Fight breaks out at Disney World


Jun 4, 2012

The fight happened outside Mickey’s PhilharMagic at Magic Kingdom. According to the guest who first contacted us yesterday, the family wearing matching shirts pushed a guest from the other family when in line for the show. After exiting, the familing in matching shirts waited outside the theater to confront the other family. The confrontation turned into a shouting match and eventually a physical fight before Walt Disney World security intervened and escorted the guests away for statements. One member of the family who reached out to us was taken away in an ambulance due to a large cut on his chin. Others had cuts and bruises.

The guest and their family were in line for Mickey’s PhilharMagic when one member realized their phone was left in their ECV, so she exited to retrieve it. On her way back in, the family in matching apparel denied to let her pass back to her family, pushing her back so they could let the line move a bit further along.

Upon exiting the theater, the red shorts and white shirt family waited at the exit to confront them, with one member of the guest’s family saying “Listen man, we don’t want trouble, we don’t appreciate you guys pushing my younger sister” before it quickly escalated into a shouting match.

The family who reached out says the first person accosted was the guest who re-entered the line, with her brother engaging as a response. Shortly after, the brawl on camera broke out. The matching apparel family reportedly stole or broke much of what was on their person, including phones, designer clothes, and accessories. In the end, the guests were escorted to a Walt Disney World security office for a statement, with one member of the guests’ family taken away in an ambulance due to a large cut in his chin, with other members of the family receiving cuts and bruises.

The new footage also shows other guests as well as two Cast Members working to intervene and end the fight after about a minute and a half, eventually managing to break it up.

Update: A guest involved in yesterday’s Magic Kingdom brawl has reached out to us again letting us know that their family has been banned from Walt Disney World and guests from the other family involved were arrested.

The same guest messaged us around midnight last night to say that their family had been trespassed (banned) and two members of the matching shirt family were arrested.

“We got banned from Disney forever unless we contact the head,” they wrote. “2 people from other party got arrested and the rest left, no one from our fam was arrested yet and they still have us here. They r making us leave our resort which is riviera even though we are here for another 2 weeks. We have to leave Disney property including typhoon lagoon, and disney springs.”



Secretary of Defense of #catset
Apr 7, 2017
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