Big Bang, Deflated? Universe May Have Had No Beginning

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
Think of a tree. It springs from the earth and develops a trunk and along its trunk it has branches with leaves and at the top of this tree is a big bunch of branches with tons of leaves and seeds that drop back into the earth to create other trees or get absorbed by other organisms around the tree. Those other organisms keep the tree alive and the new trees perpetuate the existence of trees itself.

And that's just one micro time continuum to consider. You have to consider all the things the tree needs to live and develop in its environment and do that same write up for each bit of matter comprising the organisms feeding of the main organism. Now astrophysicists are trying to sit with a goddamned telescope and see God aka the Source.

That's why Egyptians fukked up. They thought their knowledge of Hebrew customs derived from their Hebrew brehs combined with advanced knowledge of astrology would prove them right. Wrong. They only figured out a way to manipulate pure malevolent radioactivity, which is where the "curses" come from. They thought they had spotted the sun as the Singularity, wrong. They thought the sun was the third eye Ra of the universe, which got them a distance, but not far enough. :skip:

That's why I know The Singularity aka God be sitting there with the :what::dahell::snoop: "watching" nikkaz running around with ankhs and Horus action figures and shyt. Like, "not these nikkaz again". At least on a Micro time continuum in the affairs of men.:mjpls:
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Land, water, wherever.
Dec 10, 2014
These theories make me laugh so much man :laff:

These fakkits feed any stupid theory in the machine and idiots like OP believes it :heh:

fukk outta here with any recognition of ANYTHING in our universe besides here on Earth. We don't know shyt, and we won't know shyt, humans are too stupid. You mafukkas on this board are mostly just as stupid as the idiots riding the bench on the subway. Humans are ONLY where we're at because of a FEW SELECT individuals who have helped propel ALL of mankind into more success than we deserve.


Sep 15, 2014
Keep the religious bullshyt out of this thread, they don't belong here

Kind of what Ive always thought. Would be interesting to find out what caused that fire ball

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
I kind of figured that the universe has always been here..

It :mindblown: to sit and think about it..

But like the universe the black man has no beginning or ending..

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
I kind of figured that the universe has always been here..

It :mindblown: to sit and think about it..

But like the universe the black man has no beginning or ending..
:myman::ohlawd:It's like a tubular loop with a big clog at a certain point with just enough of an opening for matter that either doesn't adhere to the clot of matter to pass through and go around again, or for the force of matter returning to the clog to knock other matter loose from it to start it on a trip around the loop.

a$$holes like Ben Carson, who's smart enough to know better, keep saying science is through the scope of religion, which is the exact opposite of the truth. If that were the case, all religious mysteries would have already been revealed. Brehs don't understand religion. It's a belief system based on limited understanding of science. Like modern psychology, or astronomy.

The key is to find the religion that doesn't condone murder for the furtherance of dissemination of the belief system. Otherwise ppl get no chance to view the belief system through the scope of science. They get no opportunity of choice. That's where you get ridiculous shyt like Islam.

I told you brehs, look within. You are your own solar system. Ye are gods, heavenly bodies. Stars aka matter "burning" through constant radioactive decay due to light. How you draw in or give out both lifegiving and life destroying radiation determines how other solar systems do the same to you, at various points in ur time-space continuum that inevitably lead to Ultimate Decay.

The Singularity that produces light in the universe is like a radioactive light projector. Like the holograms on Star Wars or the replicator machine on Star Trek, rather, because this light can hit basic molecular clouds of matter to "replicate" or evolve previous forms of matter into new forms of matter.

That's why I call you antireligious brehs stupid. You don't understand subtext or multilayered storytelling. No wonder there's so much dreadful shyt at the box office and fukking Zane books are becoming films. nikkas severely lacking creativity and contextual depth perception will always scoff and dismiss things that are bursting at the seams with both as intellectually restrictive. It's an act of the True Mundanes who lack any intelligence that isn't exploitative feeling intellectually threatened by systems that call into question their fascist inferiority complex.:mjlol:

fukkers admit they have extremely limited knowledge of the universe, then you posit theories that threaten their conceptualization of all they admittedly don't know, and just like the fascist pigs they truly are, they wanna shut shyt down. Out of hand without consideration. Like fukking Vatican I all over again with a more socially acceptable veneer of "b-b-but science". Which is a revelation that these cheese eatin nikkaz don't even grasp the science they turn out and pimp in discourse for their own illusion of superiority.:heh:

Like dumb beasts in darkness lashing out and breaking light bulbs because they're in ur way before pulling the switch to see if it illuminates the room.:datazz:

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
These theories make me laugh so much man :laff:

These fakkits feed any stupid theory in the machine and idiots like OP believes it :heh:

fukk outta here with any recognition of ANYTHING in our universe besides here on Earth. We don't know shyt, and we won't know shyt, humans are too stupid. You mafukkas on this board are mostly just as stupid as the idiots riding the bench on the subway. Humans are ONLY where we're at because of a FEW SELECT individuals who have helped propel ALL of mankind into more success than we deserve.
Wowsers, are you lil nikkaz college educated?


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
This is science right? Have a theory, come up with other theories, have them battle it out, revise until you find "the truth"....

I don't understand why anyone is using this as proof of anything, either for or against the big bang or God. Ultimately we're back to making educated guesses as to what popped this all off.

Olu Dara

May 8, 2012
One great example is the big bang theory. They teach us about the big bang in school like it's a fact that this is how the universe was created. But they cant even explain what caused the explosion and if there was anything before it.

All they base this on is that the universe is expanding. Yes its expanding right now, but it might aswell be pulsating, expanding and retracting for ever.

I've been saying this for a while :beli: this is from another thread a while back
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Jun 22, 2014
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This graphic shows a timeline of the universe based on the Big Bang theory and inflation models.
If a new theory turns out to be true, the universe may not have started with a bang.

In the new formulation, the universe was never a singularity, or an infinitely small and infinitely dense point of matter. In fact, the universe may have no beginning at all.

"Our theory suggests that the age of the universe could be infinite," said study co-author Saurya Das, a theoretical physicist at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada.

The new concept could also explain what dark matter — the mysterious, invisible substance that makes up most of the matter in the universe — is actually made of, Das added. [The Big Bang to Civilization: 10 Amazing Origin Events]

Big Bang under fire

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe was born about 13.8 billion years ago. All the matter that exists today was once squished into an infinitely dense, infinitely tiny, ultra-hot point called a singularity. This tiny fireball then exploded and gave rise to the early universe.

The singularity comes out of the math of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how mass warps space-time, and another equation (called Raychaudhuri's equation) that predicts whether the trajectory of something will converge or diverge over time. Going backward in time, according to these equations, all matter in the universe was once in a single point — the Big Bang singularity.

But that's not quite true. In Einstein's formulation, the laws of physics actually break before the singularity is reached. But scientists extrapolate backward as if the physics equations still hold, said Robert Brandenberger, a theoretical cosmologist at McGill University in Montreal, who was not involved in the study.

"So when we say that the universe begins with a big bang, we really have no right to say that," Brandenberger told Live Science.

There are other problems brewing in physics — namely, that the two most dominant theories, quantum mechanics and general relativity, can't be reconciled.

Quantum mechanics says that the behavior of tiny subatomic particles is fundamentally uncertain. This is at odds with Einstein's general relativity, which is deterministic, meaning that once all the natural laws are known, the future is completely predetermined by the past, Das said.

And neither theory explains what dark matter, an invisible form of matter that exerts a gravitational pull on ordinary matter but cannot be detected by most telescopes, is made of.

Quantum correction

Das and his colleagues wanted a way to resolve at least some of these problems. To do so, they looked at an older way of visualizing quantum mechanics, called Bohmian mechanics. In it, a hidden variable governs the bizarre behavior of subatomic particles. Unlike other formulations of quantum mechanics, it provides a way to calculate the trajectory of a particle.

Using this old-fashioned form of quantum theory, the researchers calculated a small correction term that could be included in Einstein's theory of general relativity. Then, they figured out what would happen in deep time. [8 Ways You Can See Einstein's Theory of Relativity in Real Life]

The upshot? In the new formulation, there is no singularity, and the universe is infinitely old.

A way to test the theory

One way of interpreting the quantum correction term in their equation is that it is related to the density of dark matter, Das said.

If so, the universe could be filled with a superfluid made of hypothetical particles, such as the gravity-carrying particles known as gravitons, or ultra-cold, ghostlike particles known as axions, Das said.

One way to test the theory is to look at how dark matter is distributed in the universe and see if it matches the properties of the proposed superfluid, Das said.

"If our results match with those, even approximately, that's great," Das told Live Science.

However, the new equations are just one way to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity. For instance, a part of string theory known as string gas cosmology predicts that the universe once had a long-lasting static phase, while other theories predict there was once a cosmic "bounce," where the universe first contracted until it reached a very small size, then began expanding, Brandenberg said.

Either way, the universe was once very, very small and hot.

"The fact that there's a hot fireball at very early times: that is confirmed," Brandenberg told Live Science. "When you try to go back all the way to the singularity, that's when the problems arise."

The new theory was explained in a paper published Feb. 4 in the journal Physical Letters B, and another paper that is currently under peer review, which was published in the preprint journalarXiv.

Sounds like whoever wrote this is about a decade back in terms of physics understanding, string theory is developing a solid link between the two base theories of physics.

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
String Theory aka multiple time continuums of matter formed by the paths of radiation aka light intersecting at different points and either coming together to form matter with a larger mass and a newly unified time continuum or separating further to form multiple time continuums of dispersed matter. It's bullshyt because each individual part of a cell of matter has its own time continuum until it faces ultimate decay, even while coming together to form new matter. Otherwise there would be NO DELAY of death of an organism within a dead host. It's the path of the echo of infinitely mirrored time continuums from the Singularity that's then sent back in an echo to its Source. Like I said, a human can't view The Singularity before ultimate decay any more than a human can remember his own conception, whether on a man on woman lvl or a cellular conception lvl.

That's the key to the reality of the concept of Heaven or Hell- the esoteric astronomers' knowledge that our return in the form of the light that spawned us back to The Singularity is met with either eternal decay aka an eternally burning star with a core of eternally inflamed matter, or an existence in a more hospital zone away from this center of perpetually burning matter in the presence of The Singularity.

Religion is a human interpretation of this infinite scientific process as it affects our conscience, our courtroom of moral judgment on our thoughts and actions.

Brehs can't see this because they are inherently searching for a way to "buy off the judge and rig the case" so to speak. While it may soothe the conscience as one struggles with survival aka self-justification for existence on the Micro scale, its dangerously incorrect. Clearly a person guided by a more "morally upright" lifestyle favors a more beneficial path to ultimate decay than an individual lacking any moral compass whatsoever.

Pestilence and immediate violent retribution aka the culling of unpredictably threatening matter from the community of matter as a whole for the survival of the community as a whole, are but 2 examples of inherent negative repercussions of an amoral lifestyle driven purely by pleasure.

Brehs are deluding themselves thinking they aren't responsible to a higher time continuum. That's why I said having children will help one understand the concept of religion better, cuz if a parent is responsible and insightful and strives to impart knowledge to their child to better serve said child in their survival in the community as a whole, that child will cling to and adapt that ideology to their own life. Like religion for any group of ppl who feel favored by natural selection aka Chosen by God.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I kind of figured that the universe has always been here..
why cant it have been?

you usually hear that smug bullshyt from religious fools, who are content to turn around and in the NEXT BREATH say "god was always just here, because god was always just here"

Marl0 Stanfield

Yeshua Ben YHWH
Feb 14, 2015
why cant it have been?

you usually hear that smug bullshyt from religious fools, who are content to turn around and in the NEXT BREATH say "god was always just here, because god was always just here"
Breathtaking. Just fukking breathtakingly willful ignorance.