Black ppl must take entrepreneurship and group economics seriously for survival


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Originally this was made for the temp agency thread but I thought it would make for a good discussion.

Disclaimer: if you're sensitive or hate serious topics...please leave now or just put me on ignore. And Yes I'm negative, and im fine with it. I don't need 20 posters to remind me. You been warned...I don't fee like arguing with ppl anymore, so this a fair warning.


Anybody that's shocked is naive.... That's why I preach economic independence so obsessively...because I know what it's like to be black balled and discriminated against. My man @1984 can attest to this. This isn't a game, if u don't have connects or if you're not docile, cacs really will let u starve. My friend actually have a CAC on tape say he wouldn't hire a black person, BUT he he already hired a gay black man, which goes to show they only want black ppl for sex. They'll hired a cute chocolate love toy or a gay guy for sexual access but a upright heterosexual black just seen as competition. nikkas think im trolling when I say , that their going to have to trade sex for their economic resources, thats going to be a real scenario for some black men. The only way black men can sustain is through entrepreneurship. Ownership, group economics...

How are black men going to protect their women and children if they're working like 60 hours a week for low wages or begging the clear man for food. U can't. And even if u do get a good career job, u still need a side hustle or a second revenue stream, just in case the boss man get tired of the women in the offices ignoring his lame ass and fukking u and get rid of u.... Dr. Boyce already dropped the game and gave everyone the blueprint... Even rappers...if u listen, most of their songs r about know excuses anymore... When u get gentrified, done complain to the white man, the white man is doing what he's suppose to do, which is take care of himself and his family... Black ppl still actually believe in equality, u know that term white liberals use, that never existed in any point in human history... If a zebra try to get equality from a lion...the lion will devour it.....

Because everyone play as a team except us...well hate on each other but get treated like a nikka shopping at a non black store or beg for a job with non blacks and be their work slave or sex slave for a few dollars and just take the abuse out of fear of losing the little fukk that....were gonna be forced to stop "stop turning up" eventually and get told to take our black asses into the designated zones they set up, or die... I already see what the future look like....its already here in Buffalo NY...Black's r totally disenfranchised from the economic system... Esp BM...ur options r jail, death, poverty, being a drug addict, or a house husband.... Make your pick...that's coming to every major city...buffalo is just a sample...were the test subjects...but you're already seeing it in every major city...NYC, San Francisco

That's why I say u gotta go hard.... Not only for money but survival