AVOID Dating: Women that have no REAL Hobbies or Interest, only want to do Activities for Social Media posting purposes. (Humble Bragging)


Sep 11, 2015
I was just having a convo with a few friends of mines, and I asked the question, "When did traveling become a (everybody) hobby"? It's like folks are traveling or saying that they are traveling like it's an everyday/weekend thing? I can remember growing up and my family maybe went to Disney World every 2-3 years, Astro World, or it was Six Flags which was a summer thing, but my family and friends weren't traveling like that. IF anything, traveling to go to football games on Saturdays or going to see family in TX etc. Back then Everybody's hobbies didn't consist of traveling or wanting to travel. That shyt was said to be done when you're old and retired, it seems like every chick that I run into, always say that they like to travel. The other side of that coin is when I ask them where they've traveled, it's always the same 3-4 places that other chicks have stated smh. These chicks travel and post the pictures on their SM. Where's yo photo album? So when you have kids, how are you going to show your kids the places you've traveled? On IG? :what: "Here Layla, go to my IG page and see the caption, this was when I was in Tulum" :what:

I'm like wtf is going on out here, if you are doing all of this traveling, where are you going to go when you have a husband and kids. :what:

I can't tell you the last time I heard a chick say she can do a 300-piece puzzle etc or play UNO)
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Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
This nikka know he don't get out. :dead:

But forreal OP. You coming off a bit hypocritical. Chiding women for not having any real hobbies but at the same time wanting them to be content with just chilling with you at the crib. Sounds like you don't have an active social life or hobbies yourself. It's not actual hobbies you want, you want your girl on the same wave as you - which sounds like not spending money. This is what this is actually about.

Why do you assume I dont have hobbies?:patrice:


All Star
Nov 19, 2016
influencer culture exacerbated this problem of unfullfillment on social media

People who promote a lifestyle of professional vacationing and partying and outings never show the darker side of how they are "allowed" or "able to do or afford these things

For instance a lot of people choose vacations based on what others have chosen on instagram....

You could probably get a far cheaper vacation and have a ridiculously good time in spots like Senegal, Malta, Kenya, Guadeloupe, Peru, Nicaragua etc but people flock to spots that are becoming increasingly touristy
blame keeping up with the kardashians

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Just date women who aren't on social media.

Good luck with that shyt though.

No offense mowgli but I feel like a lot of the older crowd doesnt really understand that you can be on social media and not be attention seeking. There are a lot of interesting things on different social media platforms. Like I like to flip furniture so I follow a bunch of accounts on tik tok & IG that cater to that so i can get new ideas and also just to look at what other people do, I like to recreate paintings, so I follow accounts that do that, I’m into fashion/hair/makeup so I follow accounts for that. I also follow accounts with people that tell stories, my nephews like the creepy pastas so I find them on there and retell them when they sleep at my house. I have 100 posts on my IG that I’ve had since HS and most of them are of my kids or stuff that I make.

Now if she’s on there posting thirst traps, following IG thots, stalking celebrities/athletes then yeah that’s a problem but you really gonna pass over a girl because she likes to watch funny tik toks and comment? :dead:


May 25, 2022
The majority of good looking women do not have any hobbies or interests.

Girls who receive attention for their body/looks in their youth will likely have a social personality where most of her interests are based around socializing, social circles, relationships, experiences with friends, gossip, parties, etc. They learn to get high off interacting with people and social dynamics instead of finding entertainment in hobbies.

Whereas Girls who get attention for their intelligence and hobbies will likely develop an intellectual personality.

It's extremely rare to find a good looking girl under 30 with personal interests unless she's a nerd.
It's not until they get older and their looks no longer garner as much attention that they develop interests, and usually if they have no kid/husband to occupy them.
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May 25, 2022
No offense mowgli but I feel like a lot of the older crowd doesnt really understand that you can be on social media and not be attention seeking. There are a lot of interesting things on different social media platforms. Like I like to flip furniture so I follow a bunch of accounts on tik tok & IG that cater to that so i can get new ideas and also just to look at what other people do, I like to recreate paintings, so I follow accounts that do that, I’m into fashion/hair/makeup so I follow accounts for that. I also follow accounts with people that tell stories, my nephews like the creepy pastas so I find them on there and retell them when they sleep at my house. I have 100 posts on my IG that I’ve had since HS and most of them are of my kids or stuff that I make.

Now if she’s on there posting thirst traps, following IG thots, stalking celebrities/athletes then yeah that’s a problem but you really gonna pass over a girl because she likes to watch funny tik toks and comment? :dead:
Why do you need to follow accounts to do your interests?

Like I get that you find it entertaining but it's really dumbed down IQ-lowering bullshyt on instagram. You aren't finding any breakthrough knowledge or information you cant find with a quick google search. You just seek the constant simulation but tell yourself its useful to justify the compulsion.

Also people in the comments tend to be trash, and people who waste their time reading comments tend to have their thoughts halfway affected by social media.

At a certain point you realize it a bullshyt cycle and theres always going to be a reason to get sucked back in.

You want to actually look at the time and attention you give to it vs how much it actually produces output in your real life. Not just gossip and stimulation.

Also posting your kids on social media is a true sign youre addicted to it.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Avoid, unless your life revolves around seeking things for you social media post.

As a player, I meet and treat a lot of women. I'm really beginning to see this in a lot of career women. These aren't bad women, just they've been following Celebrities, Sex in the City and Reality Tv too closely. And feel that is what a happy successful life is. It's not. I'd argue most people don't really know what they enjoy. Things you really enjoy you do it all the time. Anyone who has to try and go to different places all the time are lost.

There's a reason a lot of women want to go to fancy, pretty spots. Instead of the regular spot with the best food. They want to post on IG and make other women jealous. Some women every move is looking for new ways to show other women how good she's living. These women will run you crazy and will never let you rest one weekend or sleep in on Saturday.

Current girl I'm dating is this way, but I've broken her out of it quickly. Our 2nd date, she asked me to go with her to Cooper and Hawk's, her treat. I was like nah. I wasn't getting into this cycle of imitating celebrities. I reserve fancy spots for women I love and then that's for anniversary / birthdays. Then she want me to go to this popular event at the National Harbor, uh no. I don't really know her like that. I'm realizing a lot of women want a man to shyt on other women and to rescue them from their bore life. After a month of obedience training, she's happy for me to just come over. That's how it should be. The women needs to be happy just spending time with you, no matter what. A lot of women are dating these restaurants and you're just security and companion. Maybe bcuz of from Louisiana, i'm use to women that are cool with chilling in the park and making blocks and getting a daiquiri.

This how you know a chick is lost. I asked her, what's her favorite restaurant to eat at, she says " I dont have one, I just like trying all of them"
People thought I was lying when I say I dont even date women seriously that use social media and its because these things you mentioned plays a big part of it. Im not saying it makes them bad women or that they aren't the majority, but as soon as notice that social media and attention seeking plays a huge part of their identity I lose interest other than just fukking.

Now there have been some exceptions of really cool women and had careers and were educated that were on socials. They weren't the typical birds about it but at some point there is a situation that comes about that becomes a huge turnoff and easily turned off in general. Thats why the last 3 women I have dated were women who didnt use social media. My current has one but doesn't use it. My previous one didnt have socials at all (posted on forums) and the one before her, my longest, had socials but didnt use them much and when she posted me, someone random was in her inbox trying to say I was cheating on her and weird shyt. She just stopped using it altogether. Ive been fortunate in this regard. The last one who used socials made money off of it and also advertised her company on there so it was manageable and made sense. Had it not been for her business, she wouldn't have hardly used it.

If a woman is always on her phone and trying to take photos of the food and decor all the time ruining the vibe and shyt. Trying to have full photo ops in the the entryway of Tao or something, I can still fukk with you but I can't fukk with you heavy. Because a woman with that mentality has several other undesirable qualities that are mutually exclusive to it.

There are of course, always exceptions to the rule.