Being a female must really be awful.


May 10, 2015
Ya'll ever think about that? I sit and watch my girl go through those monthly period cramps and its like someone is stabbing her over and over in her uterus or something :mjcry:
She'll ball up on the bed in the fetal position and just cry. Calling off work. Attitudes. All that blood. Sticking pads or tampons on ya delicate area. Imagine walking around with a tampon stuck in ya vagina all day.

Then having a baby. Having ya delicate area stretched out to push a baby through. The pain of a c-section.
Face getting fat. Whole body changing and swelling up. The 9 months carrying a child. Feet swelling. Weird appetites. Peanut butter and pickles :dwillhuh:
Hemorrhoids from being pregnant .

Having to shave ya legs.

Taking 3-4 hours to get ready. My girl natural so spending that time tryna get her twist out to come out right :snoop: All those natural hair oils and skin oils. Having to do makeup. Its too much.
Walking in those heels:blessed: but their feet and ankles hurting and heels bruising.

Complaining about how uncomfortable bra's are.

Lets be thankful that we are not women. They have to suffer through so much:to:
Makes me wonder why @Jayne wants to be one so badly. Stay on this side breh, you have no idea the hardships that await you.