Brehs.. are we Dropshipping or nah? Is anybody already doing this on here?

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
This is simplified to hell. But, you guys are doing it all wrong.
  • Head down to the courthouse and pay the $20 odd dollars for your DBA.
  • Head to your State Treasure's website and get a resale certificate.
  • Save up your nickels for travel to hit up trade shows and press palms with authorized suppliers.
  • Call brands and ask if they have a list of their authorized suppliers.
  • Once you establish a relationship with a supplier(s), buy brand names products from them at wholesale and sell them at retail on Amazon.
  • Have your invoice handy for upload, so that you get un-gated when, not if, you get flagged.
  • Do FBA (Fullfillment By Amazon). Don't do FBM (Fullfillment By Merchant).
  • Use Jungle Scout's Estimator to estimate sales per month by ranking category (example: < 5 = no sales or little traffic).
  • Avoid brands where Amazon is actually a seller (if foolish to try to compete with the 800lb gorilla on their platform).
  • Win the Buy Box as the sole FBA-er or get a piece of the Buy Box if there's enough sales to share with the other FBA-ers (depending on the product, my cutoff is between five and eight other FBA-ers)
  • Reach nirvana by becoming exclusive for brands you promote on Amazon.
  • Profit.
The brands did all the work leg work for you and that's the majority of stuff that's searched for on Amazon. Use it to your advantage. If you're tempted by a course, just save your money and hit up the FullfullmentByAmazon subreddit and get all the information you need for free.


If you're an Ebayer/Etsy-er, etc., the only person I recommend is Walter Blake Knoblock. He has a Youtube channel and a free private Facebook group. He's not selling some $XXX or $XXXX course and his stuff is action-able if you get off your rear-end and hit up thrift stores and yard sales.

Ya'll are starting off on the wrong foot trying to source the same exact way as the thousands of other people that are new to ecommerce and try to do "dropshipping" need to put in the work and try to find AMERICAN suppliers or overseas suppliers that have faster shipping times. you need to be looking on sites that these new booty muthafukkas DON'T source from like Etsy and messaging sellers to see if they'll dropship for you. You should also definitely be cold calling/emailing businesses (brick and mortar or ecommerce) to ask if they'll blind dropship products for you.

If you're serious get your ass a LLC and a business card too. It won't hurt :manny:

This shyt is not even my main hustle. I'm a wholesaler but it brings in a few extra hundreds or thousands a month when I need it to. My focus is high ticket items.

Imma give ya'll some more game. Most people when they get into dropshipping sign up for a free Shopify trial, hop on Aliexpress and try to sell all of the newest products. Do the opposite of what you see everybody else doing. Try to sell antiques or collectibles and put your finder's fee on it. Just watch out for fees depending on what platform you choose to sell on. Factor those in when you set your price.

Get out the habit of calling yourself a "DROPSHIPPER" too... Once you realize that you're just a middleman, jobber or a dot connector the possibilities become endless. Words are important. Just using different vocabulary then everybody else sets you apart from the rest and helps to put you in the right mind state for success.

Oh and ya'll need to take @MasterOfAllHeSurveyz post more seriously. He pretty much gave ya'll the step by step rundown to follow if you're trying to make an actual career out of doing this.
Free GAME - black excellence brehs

It’s 2019 damn near 2020: is ANYBODY still Dropshipping?