Ex-Officer Mike Slager to Plead Guilty for Killing Unarmed Black Man

Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
Finally, some closure on this case. :wow:


Ex-officer Michael Slager to plead guilty after killing unarmed black man
By Holly Yan, Khushbu Shah and Martin Savidge, CNN
Updated 10:46 AM ET, Tue May 2, 2017

(CNN) Michael Slager, the former South Carolina police officer who fatally shot a man in the back, intends to plead guilty to one federal charge of excessive use of force as part of a plea agreement, a source with direct knowledge of the plea deal said.

Slager is expected to plead guilty Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. ET.
Slager's state murder trial ended in a mistrial in December after a jury failed to reach a verdict. The remaining state murder charges will be dismissed as part of this plea agreement, the source said.

Slager shot Walter Scott, an unarmed black man, as Scott was running away from him following a traffic stop in April 2015.

The shooting ... and the explanation

Who was Walter Scott?

Slager was an officer for the North Charleston Police Department when he pulled Scott over for a broken tail light. A few moments later, Scott ran away.

A foot chase ensued, and a bystander's cell phone video captured Slager firing eight times -- striking Scott several times in the back.

Slager later said he feared for his life because Scott had grabbed his Taser. But the officer's account did little to calm the backlash over the killing.

The fallout


Protesters in North Charleston decry Walter Scott's death shortly after the shooting.

The North Charleston police chief fired Slager, saying he was "sickened" by what he saw. And a state prosecutor filed a murder charge against Slager.
But in December, a judge declared a mistrial in Slager's state murder trial after the jury failed to reach a verdict following 22 hours of deliberations.
After the mistrial, Scott's family members said justice will eventually prevail.
"In my heart, I will find the peace to forgive Michael Slager," brother Anthony Scott said. "But at this present time, until my family can see justice, no, there's no forgiveness."

CNN's Eliott C. McLaughlin contributed to this report.


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
not what he deserves, but it's something. these juries are never going to convict these pigs. more times than not when people are talking about what their elected officials are doing about police killing black people. it's not the elected officials or the prosecutors or judges, it's that everyday white man or woman (and c00ns) that you work with, live next to or see on the street that REFUSE to punish them because they feel how can the cop be wrong when they're always good to me?