Forum Rules

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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
1) No Adult Content
Do not embed any explicit pictures or videos. Using a spoiler tag is not an acceptable way to get around this rule.​
2) No Illegal Content
No posting links to things such as copywritten materials. Again, using a spoiler tag is not an acceptable way to get around this rule.​
3) Racial Slurs
Using racial slurs may or may not be bannable based on context of the sentence. If they were meant as humor with absolutely no offense meant, the user may not be banned or probated. This rule is completely, 100% subjective and is based on the mod reading the post at the time. It is recommended to avoid using slurs all together unless you want to risk losing your account.​
4) Personal Information & Pictures
Be careful with posting your personal information. We will do our best to remove information upon request but realize once it's posted, it is on the internet for good. Do not post personal pictures or information if you believe at some point you might ask for it to be removed. Please respect the mods when they ask for a certain poster's information/pictures to no longer be posted. Repetitively ignoring these requests will not be tolerated.​
5) Follow Subforum Rules
Follow all additional rules set within each subforum and make sure all new threads are being made in the appropriate forum and following all forum etiquette.​
6) Privilege
Posting on the Coli is considered a privilege. Please do not abuse it. Excessive and/or poor trolling will not be tolerated. Private Messages (from staff), as well as Infractions & Warnings are not to be reposted on the forum in any way. We reserve the right to ban posters from threads, forums and/or the entire site without explanation.​

These rules are not all inclusive in a deliberate attempt to keep them simple. Everyone should also be familiar with, and follow basic netiquette. Please be aware of the terms you agreed upon when registering for this service.

The Coli is a privately owned website. We reserve the right to modify these rules at any time.


Dec 31, 1969
Anyone who registers on The Coli using a proxy will be banned.

Anyone found to ONLY use proxies when on The Coli will be banned.

If you need to use a proxy to get around a work or school block, that is fine...but you need to have a non-proxy IP attached to your account as well.

Certain proxies will be banned on sight due to frequent use by spammers & trolls.


Dec 31, 1969
No Rep Boosting. Period

Do not use threads or organized crews/system to manipulate rep. Do not send out rep with any of your aliases.

Anyone discovered to be abusing the rep system will either have their rep reset or be disabled from using the rep system completely.
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Dec 31, 1969
Arcadium Spoiler Rules

What is a spoiler? Any piece of information that has not yet been revealed. This includes but is not limited to plot turns/twists, character deaths and any other important details that could ruin the suspense of the topic being discussed.

Basic Rules

  • No spoilers in thread titles.
  • Use the spoiler tags whenever possible and be sure to label the tag as an actual spoiler. When quoting or responding to a post that has a spoiler tag, you must use a tag yourself.
  • Spoilers are not required in general threads** about older movies/shows/games. Please use caution when entering these threads if you are not familiar with the material.
**If someone starts a thread about just beginning to watch an older show, spoilers should be used

"No Spoiler" Thread Rules

  1. No using spoiler tags to drop spoilers. There should be no talk of spoilers, period. Yes, the spoiler tag was invented for this purpose, but it routinely causes problems as well as being used for many other reasons besides spoilers.
  2. No discussing source material. For example, no talking about The Walking Dead Comics or the Game of Thrones' books. The "no spoiler" threads are not the place for endless comparisons. Please use the alternative spoiler friendly threads for these discussions.
  3. Discussing events from the most recently aired episode is not considered a spoiler. Don't enter a season thread if you are not caught up.

How do I use a spoiler tag?

Select the spoiler button from the drop down menu (located between the media and save buttons)


Enter a title for your spoiler. Warn that it is indeed a spoiler.

Click continue, this will bring you back to your post where you can immediatly start typing your spoiler message.


The above steps result in this:

Enter your spoiler here
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Dec 31, 1969
'Ask Me Anything' Guidelines

  • Quality questions: Questions should be original and on topic. They aren’t required to be, but AMAs are a unique opportunity and it is sad to squander them by asking stupid questions Please try to encourage thought-provoking, discussion-inspiring questions that OP would not likely be asked anywhere else.
  • Civility and Politeness: users are free to (and encouraged to) ask tough questions. But this should be done in a respectful and polite way. There’s no need to use harsh language, and a comment that treats the OP like a person is much more likely to be answered.
  • Corny insults and childish behavior (“fukk you because X”). This is not to say that you shouldn’t ask tough questions. But do it in a civil matter, no matter how much you disagree with them. The OP took the time to come and share their thoughts, and they shouldn’t be harassed for doing so.
  • Non-questions and other “substanceless” comments that don’t make an interesting point or ask a good question (Ex: “I love you! no homo”, “No questions, just wanted to say hi”).
  • Joke questions that aren't intended to get a real answer, especially in threads where the OP probably won’t be able to respond to everyone. For example, “Do you even lift?” in an AMA about athletics.
  • Attempts to back the OP into a corner; asking tough questions is fine, but don’t specifically try to put them into an uncomfortable or awkward position. This is a place to get information and learn about someone else’s opinions, not score points or further your own agenda.

Trolling will not be tolerated.
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