Clinton Cash Train Continues: Bill Takes Money From Sharia Law Education Firm

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Are you seriously asking how progressive Israel is while they allow a minority religion, who's followers continuously terrorize and attack Israel, to gain incredible power through family Sharia courts?

No one said Israel was perfectly progressive; just that relative to all of their neighbors they are far more rational and civil.

And I'm not contradicting myself. Israeli law supersedes Sharia. That means when Sharia says something retarded like you have to throw acid on the face of a women who dishonored you, Israeli law will step above that and tell you you're an idiot and thats not gonna happen. Like I said, Israeli law keeps Sharia in check. Even in your own links, Sharia is only used for family court type stuff and only for Muslims that accept it. That means its not true Sharia.

Indonesia is one of the few Muslim nations that has religious tolerance. They're also in Asia and their beefs end up staying on that continent. Why don't you talk about all of the African or Arab Muslim nations? They're doing wonderful things with their interpretations of Sharia and the Koran.

Palestinian militancy only became religious after the rise of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Its important to note that Israel aided the rise of Hamas to weaken the PLO.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Palestinian militancy only became religious after the rise of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Its important to note that Israel aided the rise of Hamas to weaken the PLO.

Its also important to note that the Palestinian people blindly follow and support Hamas.

Hamas works against the interests of the Palestinian people.

World Vision Worker Funneled Millions to Hamas: Israel

The people continue to struggle because their leadership is corrupt and continue to try to build a war machine with public assistance funds that could be used to repair Gaza.


May 4, 2012
Are you seriously asking how progressive Israel is while they allow a minority religion, who's followers continuously terrorize and attack Israel, to gain incredible power through family Sharia courts?

No one said Israel was perfectly progressive; just that relative to all of their neighbors they are far more rational and civil.

And I'm not contradicting myself. Israeli law supersedes Sharia. That means when Sharia says something retarded like you have to throw acid on the face of a women who dishonored you, Israeli law will step above that and tell you you're an idiot and thats not gonna happen. Like I said, Israeli law keeps Sharia in check. Even in your own links, Sharia is only used for family court type stuff and only for Muslims that accept it. That means its not true Sharia.

Indonesia is one of the few Muslim nations that has religious tolerance. They're also in Asia and their beefs end up staying on that continent. Why don't you talk about all of the African or Arab Muslim nations? They're doing wonderful things with their interpretations of Sharia and the Koran.

Indonesia is one of the few Muslim nations that has religious tolerance.
Why don't you talk about all of the African or Arab Muslim nations?

Out of the 57 countries that are in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation only 5 of them use any form of sharia law as criminal law. The majority of Muslim countries use Sharia as family law and live under a European civil code. Your problem is that your using Indonesia as the rarity and Saudi Arabia Wahhabism as the common, which statistically it is the other way around.

Sharia is only used for family court type stuff and only for Muslims that accept it. That means its not true Sharia.
Sharia Law is an interpretations of the Quran and Hadiths, The literal interpretation of Bible and the Torah has some crazy commandments about putting people to death for simple things. Christians and Jews that don't accept this, our they following the true Bible or Torah? Our they true Jews or Christians?

Are you seriously asking how progressive Israel is while they allow a minority religion
The Israeli government does not even allow the minority religion to have female Judges. There is nothing progressive about blocking women from having judge positions.
  • Dap
Reactions: Ill


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Out of the 57 countries that are in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation only 5 of them use any form of sharia law as criminal law. The majority of Muslim countries use Sharia as family law and live under a European civil code. Your problem is that your using Indonesia as the rarity and Saudi Arabia Wahhabism as the common, which statistically it is the other way around.

Sharia Law is an interpretations of the Quran and Hadiths, The literal interpretation of Bible and the Torah has some crazy commandments about putting people to death for simple things. Christians and Jews that don't accept this, our they following the true Bible or Torah? Our they true Jews or Christians?

The Israeli government does not even allow the minority religion to have female Judges. There is nothing progressive about blocking women from having judge positions.

In your response you basically stated that Sharia is garbage and that the nations that have it follow European law above Sharia. That should tell you everything you need to know. The trend in the Islamic world is one that points towards MORE religion rather than less. That means that while there are only 5 countries that practice Sharia criminal law, that number may rise and quickly. You may have a point that Sharia family law is mostly neutral and relatively equal to western common laws. Thats fair.

The Bible and the Torah DO have some crazy shyt in it. The difference is that the leaders and followers of those religions have advanced their thinking and can realize when something from the Bible does not mesh with the current world. For the record, I highly disagree with ANY religious policy making its way into western common laws. Our nation fights against oppression brought upon us by religion. We fight for separation of church and state. Many Islamic nations are trending the other way right now. That doesn't bode well.

I'll concede the point on the judges. The Haredi minister blocked female Sharia judges because it would open the door to having females on the rabbinical courts. There are female judges in the Israeli system. I don't agree with the ban and its based on religious bullshyt, which i oppose.


May 4, 2012
In your response you basically stated that Sharia is garbage and that the nations that have it follow European law above Sharia. That should tell you everything you need to know. The trend in the Islamic world is one that points towards MORE religion rather than less. That means that while there are only 5 countries that practice Sharia criminal law, that number may rise and quickly. You may have a point that Sharia family law is mostly neutral and relatively equal to western common laws. Thats fair.

The Bible and the Torah DO have some crazy shyt in it. The difference is that the leaders and followers of those religions have advanced their thinking and can realize when something from the Bible does not mesh with the current world. For the record, I highly disagree with ANY religious policy making its way into western common laws. Our nation fights against oppression brought upon us by religion. We fight for separation of church and state. Many Islamic nations are trending the other way right now. That doesn't bode well.

I'll concede the point on the judges. The Haredi minister blocked female Sharia judges because it would open the door to having females on the rabbinical courts. There are female judges in the Israeli system. I don't agree with the ban and its based on religious bullshyt, which i oppose.

I don't think anything about sharia is garbage, only the interpretation can be bad. Before most of these countries had european civic code, they interpreted sharia law very different from how Saudi Arabia interpret it today, many of them had great muslim scholars, studied classical Greek philosophy, had minority religious communities, had great music and art culture and had many advances in science, while practicing and promoting Islam . So many of them were progressive before the Europeans civic code came. So sharia is all about interpretation.
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  • Dap
Reactions: Ill


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
I don't think anything about sharia is garbage, only the interpretation can be bad. Before most of these countries had european civic code, they interpreted sharia law very different from how Saudi Arabia interpret it today, many of them had great muslim scholars, studied classical Greek philosophy, had minority religious communities, had great music and art culture and had many advances in science, while practicing and promoting Islam . So many of them were progressive before the Europeans civic code came. So sharia is all about interpretation.

I agree with the general sentiment but the golden age of Islam is long past us. The current interpretations are egregious, harmful to society, and give Islam a black eye. Regressive policies and hardline interpretations of Sharia and Islam in todays world are not welcome.


May 4, 2012
I agree with the general sentiment but the golden age of Islam is long past us. The current interpretations are egregious, harmful to society, and give Islam a black eye. Regressive policies and hardline interpretations of Sharia and Islam in todays world are not welcome.

Ok so the 5 out of 57 muslim majority nations that have a extreme interpretation of sharia is considered the current interpretation and speak for all Muslims, that's perfect logic.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Ok so the 5 out of 57 muslim majority nations that have a extreme interpretation of sharia is considered the current interpretation and speak for all Muslims, that's perfect logic.

Its perfectly sound logic when you realize that the religious leaders of those 57 nations take orders from Saudi clerics. The only ones that can say they don't are Shia nations, which are only a handful out of the 57. Sunni's rule the Muslim world and they take directions from Saudi Arabia, which is a cesspool of fukkery. These philosophies have crept their way into Europe and extreme Sharia interpretation can already be seen in limited amounts in Germany, France, and Britain. The way that Sharia can be interpreted in such extreme ways AND have people believe and follow that interpretation, is an enormous risk for society.


May 4, 2012
Its perfectly sound logic when you realize that the religious leaders of those 57 nations take orders from Saudi clerics. The only ones that can say they don't are Shia nations, which are only a handful out of the 57. Sunni's rule the Muslim world and they take directions from Saudi Arabia, which is a cesspool of fukkery. These philosophies have crept their way into Europe and extreme Sharia interpretation can already be seen in limited amounts in Germany, France, and Britain. The way that Sharia can be interpreted in such extreme ways AND have people believe and follow that interpretation, is an enormous risk for society.

Now I see that you don't know anything about the religion of Islam, there is no pope or clergy system, only scholars. Sunni Islam is made up of four different madhabs (school of thought), (Malaki, Hanafi, Hanabali, Shafi), that is led by scholars. Most muslims pick a specific madhabs to follow, Saudi Arabia follows the Hanabali madhab. A muslim in Pakistan will most likely follow a hanafi scholar in south asia, a muslim in Malaysia will likely follow a shafi scholar in southeast asia, a muslim in senegal will likely follow a malaki scholar in west Africa. Saudi Arabia does not have any spiritual authority over the world muslims, The Saudi's conquered Mecca in the early 1900's, before that it was the king of Jordan and before that the ottomans.


May 17, 2012
Los Angeles
1) Higher Learning is st0rmfr0nt junior because large elements of it are supporting a fascist who kept Mein Kampf by his bedside.
2) Abraham Lincoln used ******, and then pushed for constitutional amendments to end slavery. LBJ used ******, and then passed the Civil Rights Act. Nixon used ******, and then tried to destroy Black people. That is the difference between post-Goldwater Republicans and their bootlicking c00ns like you.
3) Note, that the author of the 1995 has no receipts to back up his claims about LBJ. Even the quotation you have from Snopes doesn't verify it. Oh well, nice try idiot.

America had/has racist leaders. Let's try and get racist leaders who will do things for Black people.
3) Numerous times on The Coli, I have advocated for Black people forming their own congressional party. I'm not caping for the Democrats. I just hate liars like you.
4) Those LBJ entitlement programs lifted Black people out of absolute poverty. :ufdup:
"from 1963 when Lyndon Johnson took office until 1970 as the impact of his Great Society programs were felt, the portion of Americans living below the poverty line dropped from 22.2 percent to 12.6 percent, the most dramatic decline over such a brief period in this century." Obviously the biggest beneficiaries of that sort of poverty reduction are Black people.



Nice try massa c00n...

Called me an idiot in the first sentence.. (ad hominem attack) you can look that up -then proceded to compare LBJ to Abraham Lincoln.

Do you think Abraham Lincoln would have said something like this to another black person uncle tom:?

But there were also instances of casual racism that can't be so easily rationalized. Biographer Caro also notes that Johnson is said to have replied as follows to a black chauffeur who told him he'd prefer to be called by name instead of "boy," "******" or "chief":

As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, ******, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.

That was in the link i sent that you convieniently deleted half of. Also lets see receipts for Trump having mein kempf by his bedside?? Please provide the link or else you are a liar which is the very thing you accused me of.
And to think this whole thing started because you labeled anyone that attacks the clintons as racist. Again how does that make sense in your plantation colored world?

The last thing you said that you think that black people should form their own congressional black party. They already have dumb ass. It is called the congressional black caucus. I think the term you are looking for is political party in which we agree, but this would mean leaving the party that people like you seem to be getting pimped out for.


May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
Now I see that you don't know anything about the religion of Islam, there is no pope or clergy system, only scholars. Sunni Islam is made up of four different madhabs (school of thought), (Malaki, Hanafi, Hanabali, Shafi), that is led by scholars. Most muslims pick a specific madhabs to follow, Saudi Arabia follows the Hanabali madhab. A muslim in Pakistan will most likely follow a hanafi scholar in south asia, a muslim in Malaysia will likely follow a shafi scholar in southeast asia, a muslim in senegal will likely follow a malaki scholar in west Africa. Saudi Arabia does not have any spiritual authority over the world muslims, The Saudi's conquered Mecca in the early 1900's, before that it was the king of Jordan and before that the ottomans.

The Clintons got paid by GEMS who were teaching Sharia in Saudi Arabia, a cesspool of Wahhabi bullshyt. You can correctly say that different Muslim regions follow different scholars, but the Saudi's have their hands in most of them. They control Mecca and fukk with the Shia that attempt to make pilgrimage. They use their oil money to advance Wahhabism to their neighbors and other Muslim lands. What started out as pure, is no longer pure. Wahhabi ideology has snaked its way into Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, etc. In todays world, the Saudis are dictating where your religion goes. Its the same for Christians and the Vatican though the Vatican has taken a back seat to civil law in the last century. When Muslims take back their religion from extremist interpretations, then people will relax with their justified fear of Sharia and jihad. I say justified because there are plenty of examples of egregious behavior from foreign and domestically born Muslims trying to implement their systems and beliefs in the western world. For the record, I don't fear Islam. If anything, Islam has been much kinder to my Jews throughout history but the current state of extremism in your religion is cause for alarm.