Forbes claims the return of the biggest game changer is not ruled out by WWE?


Mar 13, 2014
Like in the history of a lot of wrestling.... a lot of guys have moved to the top only after the guys who was so much better than them moved on to other feds and that spot opened up for an opportunity to shine.

It took years for DB to shine for the world to see how good he was but that was only after superior guys like Low Ki, Punk, Aries, Samoa Joe moved on. Hell to a degree, even an AJ Styles.

The E now has Aries, Samoa Joe, and AJ Styles. Instead of putting that effort into him they should be building and using these guys in addition to a Nakamara, Bobby Roode, and hell since everyone loves his and has nothing bad to say about him a Tye Dillinger.

Also maybe finally do something right with Hideo

Pass the torch to these guys... he had his chance but its time for him to be a father
Damn some people really shouldn't talk wrestling :francis:


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Lol@Aries and Joe...when Bryan was going strong, everyone was saying Joe fell off. Austin Aries never meant shyt. Broken down Angle was seen as better and Punk used a Bryan ROH gimmick to end his run in wrestling.


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
As much ad I'd love for him to step back in the ring I don't want him dying like that or risking a permanent injury :to:

I really understand why fans feel that way, and they are right. But how they fail to realize that if most of their favorite wrestlers took the test DB took in New York, they would have similar or even worse injuries, boggles my mind.

Seems they only care about Bryan's safety because his problems are "official", but it's really fukked up how they are :manny: about the rest when we know wrestling destroys a majority of the performers. People can't be that naive thinking Bryan is the only one in "danger" of getting legit fukked up if something goes wrong in the ring.
May 7, 2012
All I can say is they let Bret "wrestle" another match

If anyone could pull off some smoke and mirrors of a match and it still be good it would be DB

No strikes to the head, no bumps etc

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
Dude said Low Ki & Austin Aries


I was shocked about Low Ki too......

Aries..... thats a little different.

Looked back at ROH history during that time when all them guys was there... when Aries was there.... Bryan couldnt beat him or win the belt.

Aries was main eventing and Bryan was mid carding and chasing.... just wasnt good enough to take that "brass ring" from him.

Also if you look at one of them WWE Bryan docs, Bryan on record himself basically said that he only became the man in ROH when so many more talented guys left the organization.



Also... back to the "Low Ki" thing.

Come on breh... please lets not WWE History revise or white wash this.

I get it... Kaval flopped hard in the WWE (they kinda of screwed him but its whatever)

But lets not pretend he wasnt that dude back in 2002-2006.

Him, Joe, Punk, Nigel, AJ Styles, Homicide and a few other were the biggest names in the indies back then. Dude was having some amazing matches with a lot of the talent of that time (from ROH, to TNA, to Japan).

shyt go back and do the history on how in ROH The Rottweilers began... its definitely related to DB and it was a really cool feud


pico pal q lee
Apr 30, 2012
I was shocked about Low Ki too......

Aries..... thats a little different.

Looked back at ROH history during that time when all them guys was there... when Aries was there.... Bryan couldnt beat him or win the belt.

Aries was main eventing and Bryan was mid carding and chasing.... just wasnt good enough to take that "brass ring" from him.

Also if you look at one of them WWE Bryan docs, Bryan on record himself basically said that he only became the man in ROH when so many more talented guys left the organization.



Also... back to the "Low Ki" thing.

Come on breh... please lets not WWE History revise or white wash this.

I get it... Kaval flopped hard in the WWE (they kinda of screwed him but its whatever)

But lets not pretend he wasnt that dude back in 2002-2006.

Him, Joe, Punk, Nigel, AJ Styles, Homicide and a few other were the biggest names in the indies back then. Dude was having some amazing matches with a lot of the talent of that time (from ROH, to TNA, to Japan).

shyt go back and do the history on how in ROH The Rottweilers began... its definitely related to DB and it was a really cool feud

:mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

Bryan was trading wins with Low Ki in the biggest indy events before ROH even started, before Punk, Joe and Aries got their chance.

:laff: at using kayfabe results. During that time Bryan couldn't get a lot of booking in the indies because he was working full time in Japan and left more half a year to work in England, Gabe (ROH and FIP booker at the time) has said countless time he used Danielson as a special attraction because of that, and that he couldn't book him for any major shyt as he was doing other shyt and making more money elsewhere.

:dead: at Homicide being a bigger name. :laff: at Nigel, that dude became really a name AFTER feuding with Bryan.

I could go on but keep on trolling (I hope that's the case because the other options is you being massively stupid) breh. First it was your hard stance on Bryan's contract before you went :ohhh: now you just pulling shyt out of google to try to figure out indy wrestling :pachaha:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
:mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

Bryan was trading wins with Low Ki in the biggest indy events before ROH even started
, before Punk, Joe and Aries got their chance.

:laff: at using kayfabe results. During that time Bryan couldn't get a lot of booking in the indies because he was working full time in Japan and left more half a year to work in England, Gabe (ROH and FIP booker at the time) has said countless time he used Danielson as a special attraction because of that, and that he couldn't book him for any major shyt as he was doing other shyt and making more money elsewhere.

:dead: at Homicide being a bigger name. :laff: at Nigel, that dude became really a name AFTER feuding with Bryan.

I could go on but keep on trolling (I hope that's the case because the other options is you being massively stupid) breh. First it was your hard stance on Bryan's contract before you went :ohhh: now you just pulling shyt out of google to try to figure out indy wrestling :pachaha:

Oh my bad then... maybe I did miss some stuff.... back then in those days... I dont really recall hearing much about DB like that....

As you said BEFORE ROH.... I think it probably should be cleared up that I guess I was referring to ROH, TNA, PWG, and little Japan shyt. If they was battling in say defunct {fake name for the sake of discussion} APW (Arizono Pro Wrestling) fighting at Jupiters Death Mania 3 in epic 2 out of 3 falls Hour in a half matches, I'm sorry I missed that @Jmare007 and I honestly ask you to put me on, cuz I'd love to see some dope shyt!

Before this escalates into a discussion of bashing and insults and other dumb ass niccas start chiming in who probably know less than both of us but just want to bash for the sake of it. Lets just talk, I'm sure you and I forgot more than a lot of people know but this is a great opportunity to reminisce.

Maybe I did forget a lot of stuff as I dont remember every fukking detail of the MONDAY Night wars or Attitude era or etc. (recently a coworker is talking to me about the Sting and Vampiro feud and I dont remember shyt about it, how it started or how it ended. He's a young guy that has the Network and just seeing shyt now for the 1st time).

I didnt know the reason he couldnt get bookings so you got me on that.

I just remember back (and please dont hold me to specifics of timeframes, this shyt was over a decade ago so it to a degree runs together for me) then whenever I could peep ROH or hell TNA Weds $10 ppvs for that matter.... the guys I named was the main cats I saw... and I wasnt just trynna highlight them to spite him... I mean there were others like Hero, Rod Strong, Jack Evans, Briscoes, etc

Before here I was on on they message boards and these were the main cats peeps was talking about like how today cats post about Reigns and Dean whatever else that typically be on the front pages here. Back then when there was no such thing as youtube and cats was just uploading single matches to download, those guys where the ones getting uploaded/downloaded the most. Again, I'm speaking from coming from, I wasnt on any other boards back then, thats were I got my fix and indie shyt, we had our own version of TSC there. If I wasnt downloading from there I was using Kazaa or whatever filesharing program to download MATCHES (yea what yall know about downloading them post Napster filesharing sites to download a match... not a show but a match... and it takes about 5hrs with a dial up

I just have more memories back then of The Rotts, Generation Next, The Embassy (old school version) and etc. Not trynna troll or diss

Just a discussion, no hostility


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
They just being cruel to his fans if the angle is for all the Smackdown heels to goad him but no payoff :martin:

IF true this all really does seem like punishment by Vince because he's still petty Bryan got over when he wasn't supposed to.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I was shocked about Low Ki too......

Aries..... thats a little different.

Looked back at ROH history during that time when all them guys was there... when Aries was there.... Bryan couldnt beat him or win the belt.

Aries was main eventing and Bryan was mid carding and chasing.... just wasnt good enough to take that "brass ring" from him.

Also if you look at one of them WWE Bryan docs, Bryan on record himself basically said that he only became the man in ROH when so many more talented guys left the organization.



Also... back to the "Low Ki" thing.

Come on breh... please lets not WWE History revise or white wash this.

I get it... Kaval flopped hard in the WWE (they kinda of screwed him but its whatever)

But lets not pretend he wasnt that dude back in 2002-2006.

Him, Joe, Punk, Nigel, AJ Styles, Homicide and a few other were the biggest names in the indies back then. Dude was having some amazing matches with a lot of the talent of that time (from ROH, to TNA, to Japan).

shyt go back and do the history on how in ROH The Rottweilers began... its definitely related to DB and it was a really cool feud

The only runs that are talked about from Roh are Danielson, Joe, Nigel, and when Punk did the heel stuff leaving out. Thats it.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
The only runs that are talked about from Roh are Danielson, Joe, Nigel, and when Punk did the heel stuff leaving out. Thats it.

I think most cats here are either young or forgot how different the world was back then.

I mean we talking PS2 and Xbox days....

The coli wasnt around, I'm not sure where most cats did they IWC thing, but in AHH it was about Joe, Pepsi Plunging Punk, and a few others.

I probably still have on disc them 3 classic Joe vs Punk matches... I remember with dial up connections it took me like a week to get them :mjlol:

In the threads on AHH there was one thread where cats would post links to matches and if I didnt get it there, I'd just look up a match in a particular file sharing program and download it there.

Cats cant get stuck in the curse of knowledge or current era shyt now... youtube aint come around till 05 and even then it wasnt like a bunch of wrestling shyt was up there like that... people was still figuring out what youtube was and what to really do with it.