Depressed Coli breh frustrated over lack of Buns


Dec 15, 2019
Dude lives in a damn bubble.:snoop:

Sht is sad. Legit, all he has to do is get a haircut, better clothes, some Carmex lip balm; and a random Tuesday night broad at the local bar will choose him.:stopitslime:

The first 5 min was just him complaining about the women around him calling him an incel. Ive never even seen a real world woman launch that insult at a breh.:francis:


Aug 25, 2015
Why do these type of people not realize that there personality are trash?

Learn some fukking social skills

Sadly they have convinced themselves that women do not value good personalities or social skills.

They went on some internet confirmation-bias-binge and determined that "All women love a$$hole chads, so why should I be nice to women?"

A woman could tell them to their face that she only dates men who are kind to her and these guys would probably spit in her face :francis:


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
I can tell people didn’t watch the whole video like usual
Breh has some salient points
And you can see the introspection in his eyes churning
But he just can’t articulate it properly
People love saying these phrases don’t exist outside the internet
Bullshyt and you know it
Just because you don’t “magically” hear it in your “worldly” circle of friends
Doesn’t mean it’s not true
A lot of young black men are growing up now
With a lot of wild terms targeted at them for just existing
Not saying incel is one of them
But it’s a plethora of acronyms, brokies and other verbiage
Destroying young cats out here
I used to think cyber bullying was some fukk shyt reserved for the chicken hearted
But now really sitting back and seeing how
These kids now are indoctrinated into this cyber world
At a very young age
How technology is so advanced and woven into our everyday culture
I get it now
You can’t run from it
Even if you unplug
It’s a chance for you to go viral
Even without your knowledge
On some fukk shyt you had no control over
Sadly a lot of young men are seeing rhetoric by females
On all these platforms
Seeing courts destroy dudes either
First hand
Through media
And really starting to question why even deal with females
Let’s be reality
It’s a lot of females walking with their ass on their shoulders
Don’t have anything to offer at all
But expect a man to be fully realized
To have every duck in a row
Just to talk to them
People can act like this ain’t reality
But y’all in for a rude awakening
And don’t act like good brehs out here
That can easily get the yams
Are not questioning themselves outchea
When it comes to getting a quality chick

But of course this is thecoli
If you try to have real conversations on this subject
You are a woman hating, incel
The irony
Oct 22, 2017
Golden Era/Drama free Zone
I can tell people didn’t watch the whole video like usual
Breh has some salient points
And you can see the introspection in his eyes churning
But he just can’t articulate it properly
People love saying these phrases don’t exist outside the internet
Bullshyt and you know it
Just because you don’t “magically” hear it in your “worldly” circle of friends
Doesn’t mean it’s not true
A lot of young black men are growing up now
With a lot of wild terms targeted at them for just existing
Not saying incel is one of them
But it’s a plethora of acronyms, brokies and other verbiage
Destroying young cats out here
I used to think cyber bullying was some fukk shyt reserved for the chicken hearted
But now really sitting back and seeing how
These kids now are indoctrinated into this cyber world
At a very young age
How technology is so advanced and woven into our everyday culture
I get it now
You can’t run from it
Even if you unplug
It’s a chance for you to go viral
Even without your knowledge
On some fukk shyt you had no control over
Sadly a lot of young men are seeing rhetoric by females
On all these platforms
Seeing courts destroy dudes either
First hand
Through media
And really starting to question why even deal with females
Let’s be reality
It’s a lot of females walking with their ass on their shoulders
Don’t have anything to offer at all
But expect a man to be fully realized
To have every duck in a row
Just to talk to them
People can act like this ain’t reality
But y’all in for a rude awakening
And don’t act like good brehs out here
That can easily get the yams
Are not questioning themselves outchea
When it comes to getting a quality chick

But of course this is thecoli
If you try to have real conversations on this subject
You are a woman hating, incel
The irony

why do u type like you copy n pasted rap lyrics from
