protest movements rarely if ever succeed without an investment of resources, we create simplified mythologies that perpetuate these ideas of monetarily immaculate conception.

In reality, organizations often do sponsor or support rallies and send paid staff to help organize them, although unpaid protesters typically outnumber organizers. Nonetheless, history suggests that strong movements do well with both paid and unpaid agents agitating for change. Take, for instance, Rosa Parks. Often referred to as the “mother of the civil rights movement,” she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama bus to a white passenger after a long day of work. Parks, however, did not stumble upon her role in history simply because her feet were tired. By the time of her Dec. 1, 1955, arrest, Parks and her husband were seasoned activists with more than 20 years of experience in the civil rights movement, including Parks serving as secretary of the Montgomery, Ala., chapter of the NAACP. Parks worked as a seamstress for local white liberal activists Clifford and Virginia Durr, who helped fund her trip and training at the famed Highlander Folk School, where she received training in tactics of resistance, just four months before her arrest.

Predictably, just like today, many tried to discredit the Montgomery Bus Boycott by arguing that Rosa Parks was no tired seamstress but actually a plant, working with the NAACP and the Communist Party. And yet, Parks’s story is still often cast as an apolitical and unpaid act of defiance, a myth that stubbornly persists in our popular imagination. But what if we thought of Parks as a “paid protester”? Would her protest be worth less?

What gives the accusation of paid protest force is the belief that compensation makes advocacy into a job and thus beliefs themselves become fungible. Under this theory, the same protester would just as soon hold a “pro-life” placard instead of a “pro-choice” one. In part this view stems from our understanding of work, where workers are increasingly expected not only to provide their physical labor but also their emotional labor. Whether it’s having to put on a show for the all-important five-star rating for Uber, or the highly monitored “state of enforced rapture” that Pret A Manger demands, workers are expected not only to do their jobs but to act a part, for the (often low) compensation they receive. Thus we have good reason to wonder if how people feel is just part of their job: Sometimes, it is.

But sometimes it isn’t. Political and grass-roots organizing and paid work are not inherently contradictory, as some would have us believe. One cannot only do deeply committed political work and be paid; it is often necessary for the long slog that campaigns require. Separating these ideas and acting as if one infects the other fundamentally prevents us from valuing the work of individuals who need wages but also have principles, something that could probably be said for most of us. Defending the idea of the paid protester — even if they don’t exist in any significant way — is important because the prejudices that lie behind the paid protester boogeyman keep us from valuing all forms of work, including the many forms in which principles and payment mix.

So the next time someone tries to discredit a movement by insinuating that some of the people on the ground are being compensated, ask the all-important question: So what?
© 1996-2017 The Washington Post

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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Would you ever use Fox News as a source when trying to prove a point?

I don't typically cite Fox News, but I don't find them any more trustworthy than CNN. News has angles.

I just seek truth aka truth seeking. Nothing more, nothing less.

In an age of misinformation, disinformation, corporate whitewashing, propaganda, and simple biases among people, truth seeking is full of landmines, but that doesn't stop the pursuit.

Yes, I'll use any source if I'm confident it has any truth to share or a point of view worth acknowledging.


Jan 5, 2017
So I found another opinion piece from the liberal Washington Post, from April 2017, (long before Charlottesville) that admits there are paid protestors, but the authors believe it doesn't mean protestors are not sincere about their belief.

The point is they are admitting it...even if they try to downplay the impact (Moving goalpost).. so don't say I'm making up shiit when I provide the proof. :francis:


So what if protesters are paid?



Why are you fukking lying? The writer of that WaPo piece didn't admit to anything.

Here is a quote from the article you posted

when people take to the streets to protest for workers’ rights, we can expect corporate and anti-immigrant interests to try to discredit the protests by claiming that some of the protesters are being paid by labor unions. But don’t buy it

Little evidence exists to back the claim that significant numbers of protesters are paid, or, for that matter, that any significant number of workers seeking a union are “salts.”

Seriously do you post stuff without reading it first?

The point of the article is clear if you actually bothered reading it, it's even clearer from the title alone.


Jan 5, 2017
I can't even believe this is a question lol Trump paid his supporters from his presidential launch $40 lol Are we really debating wether protestors are getting paid ?

I asked him specificity about conservatives protesters like for example the tea party protesters not people attending Trump rallies.

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
:yeshrug:Protestors should be paid. They're taking time off work, they're outside all day, they're walking quite far, and they're standing up for a cause. There should be compensation. If the private sector doesn't provide it, the government should.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Why are you fukking lying? The writer of that WaPo piece didn't admit to anything.

Here is a quote from the article you posted

Seriously do you post stuff without reading it first?

The point of the article is clear if you actually bothered reading it, it's even clearer from the title alone.

Oh really??? :jbhmm: Let's actually go through the article.

Let me break down the article for you with red highlights. The title says it all.
The authors repeatedly alludes to protestors and campaigns requiring money to operate, which is obvious. Then they go on to say that even if a protestor is paid, according to the author it doesn't diminish their sincerity.

The point is that some protestors are being compensated (objective facts), but whether or not that is a good, bad, or neutral is up to individuals to decide (subjective opinions).

So lets stop this blatantly dishonest "no protestors are ever paid/compensated" line :aicmon:.

Here's the thing, we know there are a particular brand of paid protestors that are called agent provacateurs, designed to create particular reactions at protests which is to usually frame to cause/instigate chaos.........this is well known and documented from decades past. So let's be intellectually honest here.

I'm not saying every paid/compensated protestor is an agent provacateur, but paid/compensated protestors do and have existed for decades. But then question becomes where is the money coming from and what is the agenda.



So what if protesters are paid? [This is name of article.]

Critics of today's mass movements want you to think compensated organizers aren't sincere. But it's not true.

By Leo Gertner and Moshe Marvit April 26 Follow

Although critics would have us believe that payment and principles are incompatible, they aren’t — and the belief that they are is toxic [Here is author saying protesting and being paid/compensated are not incompatible].

Little evidence exists to back the claim that significant numbers of protesters are paid, or, for that matter, that any significant number of workers seeking a union are “salts.” However, the allegations that even one participant is paid immediately calls into question the legitimacy of behind these accusation is the idea that social movements should be entirely spontaneous, volunteer-driven, and untarnished by the exchange of money. Anything else would betray a lack of moral purity and reveal ulterior motives. And although successful protest movements rarely if ever succeed without an investment of resources, we create simplified mythologies that perpetuate these ideas of monetarily immaculate conception. [Whole paragraph going all over the place. Here is author saying resources are needed, but claiming no evidence exist for paying protestors...author is all over the place]

In reality, organizations often do sponsor or support rallies and send paid staff to help organize them, although unpaid protesters typically outnumber organizers. [Author saying organizers are paid to help with the logistics of protestors]. Nonetheless, history suggests that strong movements do well with both paid and unpaid agents agitating for change [Author saying history has shown paid and unpaid protestors]. Take, for instance, Rosa Parks. Often referred to as the “mother of the civil rights movement,” she refused to give up her seat on an Alabama bus to a white passenger after a long day of work. Parks, however, did not stumble upon her role in history simply because her feet were tired. By the time of her Dec. 1, 1955, arrest, Parks and her husband were seasoned activists with more than 20 years of experience in the civil rights movement, including Parks serving as secretary of the Montgomery, Ala., chapter of the NAACP. Parks worked as a seamstress for local white liberal activists Clifford and Virginia Durr, who helped fund her trip and training at the famed Highlander Folk School, where she received training in tactics of resistance, just four months before her arrest. [Author saying Rosa Parks essentially was a well trained, more than likely compensated civil rights activist].

Predictably, just like today, many tried to discredit the Montgomery Bus Boycott by arguing that Rosa Parks was no tired seamstress but actually a plant, working with the NAACP and the Communist Party. And yet, Parks’s story is still often cast as an apolitical and unpaid act of defiance, a myth that stubbornly persists in our popular imagination. [Author saying that the myth of Rosa Parks just randomly not giving up here seat was incorrect, she was trained]. But what if we thought of Parks as a “paid protester”? Would her protest be worth less? [Author asking if more of the public knew the story of Rosa Parks as a paid protestor, would that dismiss her effort or sincerity?]

What gives the accusation of paid protest force is the belief that compensation makes advocacy into a job and thus beliefs themselves become fungible. Under this theory, the same protester would just as soon hold a “pro-life” placard instead of a “pro-choice” one. In part this view stems from our understanding of work, where workers are increasingly expected not only to provide their physical labor but also their emotional labor. Whether it’s having to put on a show for the all-important five-star rating for Uber, or the highly monitored “state of enforced rapture” that Pret A Manger demands, workers are expected not only to do their jobs but to act a part, for the (often low) compensation they receive. Thus we have good reason to wonder if how people feel is just part of their job: Sometimes, it is. [Author has entire paragraph restating that being a paid protestor shouldn't be a demeaning term].

But sometimes it isn’t. Political and grass-roots organizing and paid work are not inherently contradictory, as some would have us believe. One cannot only do deeply committed political work and be paid; it is often necessary for the long slog that campaigns require. [Author again saying that compensation is needed for long campaigns]. Separating these ideas and acting as if one infects the other fundamentally prevents us from valuing the work of individuals who need wages but also have principles, something that could probably be said for most of us. Defending the idea of the paid protester — even if they don’t exist in any significant way — is important because the prejudices that lie behind the paid protester boogeyman keep us from valuing all forms of work, including the many forms in which principles and payment mix. [Author again saying a compensated protestor is not a bad thing].

So the next time someone tries to discredit a movement by insinuating that some of the people on the ground are being compensated, ask the all-important question: So what? [Author ends article by again saying it doesn't matter if a protestor is paid].


© 1996-2017 The Washington Post

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Aug 16, 2017
Am I missing something? Is BLM really an organized group going out, and tearing shyt up? It seems like they say every black person at a protest is "BLM". Antifa has nothing to do with black people. Antifa is vast majority white, and if you look at these protests, white people are the ones showing up with weapons. This is white on white violence, and we get blamed!


May 6, 2012
@No_bammer_weed come tell me why I'm fukked in the head . Don't tell me something I didn't say tell me why based off my words in this thread . I'll wait for it . And before you start I'm not white and I've never voted republican in my life .

You negged me now tell me why

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
Am I missing something? Is BLM really an organized group going out, and tearing shyt up? It seems like they say every black person at a protest is "BLM". Antifa has nothing to do with black people. Antifa is vast majority white, and if you look at these protests, white people are the ones showing up with weapons. This is white on white violence, and we get blamed!


ANTIFA isn't a group. It's a essentially a autonomous political movement that simply opposes fascism.

So technically, BLM would be ANTIFA because they oppose white supremacy and fascism, just like all the other lefty cacs who ain't hippies. There's no group, no chain of command, no hierarchy.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

@44:30 - 48:00 Dr. Boyce Watkins says Black Lives Matter is Soros sponsored group.

You can agree or disagre, but here
is one of the most unabashedly pro-black pundits on the net saying this.

Clarification for the Eventual Usual Suspects: Let's not be simple minded, he's not saying if you just show up at BLM March, or type a hashtag, or care about police brutality you are a paid agent provacateur....No, he's making the claim that the movement's larger apparatus and logistics generally speaking has been funded by Soros.

Take your disagreements and dislikes up with Boyce.
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