Entropy Fan
Women said chastity and traditional female roles are outdated and archaic but wanna claim the institution those roles were tied to cuz they financially benefit. If she ain't chaste and traditional tell her to take her hypocrisy and cherry picking elsewhere
Go be a modern woman and have a b*stard.
I want an explanation. How y'all gonna clamor for marriage but ignore the ideals and institution that it was built on? Marrying in a church but Your an anti bible jezebel. Marriage should be repressive and sexist like y'all claim gender roles are .
I await y'alls
Go be a modern woman and have a b*stard.
I want an explanation. How y'all gonna clamor for marriage but ignore the ideals and institution that it was built on? Marrying in a church but Your an anti bible jezebel. Marriage should be repressive and sexist like y'all claim gender roles are .
I await y'alls