Education alone can’t solve America’s racial wealth gap

Jan 10, 2013
Earlier this month, the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the Selma voting rights marches. While much has changed since, racial wealth gaps have persisted over the past 30 years and even grown since the Great Recession. Today the richest 10 percent of white families own 65.1 percent of the nation’s wealth.

In a new report (PDF), Brandeis University’s Institute for Assets and Social Policy (IASP) and Demos, a progressive think tank where I work as a researcher, investigate what it would take to close this gap. The report concludes that racial disparities in wealth are driven by public policy decisions and calls for “racially aware policies” that could help reduce America’s rising wealth inequality. This includes eliminating disparities in homeownership rates, college graduation and the return on a college degree as well as the wealth return on income.

Conservatives and centrist commentators often present college education as a near panacea to reduce the racial wealth gap. But the Demos/IASP report challenges this claim. It found that increasing graduation rates would reduce the wealth disparity between black and white people by only 1 percent and between Latinos and whites by 3 percent. There are many possible reasons for this. For one, students of color take out more in student loans than white students. The debt burden detracts from wealth-building opportunities over a graduate’s lifetime. In addition, people of color are less likely to get into the most selective schools and face discrimination in labor markets after graduation. As a result, black and Latino students do not reap the same gains from a college education as their white counterparts.

In fact, race is a far greater determiner of wealth than education. As Demos blogger Matt Bruenig pointed out last year, black college graduates have less wealth than white high school dropouts. Using a new model called the racial wealth audit, Demos/IASP researchers found that the racial wealth gap between white and black families would be reduced 10 percent if the returns on college education could be equalized. But that’s not nearly enough to close the divide.


Bruenig’s previous research found that blacks and Latinos in the same income brackets have less wealth than whites. The Demos/IASP report confirms these findings: Black and Latino households with similar income distribution as whites would still face a substantial wealth gap. Eliminating income gaps would reduce the wealth gap by only 11 percent for black people and 9 percent for Latinos. Among black households, the average family would own $92,545 less wealth than an average white family. The average Latino family would own $94,033 less wealth than the average white family. This is because income distribution only tells part of the story. The remaining gap can be explained, in part, by the differences in opportunities to turn wages and salaries into wealth.

Controlling for the differential returns on every dollar of income shows a far greater effect on wealth disparity. In fact, for every $1 that accrues to black families with an increase in income, white families earn $4.06. For every $1 in wealth for additional income to Latinos, white families earn $5.37. The racial wealth audit shows that equalizing the return on income could reduce the wealth gap with white households by 43 percent for black households and by 50 percent for Latino households. But black and Latino families earning the same incomes as white families will still have only half the wealth.

It may be surprising to those who think that racial equity depends on equal opportunities in the labor market alone. But it’s important to remember that income is a flow, while wealth is a stock. White families have been building up wealth for centuries, thanks in part to the enslavement of black people and discrimination against blacks and Latinos, who were excluded from those gains.

A 2004 paper from economists Maury Gittleman and Edward Wolff provides some hint as to why income equity cannot solve the racial wealth gap. After controlling for income and with a similar return on capital, the authors found that black families save at the same rate as whites. Previous IASP research corroborates their findings (PDF). Differences in wealth outcomes are explained by factors such as inheritance, home ownership and unemployment.

As shown in the chart above, in another study (PDF), Wolff and Gittleman demonstrate that black and Latino families are far less likely to receive wealth transfers and that when they do, they tend to be smaller. Wealth transfers include inheritances and tax reductions, which disproportionately benefit white people. In fact, wealth transfers are the most unequal aspect of the wealth disparity. The Gini coefficient, the most common measure of inequality, runs from 0 (in which all wealth transfers are equal) to 1 (in which one household receives all wealth transfers). In 2007 the Gini of wealth transfers (primarily inheritances) was 0.961, compared with a 0.489 posttax and transfer Gini of income in the same year (PDF). That is, the distribution of wealth transfers is twice as unequal as the distribution of income. Even when households that did not receive a wealth transfer are excluded from the analysis, the Gini is still at 0.814. That means nearly all the wealth transfers in the U.S. go to a small group of people at the top.

The Demos/IASP report also shows the deficiency in the way millennials understand race in the United States. This is worrying given the fact that the millennial generation is often said to be postracial. Millennials are more likely to believe that racial disparities should be allowed to correct themselves than their parents are. In many ways, their views align with those of conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who in 2007 argued, “The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” However, it ignores the effects of history and how wealth replicates itself. In his pioneering book “The Son Also Rises,”historian Gregory Clark notes that:

Groups that seem to persist in low or high status, such as the black and the Jewish populations in the United States, are not exceptions to a general rule of higher intergenerational mobility. They are experiencing the same universal rates of slow intergenerational mobility as the rest of the population. Their visibility, combined with a mistaken impression of rapid social mobility in the majority population, makes them seem like an exception to a rule. They are instead the exemplary of the rule of low rates of social mobility.

Clark found that the residual effects of family wealth remain for 10 to 15 generations. A family’s wealth cache simply won’t go away without dramatic changes.

Even more concerning, the notion that racial inequality can take care of itself is not only embraced by white millennials but also by millennials of color (though to a lesser extent). This means that the institutionalized structural barriers to racial equity are not receiving enough attention. Many Americans fail to understand how much more unequally wealth and financial assets are distributed than income.

To parrot Roberts, the best way to reduce the racial wealth gap is to reduce the racial wealth gap — not simply to increase access to education or income. Policies that bolster home ownership — the leading wealth asset for most middle-class families — and those that reduce neighborhood segregation will do far more to close the wealth gap than changes in education. Other progressive ideas such as a baby bond program, which establishes wealth-building opportunities for those who have been excluded from them in the past, could substantially reduce wealth gaps.

Deeply entrenched wealth disparity is the product of history. Eliminating it entails reckoning with history as well as robust public policy reform. Ideological commitments to equality of opportunity without policy action won’t be enough.

This piece originally appeared on Al Jazeera.
Follow the link for sources, too.


Jun 8, 2012
anyone who thought otherwise was naive .

Reparations is needed moreso than anything else. While also stopping the current continual process of racism white supremacy.

You give black folks their money, then some education, stop jailing every other brotha for sneezing. and we just might have a shot. but unitl then. everything else is a band-aid.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
anyone who thought otherwise was naive .

Reparations is needed moreso than anything else. While also stopping the current continual process of racism white supremacy.

You give black folks their money, then some education, stop jailing every other brotha for sneezing. and we just might have a shot. but unitl then. everything else is a band-aid.
What would you like to see given as reparations?


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Reparations is the only solution

You'll come around to it one day, I did :yeshrug:

A Real Human Bean

and a real hero
Feb 17, 2013
Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis argued this quite convincingly in Schooling in Capitalist America, published in 1976. They basically explained that the best predictor of future wealth is the wealth of your parents.

As things are now, I don't think it's a gap that will be closed any time soon. A task of that magnitude is going to require a fundamental reorganization of society.


All Star
May 6, 2012
Yeah reparations in the form of free college and low interest loans on homes and business would be a great start. I definitely don't think they should just cut a bunch of checks, that wouldn't last long. I think putting a hard stop on cops and courts attacking blacks would do the most for us in the near future.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
This thread is giving me some deja vu. :patrice:

But I agree, income and education aren't close to being the primary causes of the wealth gap. Consider a black person coming out of college and a white person coming out of college. For comparison sake we'll even say the same college -

  • White grad is likely to get a higher paying job regardless of degree and is less likely to go through a long period of unemployment. This is due to whites tending to have more social/familial connections to people in power, more likely to live in an area with more job opportunities, and face much less discrimination in the job market.
  • White grad is also more likely to have the resources to relocate to an area with a better job market
  • Black grad is likely to have taken out more money in student loans and is likely to be in more debt than the white grad, who is more likely to have had help from family with paying for college
  • White grad is much, much, much, much more likely to get some sort of inheritance/passed down wealth (house, money, etc.) than the black grad
  • Black grad, once he/she does get a job, is not only less likely to receive any sort of inheritance than the white grad, but is much more likely to have to support struggling family members (ie. parents, siblings, etc.) or at least let them borrow money. So wealth actually flows from child-to-parent rather than parent-to-child as it tends to in white families.
  • Black grad is less likely to become a homeowner for various reasons, and if he/she does it tends to be at a much older age and in a more segregated neighborhood with less property value. Before that the grad would be much more likely to rent.
  • Black grad is more likely to have to expend time/money on some bullshyt court case (ie. got caught with some weed) than white grad
  • Black grad is less likely to have insurance, and is thus at greater risk of financial hardship due to unexpected illness

BTW, all of the above is from personal experience, observing the situations of me and my friends after we got out of college. :manny:

I don't know what the solution is. The idea of reparations strikes me as pretty unrealistic tho.


Jun 8, 2012
What would you like to see given as reparations?
MONEY. CASH bruh. cold hard CASH. we can start talking about the other stuff later.

and before yall start assuming the hood boogers would just blow all of it on strip clubs and hair weaves. Not so fast. Most people would eventually use that windfall of money to by things they NEED. Sure there will be some splurging but guess what if you give pretty much anyone a windfall they will splurge. dont think broke folks are not human like the rest of us. and that article was recently out and may have been posted here with the statistical proof to back this up that whats needed the most is cold hard cash.

now after we get that loot.

then we can talk about a scenario where black people have 2 things when it comes to higher education.
#1 They can go to any school they choose(up to a certain limit. say for instance the US pop of black folks is 16% i dont feel like looking so dont quote me on that. So a school can choose to set a max black folks pop at 16% of their student body. meaning any black person can go there up to 16% if thats what the school sets as their limit. some schools(black ones) wont have a limit. yes this means as long as you have a GED/High school diploma you can go to college. no SAT's necessary. i dont care what people think about what would happen. doesnt matter to me that millions would flunk out. SO WHAT. There will be a lot of diamonds found among those drop outs. that would've never had a shot otherwise.

#2 Junior college is 100% free for black students(some think it should be free for all. i'm fine with that too). There should be top level state schools country wide that offer their exact same course work/majors 100% online(no excuses its 2015. ) And these courses are unlimited to black folks who would like to take these classes. they are also at a 50% discounted rate for black folks. All text books needed are reduced to 50% for black students(higher taxes for white folks would help pay for all of this). thats what you get for not letting us read.

the truth of the matter is for the current youth we will have to fix k-12. but thats too long of a discussion right now. if we do that then #1 and #2 wont sound so outrages and such a waste to some people.

Now i would say this, you do need to pass a course on basic economics and finance in order to continue receiving your Rep checks. meaning the first lumpsum check of a huge amt you wont need to do a thing. but after that to keep getting your checks. you need to take these two courses. They will talk about simple supply and demand, simple economics, capitalism, real estate. how to start a business, how to lease the building/land, etc. the basics. how to save. other ways to invest etc. etc. credit card debt blah blah blah.

now since we're off of education

next up is business loans or home loans, car loans. dept store cards, credit cards. They can never give black folks cards/loans higher than say a 10% rate. no matter how bad their credit is. no excuses. should not have treated us like ish for centuries. paid for by white folks tax dollars. and whatever the going business loan rate is for rich white folks. thats the normal rate it has to be on average for black folks regardless of their income status or creditworthiness.

next up Jailing nuggas. this is simple STOP IT. stop jailing nuggas for silly drug offenses. but this is already being talked about but just in more of a general sense.

and dont just stop putting dudes in jail. let the other dudes out that went in for nonsense. or the black crack dealers that were serving longer sentences then their white counter parts that sold coke and other drugs.

and dont just let them out. put them in programs to force them to get a Ged/HS diploma and choose a trade or to go to the university. their choice. after that once the program is done. when they get out. their records are wiped clean in all systems. Now if you're a nucca who was arrested for stealing. you still will have stealing on your record. but if you small amts of drugs or if you used drugs. its gone. stealers have to be watched since they may have an issue with stealing things. drug dealers are salesmen. there's a difference. killers sorry still locked up.

oh and they have to Run DNA testing on every single black person convicted of a violent crime(rape/murder/etc) that is currently in jail or on death row. and they have to listen to atleast one appeal based on the dna evidence if something new comes up. again. no excuses (you shouldnt have been making us modern day slaves in your prison industrial complex). this will also be paid for by white tax dollars.

this is a good enough start to get the ball rolling.


Jun 8, 2012
Yeah reparations in the form of free college and low interest loans on homes and business would be a great start. I definitely don't think they should just cut a bunch of checks, that wouldn't last long. I think putting a hard stop on cops and courts attacking blacks would do the most for us in the near future.
actually cutting a bunch of checks is just what the doctor ordered. you thinking otherwise is because we have all been brainwashed and conditioned to believe broke people only buy rims and gold chains/weaves and jordans.

yes they buy those things just like middle class people purchase all sorts of crap they dont need. the difference is other classes have more money to BLOW.

what i'm saying is this. If you gave hoodies a million in cash. they would not all go broke in a years time. a lot wouldnt go broke. some would. and even when those that go broke, goes broke. they would be out of debt, and they would have things that they paid for out right that they actually own. that is not the case right now.

so even some lotto winning hoodie that moved out to the burbs. has a house thats paid for(granted he has to keep them taxes up or else) and he probably has 2 cars that are paid for. where as before he won the lotto he was living some where renting it. he was paying a monthly on his car