Dr Marcus Garvey Jr. The Arab Slave Trade


Jun 4, 2012
@theworldismine13 So we are a naturally religious people?? The most religious people. So should you really be an atheist? J.A Rogers basically researched and taught us the most about our ancient history.. He obviously spoke about arab slavery, and disliked Christianity, but interesting enough he wasn't against Islam. James Baldwin was basically a militant atheist.. he hated religion. He was gay, so most of HL should relate to him... but he respected black muslim leaders in America for obvious reasons. It's about the empowerment of black people... not harping on the actions of others.

There were no Arabs in Africa before 659bc.. according to him. There was slavery in Africa prior to that.

The main thing I agree with M garvey jr. is that you can never trust a white person or historian when it comes to speaking about history, because they are coming from a paternalistic pov.

He doesn't speak to your point about slavery and technological advances. You made the claim that it was the African's fault for simply being inferior. I said they were not inferior, but simply less demonic. I feel that Garvy backs that point up because, we used bronze weapons.. even during the time period in which we used steel in other ways. We place our highest technology on agriculture and artistic culture, while other - nomadic and less advanced groups place the highest value on weapons development. To me that is the difference that change the world.... not that African's simply lacked in skill and advancement. All of those groups that sacked african civilizations - benefited from African culture and scientific advancement.
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Jun 4, 2012
This nikka stay telling black Muslims to change their arabic names.. while he keeps his Irish name. his justification for that is weak, imo


Jan 9, 2013
Chrys Escalade City
@theworldismine13 So we are a naturally religious people?? The most religious people. So should you really be an atheist? J.A Rogers basically researched and taught us the most about our ancient history.. He obviously spoke about arab slavery, and disliked Christianity, but interesting enough he wasn't against Islam. James Baldwin was basically a militant atheist.. he hated religion. He was gay, so most of HL should relate to him... but he respected black muslim leaders in America for obvious reasons. It's about the empowerment of black people... not harping on the actions of others.

There were no Arabs in Africa before 659bc.. according to him. There was slavery in Africa prior to that.

The main thing I agree with M garvey jr. is that you can never trust a white person or historian when it comes to speaking about history, because they are coming from a paternalistic pov.

He doesn't speak to your point about slavery and technological advances. You made the claim that it was the African's fault for simply being inferior. I said they were not inferior, but simply less demonic. I feel that Garvy backs that point up because, we used bronze weapons.. even during the time period in which we used steel in other ways. We place our highest technology on agriculture and artistic culture, while other - nomadic and less advanced groups place the highest value on weapons development. To me that is the difference that change the world.... not that African's simply lacked in skill and advancement. All of those groups that sacked african civilizations - benefited from African culture and scientific advancement.

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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
So we are a naturally religious people?? The most religious people. So should you really be an atheist? J.A Rogers basically researched and taught us the most about our ancient history.. He obviously spoke about arab slavery, and disliked Christianity, but interesting enough he wasn't against Islam. James Baldwin was basically a militant atheist.. he hated religion. He was gay, so most of HL should relate to him... but he respected black muslim leaders in America for obvious reasons. It's about the empowerment of black people... not harping on the actions of others.

im not really sure what you are taking about, i dont particpate in any of the religion or homosexuality threads, so i dont know why you are trying to start things about that

i think religion and sexuality are personal things that fall under individual freedom and therefore every person should decide for themselves, so i respect people's rights to observe their religion or be homos

what i have a problem with is what you were trying to do which is spread lies saying muslims were the only ones that stood up to slavery or any suggestions that islam is more suited to black people or that islam has any type of moral superiority over christianity

There were no Arabs in Africa before 659bc.. according to him. There was slavery in Africa prior to that.

that isnt what he said, its AD not BC, and he said there was slavery before that

the egyptians had slaves so obviously there was slavery in africa before the arabs or europeans

The main thing I agree with M garvey jr. is that you can never trust a white person or historian when it comes to speaking about history, because they are coming from a paternalistic pov.

He doesn't speak to your point about slavery and technological advances. You made the claim that it was the African's fault for simply being inferior. I said they were not inferior, but simply less demonic. I feel that Garvy backs that point up because, we used bronze weapons.. even during the time period in which we used steel in other ways. We place our highest technology on agriculture and artistic culture, while other - nomadic and less advanced groups place the highest value on weapons development. To me that is the difference that change the world.... not that African's simply lacked in skill and advancement. All of those groups that sacked african civilizations - benefited from African culture and scientific advancement.

garvey said exactly what i said which is that the reason why there was slavery in africa and why we allowed it to happen is because there was already slavery in africa and africans fell behind technologically

this stuff about technology in agriculture vs weapons is bullshyt and garvey never said anything about that, so i assume its more lies that you are making up unless you provide a source for those assertions


Jun 4, 2012
im not really sure what you are taking about, i dotn particpate in any of the religion or homosexuality threads, so i dont know why you are tryign to start things about that

i think religion and sexuality are personal things that fall under individual freedom and therefore every person should decide for themselves, i respect people rights to observe there religion

what i have a problem with is what you were trying to do which is spread lies saying muslims were the only ones that stood up to slavery or any suggestions that islam is more suited to black people or that islam has any type of moral superiorty over christianity
I never spread lies about Muslims.. black Muslims did stand up for most of our oppressive history, including today.

I never said what is more suited for black people, other than controlling resources.
that isnt what he said, its AD not BC, and he said there was slavery before that

the egyptians had slaves so obviously there was slavery in africa before the arabs or europeans

garvey said exactly what i said which is that the reason why there was slavery in africa and why we allowed it to happen is because there was already slavery in africa and africans fell behind technologically

this stuff about technology in agriculture vs weapons is bullshyt and garvey never said anything about that, so i assume its more lies that you are making up unless you provide a source for those assertions

He didn't say Africans fell behind and that's the reason..... We didn't fall behind technologically and we didn't Allow slavery to happen. go back and watch ur video, then read my comments on it. Source is history.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I never spread lies about Muslims.. black Muslims did stand up for most of our oppressive history, including today.

you went further than that, you said that muslims were the only ones that stood up to slavery and the only ones that stood up to oppression, which is a lie, the vast majority of black people that stood up to slavery and oppression were christian

black muslims in fact participated in the slave trade themselves from the beginning

100 Amazing Facts About the Negro: Slaves Who Won Their Freedom
And, as the historian John Thornton explained to me, "he was a religious cleric who, like so many other Africans at the time, sold people as slaves, along with [selling] other things, as a way of participating in the international economy of his day, as an incidental element of his life."

so there is nothing special about black muslims throughout the slave trade or through oppression periods, that is a lie that you are making up

I never said what is more suited for black people, other than controlling resources.

islam is not more suited for black people in any way shape or form, anybody that suggests that is lying

He didn't say Africans fell behind and that's the reason..... go back and watch ur video, then read my comments on it.

at 1:16 he starts saying the reasons why we allowed it to happen, 1 of them was that slavery was acceptable and another one was that there was a technological gap, he says this at 1:20

Source is history.

you have no sources, all you have is a bunch of arab lies you heard at the mosque


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I'm not arab... I'm a black person living in America...

i didnt say you were arab, what i said is that you are a black person living in america that follows an arab religion

and arabs are people that enslaved and committed genocide against black people



Jun 4, 2012

It's not like I don't follow Garvey.. I tried to watch this Garvey Jr. Before but he makes invalid arguments and points.

He forces square shyt to fit his view. He wants to make the case that Arabs are white people who enslaved Africans, he wants to say that Africans were the fiercest warriors.... by saying that Arabs took about Europe but couldn't take Africa for 900 years. Well, he's wrong. I don't think it's correct that it was only white arabs that were in Spain and France... there were blacks and Arabs.

Also advanced weapons aren't the standard that determines an advanced society. Those African nations had culture, science, and technology that rivaled and surpassed less civilized groups that were able to take them over. Your pov is like saying a Lion is smarter than a Chimp. That's just not the case.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It's not like I don't follow Garvey.. I tried to watch this Garvey Jr. Before but he makes invalid arguments and points.

He forces square shyt to fit his view. He wants to make the case that Arabs are white people who enslaved Africans, he wants to say that Africans were the fiercest warriors.... by saying that Arabs took about Europe but couldn't take Africa for 900 years. Well, he's wrong. I don't think it's correct that it was only white arabs that were in Spain and France... there were blacks and Arabs.

he doesnt say arabs are white people, he said arabs are asians but either way what is the significance of saying that black and arabs took over spain? that is trivial information, maybe at the mosque you were told that that is something significant but i dont see what that has to do with anything

what does that have to do with muslims participating in enslaving and genocide of black people? how does that show that islam is more suitable for black people?

Also advanced weapons aren't the standard that determines an advanced society. Those African nations had culture, science, and technology that rivaled and surpassed less civilized groups that were able to take them over. Your pov is like saying a Lion is smarter than a Chimp. That's just not the case.

you can measure society any way you want to measure it

but my point is that in terms of science and technology the africans fell behind and they had inferior weapons

and the africans did not have science and technology that rivaled and surpassed the arabs or the europeans, that is point blank false, there was a technology gap that allowed the arab and european to take advantage

but anyways, in another thread you were trying to front like you were the young marcus garvey, im posting this video to expose that you are not


Jun 4, 2012
he doesnt say arabs are white people, he said arabs are asians but either way what is the significance of saying that black and arabs took over spain? that is trivial information, maybe at the mosque you were told that that is something significant but i dont see what that has to do with anything

what does that have to do with muslims participating in enslaving and genocide of black people? how does that show that islam is more suitable for black people?
He said... arabs asians whites--- all of the same stock. I just don't agree.
The fact that those people took over spain was a point made in a Video You posted up... now it's trivial because I corrected his mistakes and falsehoods about that situation??
you can measure society any way you want to measure it

but my point is that in terms of science and technology the africans fell behind and they had inferior weapons

and the africans did not have science and technology that rivaled and surpassed the arabs or the europeans, that is point blank false, there was a technology gap that allowed the arab and european to take advantage
The Africans didn't have inferior anything. People apply science and technologies to different areas. African nations traded coins, materials, and knowledge with China and the rest of Asia.. both continents learn from each other. Cultural complexities are also factors in society. IF violence and ability to kill is the standard that you go by... then I'm Far superior than you probably ever will be. However, I don't go by those standards. Garvey Jr. said right in the video.. blacks were up to par in science and technology... they just used a different material for weapons.. that made the difference.

The US could wipe Japan off the map.. which nation is more advanced technologically?

but anyways, in another thread you were trying to front like you were the young marcus garvey, im posting this video to expose that you are not

I'm not the young 'anyone' except my beautiful self... in that thread I just pointed out... POV wise, you would be the NAACP I would be the UNIA