Chinese legislator proposes law to solve the "Black Problem"


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
An English version of his demands is in an article from Hong Kong's South China Morning Post

I will fill in some details from the Chinese versions of the articles:

A lot of people know that over the last twenty years lots of Africans have been going to China, particularly Guangzhou (Canton) in the South. Their numbers according to reliable statistics don't exceed 100,000 people but wild guesses on the Chinese Internet claim 500,000 or more.

When you go to China, you get a visa which is usually valid for 30-90 days unless you get a 6 month one. The long term visas have been harder to get since the 2008 Olympics. What often happens is Africans go to China on a short term visa and overstay it while they try to hustle. I'm not promoting illegal immigration but Chinese in Africa often due the same thing (as do some Westerners in China).

Having lived in China and knowing many Africans there, the vast majority are either students or traders/entrepreneurs trying to buy goods to ship back to Africa. They aren't low lifes or refugees and aren't really involved in violent crime (though there are some Nigerians and Liberians in the big cities sell drugs to White people; Chinese have their own dealers).

Over the years there have been more articles about them and about the increasing number of Chinese women who they wife and have kids with (article):

Contrary to what many think, the African men are actually usually wealthier and more educated than the Chinese they marry so it isn't solely a story of they want a sugar mama and a visa. They can't become citizens anyway.

So there have been some issues, notably with immigration police, and Ebola fears back during the outbreak but China has generally tolerated them. Here comes a legislator in the National People's Congress (not a real legislature since they just rubber stamp Communist Party decisions) named Pan Qinglin from the coastal city of Tianjin near Beijing.


He is declaring the Africans are a 'social problem' (though he calls them 'Black brothers') and has said they are characterized by the 'three illegals': illegal entry, illegal residence, and illegal work. Actually in Chinese the 'three illegals' is a word play since the character for 'illegal' is coincidentally the same as the first character for 'Africa' (this is due to phonetics not racism) so 'three illegals' is a word pun on 'three Africans'.

If anyone thinks he isn't baiting, he stated that by his projections if something isn't done, China will have 50 million Africans by 2050 :stopitslime:

Tianjin doesn't have many Africans relatively so Mr. Pan may be trying to angle himself as a populist. He also proposed a law allowing legally mandated maternity leave for single mothers.

The law wants to do three things:

1. Have Guangzhou set up a task force to canvass and survey the areas Black Africans live to understand the magnitude of the 'problem'

2. Have national and local security forces jointly up surveillance, police presence, and investigations of areas where there are heavy presences of Africans

3. Enlist state propaganda and media to show Chinese people news on the 'truth' of Black people so they can remain vigilant and safe

He also wants to bar the children of Africans and Chinese from Chinese citizenship (shout out to DR).

Granted, this is nowhere near to becoming law and I doubt China will do such since it will piss of African allies, but this is going to rile people up at a time when China's economy is slowing and the government is becoming more authoritarian.

Remember, in 1988 right before Tiananmen Square there were Anti-African riots in Nanjing.

Those riots (at a time of high inflation and economic hardship) were sparked by the feelings Africans got better dorms (they did---but all foreigners do) and they were dating Chinese women (long story but see the Wikipedia article; there was also a false rumor a security guard was killed).

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
1. Africans have been leaving on their own. Half of the residents of Guangzhou left 2 years ago. From what I gather its because african countries now have better economies and the chinese are hitting a plateu, basically business isnt what it used to be.

2. The chinese have been tightening up their visa ALL AROUND. they've gotten real tight lately, not sure why, maybe Trump? but theyve been going school to school looking for anybody and everybody over extending their visa, there's now a new 'grade rating' to get a work visa out here.

The chinese have always been a xenophobic people though, just look at the great wall, it was to keep people out lol. they open up for a little then close up, then open up a little, and close back up, its just what they do. after being embarrassed during the colonization era they've been tough on foreigners, if they feel you're setting up too much shop, they come in with a hammer. they just closed the French area of Shanghai a few months back. Right now Koreans are being targeted, they're having some political beef but I havent read too much into it. Chinese been tightening up.

I wish african countries could do the same tbh. I see America has been getting tougher these days too. good!

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
:stopitslime: Xenophobic a$$holes like there aint enough chinese women out there....
The ratio man to woman is 7:1 because of the one child policy and families preferring sons over daughters.

seriously, I'd be pretty pissed my damn self.

A british dude just go this ass beat last weekend because he was walking around with 2 chicks and had his hands wrapped around their waist. nikkas be out here slipping and dumb as hell not knowing how shyt is. rookies.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
The ratio man to woman is 7:1 because of the one child policy and families preferring sons over daughters.

seriously, I'd be pretty pissed my damn self.

A british dude just go this ass beat last weekend because he was walking around with 2 chicks and had his hands wrapped around their waist. nikkas be out here slipping and dumb as hell not knowing how shyt is.
:mjlol: White dudes pimpin out their chicks...

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
:mjlol: White dudes pimpin out their chicks...
everybody, not just white. nikka in the OP got 3 kids, chinese guy not allowed to have more than 2, and it was no more than 1 just 2 years ago.

I can see where the anger comes from, its just misdirected anger, they should be pissed at the govt but they scary cause they know the govt dont play that shyt, youll disappear talking too much.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
everybody, not just white. nikka in the OP got 3 kids, chinese guy not allowed to have more than 2, and it was no more than 1 just 2 years ago.

I can see where the anger comes from, its just misdirected anger, they should be pissed at the govt but they scary cause they know the govt dont play that shyt, youll disappear talking too much.

The African brehs should take them back to africa after they stacked their chips... :umad: have those old chinese dudes really pissed...

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
1. Africans have been leaving on their own. Half of the residents of Guangzhou left 2 years ago. From what I gather its because african countries now have better economies and the chinese are hitting a plateu, basically business isnt what it used to be.

2. The chinese have been tightening up their visa ALL AROUND. they've gotten real tight lately, not sure why, maybe Trump? but theyve been going school to school looking for anybody and everybody over extending their visa, there's now a new 'grade rating' to get a work visa out here.

The chinese have always been a xenophobic people though, just look at the great wall, it was to keep people out lol. they open up for a little then close up, then open up a little, and close back up, its just what they do. after being embarrassed during the colonization era they've been tough on foreigners, if they feel you're setting up too much shop, they come in with a hammer. they just closed the French area of Shanghai a few months back. Right now Koreans are being targeted, they're having some political beef but I havent read too much into it. Chinese been tightening up.

I wish african countries could do the same tbh. I see America has been getting tougher these days too. good!
Same thing with other black nation need get on code


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
1. Africans have been leaving on their own. Half of the residents of Guangzhou left 2 years ago. From what I gather its because african countries now have better economies and the chinese are hitting a plateu, basically business isnt what it used to be.

True, their numbers have been exaggerated in the media. Similar to the US media, the Chinese media report the outflux much less than the influx of migrants.

2. The chinese have been tightening up their visa ALL AROUND. they've gotten real tight lately, not sure why, maybe Trump? but theyve been going school to school looking for anybody and everybody over extending their visa, there's now a new 'grade rating' to get a work visa out here.

They have been gradually tightening over the last ten years and I kind of expected this as the economy slows and discontent/nationalism rises. I have no problem with them enforcing the laws on visas and immigration. I also have no sympathy for the dudes who deal drugs there (a capital offense in China) and cry when they are arrested. I have defended China and Asians in parts of this forum where I thought people were raising hell over BS but this is important.

The big issue is that a Chinese politician with a national audience is going after this in a way that is more about xenophobia than just enforcing immigration. Parts of the article I didn't translate have Mr. Pan going on about cultural pollution and decline as one of his main problems. Even if this law fails, which it most certainly will for now, he has given some legitimacy to bigots and xenophobes that will harm even law abiding Africans and possibly lead to huge incidents.

The chinese have always been a xenophobic people though, just look at the great wall, it was to keep people out lol. they open up for a little then close up, then open up a little, and close back up, its just what they do. after being embarrassed during the colonization era they've been tough on foreigners, if they feel you're setting up too much shop, they come in with a hammer. they just closed the French area of Shanghai a few months back. Right now Koreans are being targeted, they're having some political beef but I havent read too much into it. Chinese been tightening up.

I wish african countries could do the same tbh. I see America has been getting tougher these days too. good!

Interesting I didn't know about the Koreans. What part of China are you living in? Ghana kicked out a bunch of gold miners back in 2013 who were polluting and disobeying local laws so some countries have limits as well.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
The ratio man to woman is 7:1 because of the one child policy and families preferring sons over daughters.

It is high but not anywhere near 7:1. That sounds like some ratio Black chicks like to throw out about the ratio in college.

I'd tell dudes over there to keep it cool and discreet when dating local chicks but off course there are always idiots. It is worse now though. A few Africans I knew had Chinese girlfriends in the early 2000s and didn't really have any issues.
seriously, I'd be pretty pissed my damn self.

A british dude just go this ass beat last weekend because he was walking around with 2 chicks and had his hands wrapped around their waist. nikkas be out here slipping and dumb as hell not knowing how shyt is. rookies.

Ain't you reppin' PAAGS though? :patrice:


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
:stopitslime: Xenophobic a$$holes like there aint enough chinese women out there....

To be honest, the women aren't the focus of the law. I just have noticed this is getting raised more in articles and Chinese forums over the years. As far as the Chinese media is concerned most of the articles about Africans have been relatively respective in the mainstream media. The blogs and comments sections are rough though.