China proposes to let Xi Jinping extend presidency beyond 2023


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
China proposes to let Xi Jinping extend presidency beyond 2023
  • 4 hours ago

Image copyrightEPA
Image captionXi Jinping became Chinese president in 2013 and is currently due to step down in 2023
China's governing Communist Party has proposed removing a clause in the constitution which limits presidencies to two five-year terms.

The move would allow the current President Xi Jinping to remain as leader after he is due to step down.

There had been widespread speculation that Mr Xi would seek to extend his presidency beyond 2023.

Party congress last year saw him cement his status as the most powerful leader since the late Mao Zedong.

His ideology was also enshrined in the party's constitution at the congress, and in a break with convention, no obvious successor was unveiled.

Born in 1953, Mr Xi is the son of one of the Communist Party's founding fathers. He joined the party in 1974, climbing its ranks before becoming president in 2013.

His presidency has seen economic reform, a fierce campaign against corruption, as well as a resurgence in nationalism and a crackdown on human rights.

What do we know about the move?
The announcement was carried on state news agency Xinhua on Sunday.

"The Communist Party of China Central Committee proposed to remove the expression that the President and Vice-President of the People's Republic of China 'shall serve no more than two consecutive terms' from the country's Constitution," it reported.

It gave no other details, but the full proposal was due to be released later.

The announcement appears carefully timed, with many Chinese people due to return to work on Monday after celebrating the Chinese New Year. China was also centre stage at the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics, as South Korea prepared to hand the Games over to Beijing for 2022.

The top officials who make up the party's Central Committee are due to meet on Monday in Beijing.

The proposal must be approved by China's parliament, the National People's Congress, which begins its annual meeting on 5 March but most expect this to be a formality.

How significant is this?
Under the current system, Mr Xi was due to step down in 2023.

The tradition of limiting presidencies to 10 years emerged in the 1990s, when veteran leader Deng Xiaoping sought to avoid a repeat of the chaos that had marked the Mao era and its immediate aftermath.

Mr Xi's two predecessors have followed the orderly pattern of succession. But since he came to power in 2012 he has shown a readiness to write his own rules.

It is not clear how long Mr Xi might stay in power, but an editorial in China's state-run Global Times said the change did not mean "that the Chinese president will have a lifelong tenure".

The paper quoted Su Wei, a Communist Party academic and party member, as saying it was a significant decision as China needed a "stable, strong and consistent leadership" from 2020-2035.

But the prospect of further removing restraints on Mr Xi's power has alarmed some observers. "I think he will become emperor for life," Willy Lam, politics professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, told AFP news agency.

'Papa Xi' tightens his grip
By Celia Hatton, BBC World Service Asia Pacific Regional Editor

This is an announcement many have been expecting.

For decades, the Communist Party has dominated life in China. Now, Xi Jinping has stepped into that spotlight, outshining the party that promoted him to the top spot.

His photo is plastered on billboards across the country and his authorised nickname, "Papa Xi", appears in official songs.

In the past the Communist Party stayed firmly in control, while the man at the top was in command for a limited amount of time. One leader would dutifully hand power to another after serving a decade in power.

Xi Jinping disrupted that system from the early days of his time in office. He instituted an anti-corruption campaign, the same campaign that conveniently eliminated Mr Xi's political rivals.

Mr Xi has also shown a clear political vision, promoting huge national projects like the One Belt One Road initiative to build new global trade routes and announcing grand plans for China to erase poverty by 2020.


Xi to delegates: Is anyone against me?

Don't sleep on China, Brehs


[ [ AT/GC ] ]
Feb 14, 2017
Don't sleep on China, Brehs

He's on that Putin wave.

Terrible timing having the dotard in office to counter Xi. Seems to be a shrewd operator.

Yep, all around.

The PRC is a homogeneous civilization-state that is supremely focused and ruthlessly ambitious, but you can't help but respect the hustle and ways they're strategically positioning themselves to replace the United States as the world's top economic, military, scientific and technological power while America and Europe along with it are seemingly more than content to rest on laurels and eat their own face, unwittingly speeding up the (likely) inevitable in the process. The US currently has the most anti-STEM administration in its history and that isn't hyperbole.

For the time being, the USA's global dominance in fundamental and applied research is still pretty jaw-dropping but China has already surpassed it where late development spending is concerned which is the stage of systematic use of knowledge that turns discoveries and technological breakthroughs into the manufacturing of products and processes. In a lot of ways, they're basically getting a free ride off US investment.

The public/private system of innovation that has served America so well since World War II has been slowing down and there's a lot of friction these days between academia and private industry, not to mention corporations becoming increasingly risk-averse whereas in the PRC a lot of tech companies are state-owned so there's not a whole lot of concern about R&D spending yielding losses until a product can become commercialized.



The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
:manny: China can do what they want it's their fukking country... also there was emperors and chinese kings all throughout their history... I really don't give a fukk two ways about it, trump was on his dikk when he met him... :beli: pathetic excuse for a fukking president.


[ [ AT/GC ] ]
Feb 14, 2017
Would be a shame to have another thread senselessly derailed.

trump was on his dikk when he met him... :beli: pathetic excuse for a fukking president.

This is why. He has a hard-on for authoritarian dictators such as Xi, Putin, Duterte, et al. The institutional imprint this is going to leave on China is bad news.



[ [ AT/GC ] ]
Feb 14, 2017
They have done just that since 1949.

It's difficult to gauge how the general populace actually feels given the highly restrictive nature and censorship imposed by the one party state, but in Xi's first five years the Chinese economy expanded by 50%, there were 66 million urban jobs created and 68 million people lifted out of poverty (per Financial Times).


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
It's difficult to gauge how the general populace actually feels given the highly restrictive nature and censorship imposed by the one party state, but in Xi's first five years the Chinese economy expanded by 50%, there were 66 million urban jobs created and 68 million people lifted out of poverty (per Financial Times).

I'd read even Xi's tenure being extended is being censored.

I don't think people in the West really understand the extent of censorship/repression in China.
  • Dap
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[ [ AT/GC ] ]
Feb 14, 2017
Xi Jinping Says China's Authoritarian System Can Be A Model For The World

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has always said the country will never copy the political systems of other countries, in particular the Western notion of democracy. But under Xi—the most powerful Chinese leader in four decades—China’s own one-party system is one that is ready to be exported to regimes everywhere.

The internationalization of China’s political system is in fact well underway. Since 2014, the Communist Party has hosted an annual summit in Beijing inviting political party leaders from around the world to hear about how it governs China. In recent years, the party has also brought young African politicians to China for training, in a bid to cultivate allies.

When asked whether China is deviating from its self-avowed policy of noninterference in other countries’ affairs, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said yesterday (March 8) that China will “participate more proactively” in reshaping global governance and solving international crises.

At this month’s political meetings, China’s legislature is expected to ratify a proposal to remove the 10-year, two-term limit for the presidency from the country’s constitution, potentially paving the way for Xi to stay in power for life. A Bloomberg report from earlier this week said, citing sources, that Xi is seeking to pass a government restructure plan that would see some party organizations completely absorbing state agencies.