Ever Had a Chick/Dude Do Some Grimey Shyt to Make You Jealous?


Sep 10, 2015
I've had chicks do the usual flirt with another dude in front of me but that shyt never worked and made me go :yeshrug:.

But I remember when I was dating this one chick in college and we were planning on going to one of our school's football games. She texted a couple times about how she was bringing her guy friend and doing it in a way to try to make me jealous. I told her straight up cool and that I don't care. I didn't think anything of it because one of the games we went to before, her friends were there (both guys and girls).

So when the day comes and I meet her and dude up at the game I see dude is a brother and I'm thinking in my mind "No this bytch didn't :martin:". I thought it was one of the white dudes I met from one of the previous games we went to. I kept my cool though. Now I could tell right off the bat dude was a simp and deep in the friendzone. Dude was whining to her in a whiney ass voice about how he didn't want to be there. I'm thinking in my mind ":dahell:why the fukk are you here then?!". Anyways, she's standing between us and I wasn't about to give this chick what she wanted so I started asking dude questions and we started kicking it throughout the entire game. He was a cool cat outside of being a simp and all. She would also purposely give this dude more attention than she was giving me, but I'm just paying attention to the game.

When she saw that we were having fun kicking it you could tell she ain't like it cause of the expression on her face :russ::pachaha::bryan:.

I wasn't intimidated by the dude at all though cause I was taller, better looking and dude had all types of acne scars all over his face. But when we were leaving I noticed this nikka was swole than a muhfukka. He was wearing a sweatshirt so I ain't really notice before. They left together cause they live on the same campus, and I just got to thinking "What if they go back to her dorm and he starts beating the brakes off her? :damn:".

When I got back to my place I was just thinking about it all, how I lost respect for her on some level cause of it and how dude must feel that he got used by this chick he in the friend zone with to make another dude jealous.

Personally, I'm not a jealous type of brother and if a chick tries to make me jealous ima check her on it and not the dude. If I remember right I think I told her to stop trying to make me jealous and that it isn't working. She still continued but stopped shortly after.

Share some stories coli brehs and brehettes. :feedme: