Choose Better.


American Daydream Machine
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Name an instance where you've chosen the wrong mate, as in they were a bad person or not shyt? What attracted you to them? What red flags did you ignore and what did you learn?

I'll go first. Dated a girl who was from KY but moved to NYC. Ass was so fat she was afraid it might cause rights. oddly enough that isn't what attracted me to her. she was a black girl who was a fan of scifi and horror and we both thought each othee were rare. We would hang out in the park alot. we watched Jupiter in transit from Prospect Park one night. First red flag was she told me she was raised by her mom and grand mother. Second was that she was raised religious. third was that she asked me if I would ever hit her and when I said no, I'd just leave, cause I have self control. She asked what if she didn't Let me leave and just kept hitting me while blocking my way.
last flag was when we happened to run into my mom and mom dukes gave her this look like "nah". shyt ended bad cause she had a lot of baggage she didn't want to address but it spilled out. I learned never date a girl who didn't grow up with her father around. I also learned just because someone has good taste doesn't mean they're good people.