Chief Keef Calls Interscope Records' New Staff "WhiteHonkies"

Big Mel

May 1, 2012
Flodge free zone

Now Chief Keef can put out his new album Still Kinda Rich (For the Time Being) whenever he feels like it, provided he can find a way to have it printed up.

There had been an issue with Interscope not wanting to put the album out this fall, since there's no longer a business case for releasing a Chief Keef album. (Some would argue that there wasn't in the first place.)

This was resolved the other day when Interscope dropped Chief Keef like a bad lean habit, thus freeing him to either get that independent $$$ like, presumably, all of the other rappers who don't have a career anymore, or try to convince another major label that he's worth a significant investment, though Interscope apparently isn't interested in having him around for any amount.

Below is a list of things we've learned from Chief Keef's career coming to an end before he was even old enough to develop a proper adult male drinking habit.

With all due respect, past and present, and without further... to do.

1) An E for effort only counts in special ed classes.

When I posted about Chief Keef getting dropped from Interscope the other day, I pointed out that Finally Rich has been out for going on two years and has yet to sell 200,000 copies. Of course some dumbass in the comments section tried to argue that 200,000 copies is very good by 2K14 standards. This is the equivalent of calling the electric company and trying to explain that "putting something on your light bill" is good because it shows you really do plan to pay the full amount one of these days. It sounds good, but it won't stop them from shutting off your service.

2) There is no market for LCD rap.

Maybe there once was. How else to explain the 2000s? Mike Jones didn't get out of bed in the morning for 200,000 copies sold! He didn't get out of bed in the morning period, because he was one of those guys who go to the strip club every day of the week, and if you're not interested in the $5 two hot dogs and a soda plus free admission lunch special, a/k/a Hitting Rock Bottom, there's no point in waking up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon.

But that was then. Today's LCD rapper might actually need to take advantage of a strip club hot dog lunch special, for sustenance purposes. Chief Keef and Trinidad James' careers are already over, and they barely released a real major label album between the two of them. (That Keef album was sourced, at least in part, from mixtape records.) Bobby Shmurda's career is already falling apart. The message is clear enough to me: People don't want to hear that shyt anymore. If that many conscious rappers' careers fell apart, there wouldn't be any question.

3) Hipster music writers don't really give a shyt about these artists.

Where are all of the kids who were hailing Chief Keef as a conquering hero and a genius a couple of years ago, giving Finally Rich a better review than Nas' Life Is Good, as discussed in a recent book on Nas' career? They've long since moved on to the likes of Bobby Shmurda, Young Thug, Migos and what have you. When you're only pretending to like something in order to troll people on the Internets, it's nothing to move on to the next child gangbanger as if the kid you've been sweating never even happened, and in fact it's necessary for the health of the think piece-industrial complex. We're all full on stories about how anywhere from 30 to 50 kids get shot during the course of the typical summer weekend in Chicago. The fact that my native St. Louis is a bizarre, racist police state is the new hotness. Alas, the TIs have yet to come up with a way to effectively commodify this outrage. If anyone from Bevel is reading this, I'm thinking about taking on a sponsor for Life in a Shanty Town. Holler at your boy.

4) Major labels look for kids who are easy to exploit.

The more illiterate these kids seem, the easier they are to exploit. I read recently that Lyor Cohen's new label 300 Entertainment, which the aforementioned Young Thug and Migos are already signed to, has some sort of special deal with Twitter. I took this to mean that 300 has been provided with access to data from which to determine scientifically which rappers are the least literate. These are the kind of people who can easily be signed to deals in which they supposedly receive $6 million but in reality they only ("only") end up with about $200,000 per year, and only for two years.

5) LCD rappers are disposable.

Child gangbangers are the music industry equivalent of Bathroom Monkey: when they're all used up, you can just grab another one. The brief nature of Chief Keef's career was almost certainly by design. The legendary $6 million deal they gave him was really one of those deals where it's $6 million over the course of, say, five albums, and the amount of the advance goes up with each album, provided you hit certain sales benchmarks. The first advance you get is probably even less than you'd get under a more conventional record deal, and if you don't have any real talent, and you're not someone the label would otherwise be interested in being in business with (ahem), chances are that's the only advance you're ever gonna get anyway. They can very easily prevent you from hitting the sales benchmarks necessary to secure those larger advance payments by not investing in marketing and distribution, both of which they control, and of course they reserve the right to drop you like a bad habit whenever they feel like it.

Basically, what I'm saying is, if Chief Keef got his act together, kicked his lean habit, learned how to read, stopped ordering hits on other child gangbangers, stopped impregnating middle school-age children, so on and so forth, and recorded music that was actually worth a shyt, he still wouldn't have profited from this deal -- because the deal just plain wasn't structured for him to profit from it. But you guys already knew that, because you're grown, intelligent people who read Life in a Shanty Town. If you had no idea of the actual terms of the deal, you at least knew to be suspicious of the people offering it. If only you had any talent. LOL

Catch you bytches on the flip side,


Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Basically, what I'm saying is, if Chief Keef got his act together, kicked his lean habit, learned how to read, stopped ordering hits on other child gangbangers, stopped impregnating middle school-age children, so on and so forth, and recorded music that was actually worth a shyt, he still wouldn't have profited from this deal -- because the deal just plain wasn't structured for him to profit from it.

Quoted for emphasis.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
He should be happy they probably had him on a bad deal. Got his name and crew out dere

Independent is the route just get business savvy and work hard