"City Lights" by Charlie Chaplin (The Coli Movie Club)


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
OK, full disclosure time...I am not a fan of silent films and I have never watched a full length Chaplin movie before. I have seen some of his "The Tramp" shorts but that is about it.

That being said I do recognize why City Lights is seen as one of the pinnacle of Chaplin's career but also as a major cinematic achievement period.
I liked the parallels of The Tramp's relationships with the blind flower girl and the drunken millionaire. he was helping both people embrace life while neither one was really able to "see" him for who he truly was.
And Chaplin's gifts as a physical actor are very impressive. His comedic physicality is such that you can see how he influenced so many of the comedic actors that sprung up over the years.
This movie also had a surprising amount of heart and the final scene where the Tramp and The Flower Girl reunite was incredibly charming and emotional especially in light of the lack of dialogue.
I do think that a smiling Chaplin in his Tramp persona is one of the most frightening things to ever be put on a movie screen though:

So recognizing it's place in movie history and influence on cinema as a whole I give City Lights 4 Roger Eberts:
