Getting Married Is Not an Accomplishment...the Disrespect...#GMB


G-Zeus Chrystler...the brehsident
May 1, 2012
Brehsident evil
Her husband lost. They will be divorced....there's no doubt about it. She makes no bones about the fact that she values her education (a piece of paper) and her career (some job she could lose tomorrow) more than she values her life partner.


Sex, yes. Jumpoff, yes. Side chick, yes. Even girlfriend, yes. Fiance, no. Wife, hell no.

Marriage is already hard enough with two people who are committed and put each other first. Adding someone who is more committed to her office than her home is simply asking for divorce at some point. She would answer to her boss before she answers to her husband.

And if that's her and her husband in the pic, then this only confirms that they will be divorced. Black male/white female marriages have the highest divorce rates due to living under a system of white supremacy. So, if you don't have two people that are totally committed to their marriage above all, it will end in short order.

I can't wait for the "Divorce doesn't define me" article from this bobblehead b#tch :mjlol:

no.. those girls fights the hardest for their relationships.. they treat it like a business...

they will do whatever it takes to keep it afloat..provided.. the business partner is not in bed with another business and looking to make more business without her on board :whew:

everything is practical with girls like that.. so long he stays on top of the game.. their relationship will look better than those "in love couples" cuz its not about love.. its about being practical.

Buckeye Fever

May 1, 2012
Hip-Hop Since '79
I agree. That also ties into this bullshyt line:

"Marriage isn't easy. You have to work at it for it to succeed."

If that's the case, why even entertain marriage? Might as well stay single:heh:

I be at work and the married ppl be like "I'd rather be at work than at home, and it has nothing to do with money. I'm more at peace here."

I will NEVER feel like that, and if I do, that marriage has run its course.


Dec 16, 2015
not everyone who gets degrees and jobs are wage slaves. that's shortsighted. plus, you've missed her point. the point is it takes real work to get a degree and a job, something that totally dependent on you. whether someone asks you to marry them doesn't take work and it's more of a celebration over nothing accomplished.

I am sorry if you work for someone else you are wage or salary slave....majority of people are wage/salary slaves. They have a boss. Someone tells them when to get up, when to eat, and when to take a piss.

And it doesn't take real work to get a damn degree, you go, set down, you attend class, you fudge up some bullshyt so you can get a passing grade for a decade plus. Then you get job...and then you do what you are told so nobody can fire you.

Being a likeable person to the point someone wants to spend the rest of your life with way more of an accomplishment than regurgitating information from a bunch of people that already regurgitated information from someone else and then go be someone's bytch and do tasks 40 plus hours a week so you can pay your rent.

Being a likeable person is way harder than following orders while under the threat of being destitute.

The problem with women like this...they wanna be men, so they try to hype up "male" accomplishments like getting a job or getting a degree and they think men value these things...when these things are just requirements for being alive.

Getting a job and getting a degree...isn't a damn accomplishment in any shape or form.

That's why we got bytches actually stunting that they got jobs and degrees..."look at how wonderful I am...cause I have basic life shyt."

Being an employee and having a piece of paper that says you sat through bullshyt for a quarter of your life, isn't an accomplishment and doesn't take actual work.

Being likable to the point someone wants to spend the rest of their life with matter how hyperbolic that phrasing is...would be worthy accomplishment if people these days can actually stick to one person for the rest of their life.

If people these days...actually gave a fukk about maintaining healthy relationships and achieving harmony with someone else...instead of being petrified of not receiving love and sex from another human being.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
Bottom Line, Whether It's Work, School, Marriage, Running A Marathon, Whatever

Nothing Is An Accomplishment Until You Suceed At It

Yeah. So what she's saying here is kinda correct.

Now - I wonder if this standard is the same for males in her opinion.


May 2, 2012
not everyone who gets degrees and jobs are wage slaves. that's shortsighted. plus, you've missed her point. the point is it takes real work to get a degree and a job, something that totally dependent on you. whether someone asks you to marry them doesn't take work and it's more of a celebration over nothing accomplished.

staying married is the real accomplishment.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
The problem with women like this...they wanna be men, so they try to hype up "male" accomplishments like getting a job or getting a degree and they think men value these things...when these things are just requirements for being alive.
first, i'm not a wage slave, i'm self employed. second, men get kudos for those accomplishments and are highly valued in society for the roles she says women should be valued for. these aren't requirements for most women given our society's values. if you can't agree on those points, then we disagree on how women are viewed in society which is a shame because i think it's obvious women have a different value in society based on principles, to deny that would be like saying racism doesn't exist. you'd be in a state where don't trust the words of those oppressed nor the evidence collected over time that suggests they're telling the truth. as far as wanting to be men, that's something you can't say. one thing is certain, they want to be respected for doing a job that men get respect and prestige for and achieving accomplishments.


Aug 29, 2014

Three months ago, my then-boyfriend, Craig, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I cried with excitement. After all, it was a huge moment in my life that was exceptionally exciting, special, and celebration-worthy.

But is it an accomplishment? No.

Now that I have a ring on my finger, I can finally publicly share my opinion that would have sounded plain bitter coming from a girl sans ring. And being officially taken off the market has definitely not changed my stance: Getting engaged and married is not an accomplishment.

Ladies, before you angrily dismiss me, hear me out.

My frustration is this: It is 2016 and being popped the question is still more celebrated than academic and professional pursuits of women. Yes, college graduations and landing a great career and receiving wonderful promotions are all received with happiness from friends and family, but not even close to the same level of elation received when you announce that you are getting hitched. This is my experience, at least.

“It’s time for society as a whole to re-evaluate what aspect of women’s lives we put the most value on. “

I am so grateful for the excitement surrounding my upcoming marriage, however, I often wonder why the event of getting married is put on a higher pedestal than the true successes that come along with an education and career.

In the 1950s, women were primarily housewives and getting married was typically the end goal. Back then, being a wife is what defined a woman, so I can understand why finding your special someone was considered an accomplishment.

This is no longer the case, though. In today’s society, ladies are balancing much more than just finding a man.

Women are entrepreneurs, lawyers, teachers, CEOs, inventors, designers, researchers, writers, consultants and so much more. Women are going to college and then getting their masters and doctorate degrees. Women are endlessly working to climb up the corporate ladder. Women are key figures in our government. Women are changing the world with their innovation.

And while many of these women are married, they are definitely not solely defined by their last name.

In general I have noticed that I tend to be questioned much more about my relationship, engagement, or wedding than my job or related accomplishments. And, this didn’t just start in the last three months. It has always been the case that I was more likely to be asked “So, when are you getting engaged” or “How’s everything going with Craig” than “How’s your job going?” or “What have you been working on lately?”

I can’t blame anyone for being more curious about my relationship status than my career, as I too have been guilty of doing the same with other woman. After all, we are all taught through expertly crafted commercials and advertisements that it is ofutmost importance for a woman to get a ring put on her finger.

Perhaps it’s time for society as a whole to re-evaluate what aspect of women’s lives we put the most value on.

“You don’t have to have a brain, drive or special skill set to get married. You just have to have a willing partner.”

In my opinion, getting married should never be put in a higher regard than the academic and professional successes that women work hard to attain. You don’t have to have a brain, drive or special skill set to get married. You just have to have a willing partner. However, getting into X school, graduating with Y degree, and landing Z job does require actual hard work. :dead::dead::dead::dead::dead::dead:

That’s not to say that there is no accomplishment related to being married. I believe success comes into play not when the man gets down on one knee or when the couple stands at the altar and says “I do”, but rather when the husband and wife are able to weather through financial woes, illnesses, having kids, and the general stresses of everyday life. Staying together in an era when over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce is certainly an achievement.

Once again, I must reiterate that getting married is absolutely a huge event, and it’s so very exciting to find your “other half.” However, the ring is no longer what defines a woman. So, I urge you to be excited when your sisters, female co-workers, and best friends announce their marriage, but please be just as excited (if not more)when they land the management position, get their Master’s degree, or open their own business.

:mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol: bruh doesn't stand a chance. Why marry the broad then. Family phone ringing :heh: When you sick, the CEO does not give a damn :damn::damn: Kids being grown by a nanny :lupe: Eating takeout every night :flabbynsick: Forget sex :ufdup: And when retirement hits, she expects you to be there with her old wrinkly ass :comeon: #GMB to white, Conservative, miillenial writer and thought leader brehs
However, getting into X school, graduating with Y degree, and landing Z job does require actual hard work.:mjlol: If you are young, rich, white and connected none of these require hard work.


Dec 16, 2015
first, i'm not a wage slave, i'm self employed. second, men get kudos for those accomplishments and are highly valued in society for the roles she says women should be valued for. these aren't requirements for most women given our society's values. if you can't agree on those points, then we disagree on how women are viewed in society which is a shame because i think it's obvious women have a different value in society based on principles, to deny that would be like saying racism doesn't exist. you'd be in a state where don't trust the words of those oppressed nor the evidence collected over time that suggests they're telling the truth. as far as wanting to be men, that's something you can't say. one thing is certain, they want to be respected for doing a job that men get respect and prestige for and achieving accomplishments. are in the minority of people in the entire world that is self-employed...

And men do not get kudos for getting a fukking job. It's an expectation. Having a degree is an expectation in 2016. This isn't 1950s, anybody can get a degree and I mean anybody.

Like I never met a guy and be like, "Bruh, you got a made it nikka!"

"Bruh, you got a degree...that's fukking fantastic."

And these type of women do want to be men, with a vagina. They have a very distorted view of mainstream society and male society because they think life is about racking up a list of bullshyt overglorified jobs and degrees...they are just drinking capitalistic meritocratic bullshyt. These type of women want to rack these things up and gets a trained animal wanting a treat because it can sit its ass on the ground when commanded too...when most people, if you really ask them...they give 0 fukks about these things.

Most people care about being happy and content...and they thinking getting bullshyt like degrees and jobs would make them happy and content because society would then validate their worth. If a bytch or some nikka told me, she was genuinely happy and content, I would be impressed. That's an accomplishment.

Motherfukkers talking about their degrees and jobs fukking bore me and I don't care...the fukk do you want, a cookie because you are a cog in society? So I :stopitslime:

A woman comes at me about her degree and her job...I wouldn't wanna be with her.

If a man comes to me about his degree and job...I wouldn't wanna be friends with him.

Getting a job and getting a degree is a 1st world requirement, there's nothing impressive about it. It is like being able to tie your shoes at this point. I don't congratulate men for having it, I don't ask men abut it, I don't care if a man has it...why would I treat a woman any differently?

Women like the author of the OP are finding out that the world really doesn't give a fukk about shyt like jobs and degrees and she's walking around like...

"Give me props please, I have a job and a degree and I am woman." :feedme:

Men get props for shyt because of who they are as human beings...not because of a job title or an education level.

Women like this is no different than middle class Black people that walk around poking their chest out on some "I am a college graduate" and they constantly bringing that shyt up in race debates and shyt.

The meritocratic capitalist society is an illusion...nobody truly give a fukk about your job title or your education level...we give each metaphorical pats on the back through income and sheepskin...and conferences and award validate people and their self-worth...but it's not fukking accomplishment.

A woman shouldn't feel some type of way when out in the public sphere...nobody cares about her job title and her education level.
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Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
Of course she isn't wrong...getting married isn't a wonderful accomplishment...half of marriages fail...

But getting a fukking degree and a job and a promotion isn't an accomplishment either...

Congratulations, you dropped thousands of dollars to become a wage slave
Its way more of an accomplishment than getting married.


2021 Grammy Award Winner
May 2, 2012
43,396 are in the minority of people in the entire world that is self-employed...

And men do not get kudos for getting a fukking job. It's an expectation. Having a degree is an expectation in 2016. This isn't 1950s, anybody can get a degree and I mean anybody.

Like I never met a guy and be like, "Bruh, you got a made it nikka!"

"Bruh, you got a degree...that's fukking fantastic."

And these type of women do want to be men, with a vagina. They have a very distorted view of mainstream society and male society because they think life is about racking up a list of bullshyt overglorified jobs and degrees...they are just drinking capitalistic meritocratic bullshyt. These type of women want to rack these things up and gets a trained animal wanting a treat because it can sit its ass on the ground when commanded too...when most people, if you really ask them...they give 0 fukks about these things.

Most people care about being happy and content...and they thinking getting bullshyt like degrees and jobs would make them happy and content. If a bytch or some nikka told me, she was genuinely happy and content, I would be impressed. That's an accomplishment.

Motherfukkers talking about their degrees and jobs fukking bore me and I don't care...the fukk do you want, a cookie because you are part of society?

A woman comes at me about her degree and her job...I wouldn't wanna be with her.

If a man comes to me about his degree and job...I wouldn't wanna be friends with him.

Getting a job and getting a degree is a 1st world requirement, there's nothing impressive about it. It is like being able to tie your shoes at this point. I don't congratulate men for having it, I don't ask men abut it, I don't care if a man has it...why would I treat a woman any differently?

Women like the author of the OP are finding out that the world really doesn't give a fukk about shyt like jobs and degrees and she's walking around like...

"Give me props please, I have a job and a degree." :feedme:

Men get props for shyt because of who they are as human beings...not because of a job title or an education level.

Women like this is no different than middle class Black people that walk around poking their chest out on some "I am a college graduate" and they constantly bringing that shyt up in race debates and shyt.
well, like i said, if you don't agree with me, you probably don't understand sexism and the role women play within our society. you're busy getting caught up in how you'd feel about it if you met a woman. not to mention, if a man DIDN'T have a job and just stayed home and was a "housewife", he'd have no value. you might even be able to challenge his manhood based on our society's values. while at the same time a woman without a job that stays at home, raises a family and kids has value within our society. women excelling educationally isn't expected so it's rarely congratulated or even valued equally to a man.

please refer to wage gaps between sexes for further information about the ascribed value of a working woman compared to the value of a working man.