Advice for raising sons in White area?

Dak Pickscott

Shout out to Dallas my bih is a star
May 1, 2012
dont think just cuz you stay in the burbs they have to go to school there

my mama drove a hour every morning from the burbs to the hood cuz my brother and I didnt wanna go to cac schools and drove another hour or two every evening picking us up from my auntie house in the hood to go back home


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Just raise them with good values man. Tell them treat people with respect and not to fully trust anyone but don't look for the worst in people either. Tell them at the end of the day their family is the only one who really has their back.

Most of those people will probably over-compensate and be super nice to u and ur family, there will definitely be straight up racists but there will be more people who arent racist, they probably won't go out of their way to take a stand against social injustice, but that doesn't mean they hate u and ur family based off skin color, most white people won't do anything for other white people either if it jeopardizes themselves and their family.


Sep 10, 2015
Then you should keep to yourself and be quiet online because that's you. Lol and you just code switched.
You act as if black people are one dimensional. Which is hilarious given your rant on how people should accept lgbt people and how you would attack anyone who talked shyt about that kid who likes to wear dresses. The shyt you say on here is inconsistent.

Stop quoting me bruh.

Goat poster

May 13, 2012
If you are Christian I would suggest finding and being involved and a good black church.

We had a lot of suburb families come to our church when I was a kid and now I see the positive impact it had on thier kids being exposed to a black enviormemt and other black kids thier age when they barely saw any at school. We had Kwanzaa programs and other Afrikan cultural stuff.

I would also suggest sports teams and youth centers in the Black community.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
:yeshrug: god happy i dont have any kids


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
You act as if black people are one dimensional. Which is hilarious given your rant on how people should accept lgbt people and how you would attack anyone who talked shyt about that kid who likes to wear dresses. The shyt you say on here is inconsistent.

Stop quoting me bruh.
I've never said black people are one dimensional. I'm all over the place with how I express myself. And I'm a proud black man. You know this because you read my threads.

Lol what are you going to do if I don't? Write a well formatted sentence and paragraph only to ruin it by making sure to place slang in there to let me know you're hardcore?

Everyone is inconsistent. Welcome to humanity breh. Don't be so ignorant. Some of the greatest thinkers to ever live contradicted themselves. I'm also not vagina lips like you so I argue positions I don't have for the sake of argument at times. That's a sign of high intelligence my man. Something you'll never possess because you're just 1 of 8 billion. Another face in the crowd trying to be a face in the crowd.

I would tell you to do you, but the stupid part is you don't even know who you are, do you?


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
I would try to have them around other black kids as much as possible through programs and social activities. My parents had exposed us to a lot of different things including being around white people, some situations where we were the only ones or one of few. But the home base, family, friends, and other programs were Black people.

Keep an eye on their school, teachers, and administration. They are always trying Black kids and letting white kids get away with murder. Seriously. Honestly having a child in a predominately white school you are always in question. Then it is a struggle, because you can't be there all the time. Do you ruin their innocence? Tell them what to look for, what could or did happen? How soon do you tell them about the real world? This goes for a white area too not just school.

Keep communication between you and your sons open as possible so they will come to you if things happen. So if you are trying to shield them for the time being, they tell you, you catch it and handle it.

Teach them to be proud of being Black and that it doesn't mean acting a certain way. They have to have a strong sense of self or a good foundation period. Even going between different black areas for me personally, there was some culture shock initially in school (from a private black school to a public one). They called me proper girl and made some other comment about me but to me I knew what I was, who I was so that didn't make me try to "fit in". I was around all types of Black people, All incomes, all attitudes and one thing didn't necessarily determine another, so I never bought into stereotypes.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
If you are Christian I would suggest finding and being involved and a good black church.

We had a lot of suburb families come to our church when I was a kid and now I see the positive impact it had on thier kids being exposed to a black enviormemt and other black kids thier age when they barely saw any at school. We had Kwanzaa programs and other Afrikan cultural stuff.

I would also suggest sports teams and youth centers in the Black community.

Yeah, I am going to try to get them in sports teams in a Black area. I am a Christian and am trying to find a nearby church now...


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
My daughter goes to a predominately white school and there is only one other black kid in her class. You gotta let kids be kids because most of them learn hate from their parents. I would make sure I teach them about black history (they have gotten away from teaching this in school, they only teach them about MLK for obvious reasons) and just make them aware. I wouldnt speak too much about race in general and I would be VERY active at their school. You AND your wife should go to all the PTA meetings, all the social events the school has, etc. So you can meet other parents, they can see meet you and then you can get gauge on how the community feels about black people. Do they shy away from talking to you, seem uncomfortable around you, how are the teachers interacting with you. I wanted my child to be around all races of people because I do my best not to talk to or be around white people or white places and I honestly dont want her to grow up like that. So, just make them aware who they are and the history of their people and let them be kids and learn the on their own.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Expose them to different types of people.

Practice what you preach.

Sacrifice and build.
Dec 16, 2014
How old are the kids?

You have to make them aware that there is a double standard in life being black. Timmy can show Becky his pecker in gym class and everyone will laugh but if kamal does it he's catching a charge and getting expelled. A lot of black kids with white friends get caught up like this. Look at maliah Obama.

Also beware of early alcohol and drug use. Suburban kids have disposable money to party with and usually a lack of supervision. I seen it 1st hand.

Put them in a real martial arts class like BJJ Muay Thai or boxing. This will give them self confidence to be able to be a leader and also check kids on their bullshyt.

Keep a close eye on their teachers and administrators. White supremacists are in these schools. Reeducate your kids when they come home. Cut the tv off for at least 1/2hour and see what happened in school.

Have them do volunteer work in inner cities so they can see how fortunate they are.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I would try to have them around other black kids as much as possible through programs and social activities. My parents had exposed us to a lot of different things including being around white people, some situations where we were the only ones or one of few. But the home base, family, friends, and other programs were Black people.

Keep an eye on their school, teachers, and administration. They are always trying Black kids and letting white kids get away with murder. Seriously. Honestly having a child in a predominately white school you are always in question. Then it is a struggle, because you can't be there all the time. Do you ruin their innocence? Tell them what to look for, what could or did happen? How soon do you tell them about the real world? This goes for a white area too not just school.

Keep communication between you and your sons open as possible so they will come to you if things happen. So if you are trying to shield them for the time being, they tell you, you catch it and handle it.

Teach them to be proud of being Black and that it doesn't mean acting a certain way. They have to have a strong sense of self or a good foundation period. Even going between different black areas for me personally, there was some culture shock initially in school (from a private black school to a public one). They called me proper girl and made some other comment about me but to me I knew what I was, who I was so that didn't make me try to "fit in". I was around all types of Black people, All incomes, all attitudes and one thing didn't necessarily determine another, so I never bought into stereotypes.

How old are the kids?

You have to make them aware that there is a double standard in life being black. Timmy can show Becky his pecker in gym class and everyone will laugh but if kamal does it he's catching a charge and getting expelled. A lot of black kids with white friends get caught up like this. Look at maliah Obama.

Also beware of early alcohol and drug use. Suburban kids have disposable money to party with and usually a lack of supervision. I seen it 1st hand.

Put them in a real martial arts class like BJJ Muay Thai or boxing. This will give them self confidence to be able to be a leader and also check kids on their bullshyt.

Keep a close eye on their teachers and administrators. White supremacists are in these schools. Reeducate your kids when they come home. Cut the tv off for at least 1/2hour and see what happened in school.

Have them do volunteer work in inner cities so they can see how fortunate they are.

Both are pre-K. Yeah I know about the double standard. When I was in HS a family we knew had their son in a White private school. A bunch of them vandalized the gym as a senior prank and the administration had the gall to only try to expel the Black guy...smh


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
My daughter goes to a predominately white school and there is only one other black kid in her class. You gotta let kids be kids because most of them learn hate from their parents. I would make sure I teach them about black history (they have gotten away from teaching this in school, they only teach them about MLK for obvious reasons) and just make them aware. I wouldnt speak too much about race in general and I would be VERY active at their school. You AND your wife should go to all the PTA meetings, all the social events the school has, etc. So you can meet other parents, they can see meet you and then you can get gauge on how the community feels about black people. Do they shy away from talking to you, seem uncomfortable around you, how are the teachers interacting with you. I wanted my child to be around all races of people because I do my best not to talk to or be around white people or white places and I honestly dont want her to grow up like that. So, just make them aware who they are and the history of their people and let them be kids and learn the on their own.

Have you had any issues? How old was she when they started?


Sarranid Bleu
Feb 28, 2015
I grew up in an upper middle class majority white town(with a 30% black 10% other population).

Please remember to let your kids be kids, since they will be growing up around white children they will follow white trends, dont give them shyt for this and say 'why are you dressing and acting like a white boy', this will give them some major identity issues.

Your kids should be fine for the most part, but when they become teenagers they may try to 'black it up'(or try to become like the black men they see in the media) which can lead to some issues(poor performance in school, getting bad grades, making stupid decisions, etc.) because they feel like they aren't really black for growing up in a good neighborhood surrounded by white people.


Stop lyin' nicca.
Oct 23, 2012
Chicago, Il
Have you had any issues? How old was she when they started?

No, I have had none so far. I've had to talk to my daughter about addressing people by their race or ethnic background...she says things like the Mexican boy, the white girl, the black girl etc but I've corrected that and spoken to her teacher who said she never heard her say it at her school so I'm going to assume she got it from listening to me. I'm always at her school, always talking to other parents and I have met with the other black parent of the kid in her class to make sure my child and her are friends. Luckily she has been in the same class with the girl she started with in kindergarten so has a friend who looks like her and then her non black friends. They will be fine. just make sure you are active at their school so you can be aware of any problems even if it didnt involve your child and let them learn on their own. I just think its very important to teach them black history. My daughter will be 8 next week and been at the school since preschool.