Every Day of My Life Since 11-2-74


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Personality of this way...
Those born during the Way of Inspiration use their naturally expressive energies to give rise to a unique form of creativity. They are gifted with a facility of mind that manifests itself in a quick wit, the enjoyment of language, and technical proficiency. It is their task to put these skills to some extraordinary and productive use, to put their ideas into action so that they may contribute something original to the world. They must learn to hear their inner voice of inspiration, their intuition, and to act upon it. When it speaks to them, they know it in their hearts, and it is for this that they truly live. Feeling spirit moving through them, they become their most authentic and are best able to ignore their ego’s demands.

To accomplish this rather lofty aim, they must learn how to become a channel for ideas or creativity that is greater than themselves. This level of inspiration comes from only one place: they must learn how to communicate directly with the divine. Ultimately, they will never feel fully satisfied or happy until they find a way to do so. Gifted as they are, they may churn out all that they know over and over again, doing everything the same old way. However, it is their fate to express new or possibly untried approaches, whether in the arts, politics, education, or even simple everyday tasks; for example, when fixing the plumbing or mending an article of clothing. A truly inspired thought is the one never before experienced.

The trouble is that they tend to be very restless, hardly able to contain themselves, much less sit still. They have a tremendous need for physical activity. For these folks there appears to be a direct correlation between satisfying their need for physicality and staying quiet long enough for their minds or hearts to be filled with creative information. If they are ever to open themselves to inspiration, they must learn to center and ground themselves—that is, to be quiet. Whatever their inspirational process may be—whether meditation, prayer, walking in nature, or simply quiet contemplation before embarking on a project—it is important for them to find one. Sometimes this may require setting up routines or set times for exercise programs such as jogging, swimming, yoga, or tai chi to help them stay centered or when they need to break through their creative blocks or barriers.

Given that they have a tendency to bore easily and never stick to anything, a danger exists that they may be content merely to copy others or otherwise be derivative in their thinking. Brilliant at imitation, they may take this route rather than digging to find or express true originality. Though it can be argued that much of the creative process lies in derivation, should they engage in their talent for imitation only to produce a derivative end result, they will suffer from it as their inner voice will always whisper the truth. A pitfall here is the innate confidence that they have in their ability to express themselves in writing, speech, or body movement. Because of this facility, they may opt for the path of least resistance and be satisfied with their most superficial efforts—which, it should be noted, usually impress others—or spend more time talking about what they could do with some of their more inspired ideas rather than actually putting them to some productive use. A good strategy could be initiating a project using ideas from other sources and then formulating a new way to use them, look at them, or present them so that imitation becomes the springboard for a unique contribution in a field or creative endeavor.

Unfortunately, because they have such a strong need for recognition, these individuals may revel in their more obvious talents and not really push their striking originality to its outer limits out of fear of rejection. Their greatest fear is that their unusual personalities will be unpalatable to others or will be written off as peculiar. Thus, they often wrap their true feelings inside elaborate deceptions that frequently involve not telling the truth or stretching it beyond acceptable limits. Their attempts to craft the way others view them are based in a deep-seated sense of chronically being misunderstood or unfairly criticized. In this way, their talent for dissembling can work against their gaining greater artistic rewards. Taking gambles and daring to fail are vital if these individuals are to reach the peak of their creative expression. They face the task of learning to trust their inner genius enough to present themselves to the world as they are.

Career and romance are the two main areas in which their life challenges are likely to play out. In both areas, they can be tremendously inspirational to others, colleagues and lovers alike—even though at work, due to their confidence and love of freedom, they may have great difficulty dealing with powerful individuals whom they perceive as wanting to make decisions for them or control them.

To be successful, they must learn about compromise and cooperation. Rejection is extremely difficult for them to handle, as are most forms of criticism. Both of these facts indicate that their self-confidence may not run as deep as they think it does. When they are able to let bouts of envy and other negativity slip away without provoking a reaction, they will know they have come a bit further in their journey.

A curious blend of introvert and extrovert, they often lead an incredibly private personal life while at the same time shamelessly flaunting their ideas, talents, clothes, or good looks before the world. Not surprisingly, others often do not see them as they really are. Many view them as wholly unique characters, entertaining and lively if not complete originals. As gregarious as they appear to be, they may possess a dark, moody side, one that is readily apparent to the friends, family, and lovers who successfully penetrate their shield. They have tumultuous personalities, and their feelings cry out for expression. One challenge is to learn to control their very short emotional fuse and tendency to explode in anger. Should their energies be frittered away in egotistic and indulgent displays of emotion, they will lose a marvelous opportunity for insight and self-discovery.

Socially, they frequently make a strict separation between their public and personal life. Such a split is not objectionable in itself, but it may be prompted by fear or shame, a desire to hide a secret life, or an inability to make a connection between personal and social matters. Not infrequently, they attract and are attracted to troubled individuals, who may be projections of the emotional elements of their own internal struggle. Passionate feelings are no stranger to them, and by grappling with the problems of their stormy lovers, they frequently become sidetracked from their creative endeavors.

Although inspiring to others and inspired by them in turn, they must learn that what is best for them is a steady dose of self-inspiration. The process of looking inward for such a source—and ultimately finding it—is their real reward. Neither rejection nor recognition is sufficient to give meaning to their life, since they come from outside and not from a living, vital source within. Feeling peculiar, misunderstood, irresponsible, or disorganized may be the product of old scripts that have been playing since childhood. Rooting out this negativity, much like weeding a garden, is essential to their health. Flatterers, hangerson and admirers are the worse kind of companions for them.

Much like Hans Christian Andersen’s ugly duckling, what those born during the Way of Inspiration really need is to find an accurate selfimage. As long as they rely on the observations and values of others, they are likely to flounder. However, by unlocking their internal mystery, freeing themselves in peace and quiet to hear the call of their spirit, and finding out who they really are, they will succeed in allowing their creativity to be fully, rather than only partially, expressed. Paradoxically, when they finally forget about trying to achieve popularity and success and begin to look within, it is precisely at this time that they begin to truly inspire others to admire them. But by then it’s too late, and their unique creative achievement is all they really need.
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Inspect Her Deck

Skins of all colours come together as brothers
Dec 14, 2015
ersonality of this way...
Those born during the Way of Inspiration use their naturally expressive energies to give rise to a unique form of creativity. They are gifted with a facility of mind that manifests itself in a quick wit, the enjoyment of language, and technical proficiency. It is their task to put these skills to some extraordinary and productive use, to put their ideas into action so that they may contribute something original to the world. They must learn to hear their inner voice of inspiration, their intuition, and to act upon it. When it speaks to them, they know it in their hearts, and it is for this that they truly live. Feeling spirit moving through them, they become their most authentic and are best able to ignore their ego’s demands.

To accomplish this rather lofty aim, they must learn how to become a channel for ideas or creativity that is greater than themselves. This level of inspiration comes from only one place: they must learn how to communicate directly with the divine. Ultimately, they will never feel fully satisfied or happy until they find a way to do so. Gifted as they are, they may churn out all that they know over and over again, doing everything the same old way. However, it is their fate to express new or possibly untried approaches, whether in the arts, politics, education, or even simple everyday tasks; for example, when fixing the plumbing or mending an article of clothing. A truly inspired thought is the one never before experienced.

The trouble is that they tend to be very restless, hardly able to contain themselves, much less sit still. They have a tremendous need for physical activity. For these folks there appears to be a direct correlation between satisfying their need for physicality and staying quiet long enough for their minds or hearts to be filled with creative information. If they are ever to open themselves to inspiration, they must learn to center and ground themselves—that is, to be quiet. Whatever their inspirational process may be—whether meditation, prayer, walking in nature, or simply quiet contemplation before embarking on a project—it is important for them to find one. Sometimes this may require setting up routines or set times for exercise programs such as jogging, swimming, yoga, or tai chi to help them stay centered or when they need to break through their creative blocks or barriers.

Given that they have a tendency to bore easily and never stick to anything, a danger exists that they may be content merely to copy others or otherwise be derivative in their thinking. Brilliant at imitation, they may take this route rather than digging to find or express true originality. Though it can be argued that much of the creative process lies in derivation, should they engage in their talent for imitation only to produce a derivative end result, they will suffer from it as their inner voice will always whisper the truth. A pitfall here is the innate confidence that they have in their ability to express themselves in writing, speech, or body movement. Because of this facility, they may opt for the path of least resistance and be satisfied with their most superficial efforts—which, it should be noted, usually impress others—or spend more time talking about what they could do with some of their more inspired ideas rather than actually putting them to some productive use. A good strategy could be initiating a project using ideas from other sources and then formulating a new way to use them, look at them, or present them so that imitation becomes the springboard for a unique contribution in a field or creative endeavor.

Unfortunately, because they have such a strong need for recognition, these individuals may revel in their more obvious talents and not really push their striking originality to its outer limits out of fear of rejection. Their greatest fear is that their unusual personalities will be unpalatable to others or will be written off as peculiar. Thus, they often wrap their true feelings inside elaborate deceptions that frequently involve not telling the truth or stretching it beyond acceptable limits. Their attempts to craft the way others view them are based in a deep-seated sense of chronically being misunderstood or unfairly criticized. In this way, their talent for dissembling can work against their gaining greater artistic rewards. Taking gambles and daring to fail are vital if these individuals are to reach the peak of their creative expression. They face the task of learning to trust their inner genius enough to present themselves to the world as they are.

Career and romance are the two main areas in which their life challenges are likely to play out. In both areas, they can be tremendously inspirational to others, colleagues and lovers alike—even though at work, due to their confidence and love of freedom, they may have great difficulty dealing with powerful individuals whom they perceive as wanting to make decisions for them or control them.

To be successful, they must learn about compromise and cooperation. Rejection is extremely difficult for them to handle, as are most forms of criticism. Both of these facts indicate that their self-confidence may not run as deep as they think it does. When they are able to let bouts of envy and other negativity slip away without provoking a reaction, they will know they have come a bit further in their journey.

A curious blend of introvert and extrovert, they often lead an incredibly private personal life while at the same time shamelessly flaunting their ideas, talents, clothes, or good looks before the world. Not surprisingly, others often do not see them as they really are. Many view them as wholly unique characters, entertaining and lively if not complete originals. As gregarious as they appear to be, they may possess a dark, moody side, one that is readily apparent to the friends, family, and lovers who successfully penetrate their shield. They have tumultuous personalities, and their feelings cry out for expression. One challenge is to learn to control their very short emotional fuse and tendency to explode in anger. Should their energies be frittered away in egotistic and indulgent displays of emotion, they will lose a marvelous opportunity for insight and self-discovery.

Socially, they frequently make a strict separation between their public and personal life. Such a split is not objectionable in itself, but it may be prompted by fear or shame, a desire to hide a secret life, or an inability to make a connection between personal and social matters. Not infrequently, they attract and are attracted to troubled individuals, who may be projections of the emotional elements of their own internal struggle. Passionate feelings are no stranger to them, and by grappling with the problems of their stormy lovers, they frequently become sidetracked from their creative endeavors.

Although inspiring to others and inspired by them in turn, they must learn that what is best for them is a steady dose of self-inspiration. The process of looking inward for such a source—and ultimately finding it—is their real reward. Neither rejection nor recognition is sufficient to give meaning to their life, since they come from outside and not from a living, vital source within. Feeling peculiar, misunderstood, irresponsible, or disorganized may be the product of old scripts that have been playing since childhood. Rooting out this negativity, much like weeding a garden, is essential to their health. Flatterers, hangerson and admirers are the worse kind of companions for them.

Much like Hans Christian Andersen’s ugly duckling, what those born during the Way of Inspiration really need is to find an accurate selfimage. As long as they rely on the observations and values of others, they are likely to flounder. However, by unlocking their internal mystery, freeing themselves in peace and quiet to hear the call of their spirit, and finding out who they really are, they will succeed in allowing their creativity to be fully, rather than only partially, expressed. Paradoxically, when they finally forget about trying to achieve popularity and success and begin to look within, it is precisely at this time that they begin to truly inspire others to admire them. But by then it’s too late, and their unique creative achievement is all they really need.



Aug 10, 2012
ersonality of this way...
Those born during the Way of Inspiration use their naturally expressive energies to give rise to a unique form of creativity. They are gifted with a facility of mind that manifests itself in a quick wit, the enjoyment of language, and technical proficiency. It is their task to put these skills to some extraordinary and productive use, to put their ideas into action so that they may contribute something original to the world. They must learn to hear their inner voice of inspiration, their intuition, and to act upon it. When it speaks to them, they know it in their hearts, and it is for this that they truly live. Feeling spirit moving through them, they become their most authentic and are best able to ignore their ego’s demands.

To accomplish this rather lofty aim, they must learn how to become a channel for ideas or creativity that is greater than themselves. This level of inspiration comes from only one place: they must learn how to communicate directly with the divine. Ultimately, they will never feel fully satisfied or happy until they find a way to do so. Gifted as they are, they may churn out all that they know over and over again, doing everything the same old way. However, it is their fate to express new or possibly untried approaches, whether in the arts, politics, education, or even simple everyday tasks; for example, when fixing the plumbing or mending an article of clothing. A truly inspired thought is the one never before experienced.

The trouble is that they tend to be very restless, hardly able to contain themselves, much less sit still. They have a tremendous need for physical activity. For these folks there appears to be a direct correlation between satisfying their need for physicality and staying quiet long enough for their minds or hearts to be filled with creative information. If they are ever to open themselves to inspiration, they must learn to center and ground themselves—that is, to be quiet. Whatever their inspirational process may be—whether meditation, prayer, walking in nature, or simply quiet contemplation before embarking on a project—it is important for them to find one. Sometimes this may require setting up routines or set times for exercise programs such as jogging, swimming, yoga, or tai chi to help them stay centered or when they need to break through their creative blocks or barriers.

Given that they have a tendency to bore easily and never stick to anything, a danger exists that they may be content merely to copy others or otherwise be derivative in their thinking. Brilliant at imitation, they may take this route rather than digging to find or express true originality. Though it can be argued that much of the creative process lies in derivation, should they engage in their talent for imitation only to produce a derivative end result, they will suffer from it as their inner voice will always whisper the truth. A pitfall here is the innate confidence that they have in their ability to express themselves in writing, speech, or body movement. Because of this facility, they may opt for the path of least resistance and be satisfied with their most superficial efforts—which, it should be noted, usually impress others—or spend more time talking about what they could do with some of their more inspired ideas rather than actually putting them to some productive use. A good strategy could be initiating a project using ideas from other sources and then formulating a new way to use them, look at them, or present them so that imitation becomes the springboard for a unique contribution in a field or creative endeavor.

Unfortunately, because they have such a strong need for recognition, these individuals may revel in their more obvious talents and not really push their striking originality to its outer limits out of fear of rejection. Their greatest fear is that their unusual personalities will be unpalatable to others or will be written off as peculiar. Thus, they often wrap their true feelings inside elaborate deceptions that frequently involve not telling the truth or stretching it beyond acceptable limits. Their attempts to craft the way others view them are based in a deep-seated sense of chronically being misunderstood or unfairly criticized. In this way, their talent for dissembling can work against their gaining greater artistic rewards. Taking gambles and daring to fail are vital if these individuals are to reach the peak of their creative expression. They face the task of learning to trust their inner genius enough to present themselves to the world as they are.

Career and romance are the two main areas in which their life challenges are likely to play out. In both areas, they can be tremendously inspirational to others, colleagues and lovers alike—even though at work, due to their confidence and love of freedom, they may have great difficulty dealing with powerful individuals whom they perceive as wanting to make decisions for them or control them.

To be successful, they must learn about compromise and cooperation. Rejection is extremely difficult for them to handle, as are most forms of criticism. Both of these facts indicate that their self-confidence may not run as deep as they think it does. When they are able to let bouts of envy and other negativity slip away without provoking a reaction, they will know they have come a bit further in their journey.

A curious blend of introvert and extrovert, they often lead an incredibly private personal life while at the same time shamelessly flaunting their ideas, talents, clothes, or good looks before the world. Not surprisingly, others often do not see them as they really are. Many view them as wholly unique characters, entertaining and lively if not complete originals. As gregarious as they appear to be, they may possess a dark, moody side, one that is readily apparent to the friends, family, and lovers who successfully penetrate their shield. They have tumultuous personalities, and their feelings cry out for expression. One challenge is to learn to control their very short emotional fuse and tendency to explode in anger. Should their energies be frittered away in egotistic and indulgent displays of emotion, they will lose a marvelous opportunity for insight and self-discovery.

Socially, they frequently make a strict separation between their public and personal life. Such a split is not objectionable in itself, but it may be prompted by fear or shame, a desire to hide a secret life, or an inability to make a connection between personal and social matters. Not infrequently, they attract and are attracted to troubled individuals, who may be projections of the emotional elements of their own internal struggle. Passionate feelings are no stranger to them, and by grappling with the problems of their stormy lovers, they frequently become sidetracked from their creative endeavors.

Although inspiring to others and inspired by them in turn, they must learn that what is best for them is a steady dose of self-inspiration. The process of looking inward for such a source—and ultimately finding it—is their real reward. Neither rejection nor recognition is sufficient to give meaning to their life, since they come from outside and not from a living, vital source within. Feeling peculiar, misunderstood, irresponsible, or disorganized may be the product of old scripts that have been playing since childhood. Rooting out this negativity, much like weeding a garden, is essential to their health. Flatterers, hangerson and admirers are the worse kind of companions for them.

Much like Hans Christian Andersen’s ugly duckling, what those born during the Way of Inspiration really need is to find an accurate selfimage. As long as they rely on the observations and values of others, they are likely to flounder. However, by unlocking their internal mystery, freeing themselves in peace and quiet to hear the call of their spirit, and finding out who they really are, they will succeed in allowing their creativity to be fully, rather than only partially, expressed. Paradoxically, when they finally forget about trying to achieve popularity and success and begin to look within, it is precisely at this time that they begin to truly inspire others to admire them. But by then it’s too late, and their unique creative achievement is all they really need.
P inspiring Posters to Write Novels :pdahell:


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
ersonality of this configuration...
Blessed with virtuoso talents and abilities, Week of Intensity people are likely to do extremely well when navigating the Way of Inspiration, as they have a strongly spiritual side that will doubtless come forth during this life journey. Their ability to articulate their judgments and air their grievances can stand in the way of their success however, especially since what they may perceive as the “truth” is often the reflection of a narrow and rather suspicious worldview. While channeling their more creative impulses into useful activity will not be difficult, coming to terms with their need for approval and affection will be hard. Yet once they emerge from their coc00n of self-protection and secrecy, they will find themselves at last able to soar to the heights of achievement that they have always sensed was their true and rightful place in the world.


Aug 10, 2012
ersonality of this configuration...
Blessed with virtuoso talents and abilities, Week of Intensity people are likely to do extremely well when navigating the Way of Inspiration, as they have a strongly spiritual side that will doubtless come forth during this life journey. Their ability to articulate their judgments and air their grievances can stand in the way of their success however, especially since what they may perceive as the “truth” is often the reflection of a narrow and rather suspicious worldview. While channeling their more creative impulses into useful activity will not be difficult, coming to terms with their need for approval and affection will be hard. Yet once they emerge from their coc00n of self-protection and secrecy, they will find themselves at last able to soar to the heights of achievement that they have always sensed was their true and rightful place in the world.
P about to steal this shyt and then duck you when you confront him about it until you are forced to run up on Infamous Mobb in the studio and make them strip :dame:
Jun 1, 2016
My empire strikes with the strength of poisonous snakes
My entire unit loaded up with snake nikkas that hire stakes
We pull off a high stakes, great escapes, expand, shift teamdownstate
Dreams of growing old with my son to live great
Little man I'm plannin to enhance your mindstate
The rebirth, a nikka who lived an ill life
The one before me was of an even more trife
My understandin, I'll raise you with precise plannin
And put you on to the whole game of this planet
But I gotta survive in order to follow thru plans to live lot-o
Me and my lil' getgo, any man tryin to stop us he get wet-o
He couldn't withstand the snake bite, there is no antidote
Don't you put your hands too close and try to approach
I won't snap at you I'm goin for throats
And when you feel my bite 'cha sing high notes
I peeped you from deep and then you got cut throats
My formulae-I live life do or die
Stare into the eyes of a deep wiseguy
Prodigy turnin' nikkas to proteges
My protege I advise ya ass to make way
Make way...for fully-auto gun spray
You're small prey, I'll easily bait and trap game
This man is half mad scientist-half sane
Create a rhyme labryinth like poisonous cannabis
Here take a toke of this daily rare vocalist
Overpower y'all, tiny noise like locust
Like sunlight thru a magnifying glass I'll focus em
Burn a hole straight thru ya brain and leave ya open (Oh shyt!)
And let the venom soak in
You start sweatin and goin thru convulsions from dope shyt I write
Leavin nikkas stuck, I let spit
Trapped up in a web of a nikka that's sick
I'll wrap you up in coc00n, you caught up in the midst
As dangerous as risky business fukkin with this
Contender number one I put you on top of the list
You're the best challenger so far I'll give you this
But peep this (what?) fatal shots that soloplex
Man down, now who dares to go next?
Like General Monkmonk orders to chop necks
I send a message to my whole clique to bomb shyt
Atomic, no time for calm shyt
We hyperactive when it’s time for Vietnam it
Ya whole alliance gets single handedly bomb-ded
Take heed to the apostle's warning
Word up!



Aug 10, 2012
My empire strikes with the strength of poisonous snakes
My entire unit loaded up with snake nikkas that hire stakes
We pull off a high stakes, great escapes, expand, shift teamdownstate
Dreams of growing old with my son to live great
Little man I'm plannin to enhance your mindstate
The rebirth, a nikka who lived an ill life
The one before me was of an even more trife
My understandin, I'll raise you with precise plannin
And put you on to the whole game of this planet
But I gotta survive in order to follow thru plans to live lot-o
Me and my lil' getgo, any man tryin to stop us he get wet-o
He couldn't withstand the snake bite, there is no antidote
Don't you put your hands too close and try to approach
I won't snap at you I'm goin for throats
And when you feel my bite 'cha sing high notes
I peeped you from deep and then you got cut throats
My formulae-I live life do or die
Stare into the eyes of a deep wiseguy
Prodigy turnin' nikkas to proteges
My protege I advise ya ass to make way
Make way...for fully-auto gun spray
You're small prey, I'll easily bait and trap game
This man is half mad scientist-half sane
Create a rhyme labryinth like poisonous cannabis
Here take a toke of this daily rare vocalist
Overpower y'all, tiny noise like locust
Like sunlight thru a magnifying glass I'll focus em
Burn a hole straight thru ya brain and leave ya open (Oh shyt!)
And let the venom soak in
You start sweatin and goin thru convulsions from dope shyt I write
Leavin nikkas stuck, I let spit
Trapped up in a web of a nikka that's sick
I'll wrap you up in coc00n, you caught up in the midst
As dangerous as risky business fukkin with this
Contender number one I put you on top of the list
You're the best challenger so far I'll give you this
But peep this (what?) fatal shots that soloplex
Man down, now who dares to go next?
Like General Monkmonk orders to chop necks
I send a message to my whole clique to bomb shyt
Atomic, no time for calm shyt
We hyperactive when it’s time for Vietnam it
Ya whole alliance gets single handedly bomb-ded
Take heed to the apostle's warning
Word up!

The breh @GrindtooFilthy tried to say this shyt wasn't perfect today in another thread :lupe: