Draymond thinks earth could be flat

The Blackout

F-ck Da Mods
Dec 7, 2016
so can anyone find ancient people referring to the earth as being round or spherical? or is this just another one of those theories that comes out the Cac mind?

you got some people still believing in hell and heaven, hell the map that we even look at today is distorted for complete deceptive purposes (see Jane Elliott).

I just find it hilarious that every one is who so call smart believe the earth is round has no possible way of knowing other than referencing gravity which they would also tell you Newton invented. But what if I told you that there is still land yet not been discovered and the same people who got y'all believing the world is a ball of water set in law that you can't go dwelling (see Antarctic Treaty).

It's funny hearing so call smart people calling other people dumb for questioning shxt that seems illogical yet you guys provide no proof other than your Euro centered education. :stopitslime:


May 1, 2012
so can anyone find ancient people referring to the earth as being round or spherical? or is this just another one of those theories that comes out the Cac mind?

you got some people still believing in hell and heaven, hell the map that we even look at today is distorted for complete deceptive purposes (see Jane Elliott).

I just find it hilarious that every one is who so call smart believe the earth is round has no possible way of knowing other than referencing gravity which they would also tell you Newton invented. But what if I told you that there is still land yet not been discovered and the same people who got y'all believing the world is a ball of water set in law that you can't go dwelling (see Antarctic Treaty).

It's funny hearing so call smart people calling other people dumb for questioning shxt that seems illogical yet you guys provide no proof other than your Euro centered education. :stopitslime:

Africans actually figured out that the earth was round. It was cacs who thought otherwise :snooze:
May 1, 2012
206 & 734
List of institutions of higher education in the state of Michigan, in order of prestige
  • Michigan
  • Eastern Michigan
  • Wayne state
  • Western Michigan
  • Oakland U
  • Michigan tech
  • Central michigan
  • Iona
  • Concordia
  • Grand Valley State
  • U of D mercy
  • Lake Superior state
  • Saginaw Valley State
  • Northern Michigan
  • Kettering
  • Schoolcraft
  • Ferris State
  • Calvin College
  • Albion
  • Baker college
  • Aquinas
  • Hillsdale college
  • Hope college
  • Madonna
  • Lawrence college
  • Washtenaw Community College
  • Wayne county community college
  • Malcolmb county community college
  • Grand Rapids Community College
  • Prison education initiative - Jackson State Prison
  • Michigan State
  • Ohio state online while living in michigan

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Ways to tell that the Earth is round without needing to trust scientists:

1) Where da fukk do you think the sun goes when it appears and disappears? Over the edge of the Earth? If the Earth were flat, it would disappear at the same time for everyone. But you can call your friend in Chicago while you in LA, and you can KNOW the sun disappearing over the horizon at a different time for the two of you. That only possible if there's a curve to disappear around.

2) There's a horizon in the ocean - you can only see the sea level for 3 miles if you're standing on the shore or on a boat at ocean level. But when something like a large boat or high island is coming you can see it from further... and you see the top first. How the hell you see the top of the boat first if the Earth flat?

3) The higher something is, the further away you can see it. That is only possible if the Earth were round - if it were flat, then being higher wouldn't allow you to see it from any further unless there was something in the way. If the ocean flat, then nothing in the way. And this ain't an issue of your eyes - get yourself the most powerful telescope in the world, you still can't see past the horizon.

4) The horizon effect works the opposite way too - the higher up you go, the further you see. Get 300 feet off the ground, on a big building or a hill, you can see 20 miles now instead of just three. Get up in a mountain or on a plane, you see a hundred miles. Stand at the ocean in LA, you can't see Catalina. Stand up on a cliff, you see it much easier. HOW this possible if Earth ain't curved?

5) That "flat Earth map" is DEAD wrong for the entire Southern Hemisphere. All the distances are waaaay off, because a circle around the round Earth gets smaller and smaller closer to Antarctica, while the map has it getting bigger. Literally EVERY route that every plane and ship travels in the Southern Hemisphere is wrong on the flat earth map.

6) In fact, literally every pilot in existence has a daily experience of multiple principles of the Earth being round. So do most long-distance sailors. You're relying on a conspiracy involving ALL of them, tens of millions of people lying to you.

7) On top of that, there are 70 countries with space programs, 13 of which can launch, places as different as USA and Japan, China and Europe, India and Iran. Hundreds of thousands more people in the conspiracy?

8) Time zones. Only possible on a curved Earth.

9) Lunar eclipse. What the hell is that big round shape casting a shadow on the moon, if not the Earth?

10) There's like 10 science experiments you can do to prove a round Earth and even estimate the size, but if you don't believe all the shyt I just listed you can see with your eyes, then science experiments prolly beyond you.

You don't have to "trust the scientists" to figure out the Earth ain't flat. There a dozen ways to do it yourself if you think about it.
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