AVOID Dating: Women that have no REAL Hobbies or Interest, only want to do Activities for Social Media posting purposes. (Humble Bragging)

Ashley Banks

All I ever wanted was the world
Jun 19, 2012
Why do you need to follow accounts to do your interests?

Like I get that you find it entertaining but it's really dumbed down IQ-lowering bullshyt on instagram. You aren't finding any breakthrough knowledge or information you cant find with a quick google search. You just seek the constant simulation but tell yourself its useful to justify the compulsion.

Also people in the comments tend to be trash, and people who waste their time reading comments tend to have their thoughts halfway affected by social media.

At a certain point you realize it a bullshyt cycle and theres always going to be a reason to get sucked back in.

You want to actually look at the time and attention you give to it vs how much it actually produces output in your real life. Not just gossip and stimulation.

Also posting your kids on social media is a true sign youre addicted to it.

You’re so dramatic 🤣 I don’t NEED to follow anyone nor am I CONSTANTLY on either site. None of it is a necessity, it’s literally just entertainment, like watching tv of course EVERYTHING you consume in life needs be in moderation. You guys always take it to the extreme to try to make a point because YOU don’t like social media. who says I don’t use google? I do all the time.

Also can you explain how a video on IG of someone painting is dumbed down/IQ lowering but a video on Google isn’t? Explain the difference? How exactly does it lower my IQ to watch a video on IG but I’m somehow enlightened if I watch the same exact video from Google?

posting my family on my private IG for my friends & family to see doesnt equal addiction. You can’t just say something is an addiction just because you don’t like it. Lmao it has to be something that is consuming their life and affecting other areas. But using something for a small amount of time, not even everyday doesn’t qualify for addiction no matter how badly you want it to.
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Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
Avoid, unless your life revolves around seeking things for you social media post.

As a player, I meet and treat a lot of women. I'm really beginning to see this in a lot of career women. These aren't bad women, just they've been following Celebrities, Sex in the City and Reality Tv too closely. And feel that is what a happy successful life is. It's not. I'd argue most people don't really know what they enjoy. Things you really enjoy you do it all the time. Anyone who has to try and go to different places all the time are lost.

There's a reason a lot of women want to go to fancy, pretty spots. Instead of the regular spot with the best food. They want to post on IG and make other women jealous. Some women every move is looking for new ways to show other women how good she's living. These women will run you crazy and will never let you rest one weekend or sleep in on Saturday.

Current girl I'm dating is this way, but I've broken her out of it quickly. Our 2nd date, she asked me to go with her to Cooper and Hawk's, her treat. I was like nah. I wasn't getting into this cycle of imitating celebrities. I reserve fancy spots for women I love and then that's for anniversary / birthdays. Then she want me to go to this popular event at the National Harbor, uh no. I don't really know her like that. I'm realizing a lot of women want a man to shyt on other women and to rescue them from their bore life. After a month of obedience training, she's happy for me to just come over. That's how it should be. The women needs to be happy just spending time with you, no matter what. A lot of women are dating these restaurants and you're just security and companion. Maybe bcuz of from Louisiana, i'm use to women that are cool with chilling in the park and making blocks and getting a daiquiri.

This how you know a chick is lost. I asked her, what's her favorite restaurant to eat at, she says " I dont have one, I just like trying all of them"

Most boring women live vicariously through other men and women because they don't have much going on for themselves.

If she don't have hobbies, she want to demand all of your attention to entertain her.

Avoid women that are lazy and entitled. They hard-headed.

Men need to stop simping for women with average personalities who don't bring much to the table.

Social media has done changed the game. The best women don't be on there like that. Remember, men are the true prize.