DangersOfTheLastDays:"In the last days people will only love themselves & their $.They will..."


Nov 19, 2013
Of course the bible isn't literal, but it dont stop people from picking and choosing what to follow to the letter anyway.

And name *anything* that isn't necessarily technologically obscure and its been done before.

You may say "Something is at an all time high" but thats bias. The world population is higher than its ever been, and less people are fighting in the middle of nowhere
to find out where their next meal is coming from. Things may seem to have a higher frequency because we are in the information age, and actions scale with
the population. Nothing in the quoted text hasn't been happening in perpetuity since Man showed up on this earth.

No, studies have shown these things. For example, people turning away from christianity is at an all time high. So is being ok with being a cheater or a side person, divorce, and people not wanting to get married and having such a negative view of it. There are a few other things.


Sep 2, 2014
No, studies have shown these things. For example, people turning away from christianity is at an all time high. So is being ok with being a cheater or a side person, divorce, and people not wanting to get married and having such a negative view of it. There are a few other things.
Studies tell us farting causes cancer, then tells us that it may in fact lower cancer risk. These things are to be taken with a grain of salt because they cant ask everybody, and some might
lie. Some may answer one way today, and a car accident tomorrow changes their mind. Taking a vote doesn't prove anything, cause in other parts of the world, people are gripping tighter to religion.

Cheating and side pieces?:dahell:Adultery, cheating, all that shyt is old as sin. What different is not that its "happening more", no, its just normalized. What was once a taboo is talked about
more freely. Even when it was frowned upon, it was more like "Don't get caught" not "don't do it."

As far as christianity, realize that in various times in history, professing a lack of belief was grounds to die. Hell, it still happens:francis: It is not necessarily more people turning away, so much as
more people not having to pretend they believed in the first place. Marraige has existed in many forms throughout history with various degrees of success, and the current incarnation
probably has much more to do with humans forcing monogomy, whereas a huge segment of the population would be better off in more casual pursuits if it didn't have societal consequences.

Remember, marriage and homeownership are HUGE drivers of economy. The idea of tying your commitment to government law is recent in the grand scheme of human history.