Got into debate with old white guy at Work who claimed Liberal media brought back racism

Homey the clown

Homey don't play that
Oct 26, 2015
It's funny when white people get comfortable with you and feel like you're one of the good ones, they will tell you all sorts things.Today I was talking to this 65 year old Cac I work with and he started talking about how there's a racial divide in this country and he was trying to blame it the Liberal media.He claimed that the United States was past racism and racial anomosity, but because the Liberal media outlets such as Nbc,Cnn and Others are desperate for ratings they push news stories of white Cops killing black people.He said they dont care about the victim or the Police officer all they care about is ratings. He asked why is it everytime a Police officer shoots a black person they have to announce the person's race.He said its because the media knows that black vs White or Black Victim vs Police officer will get people talking.He claimed that he is a former small business owner and that he has probably done more and gave more to the black community than so called liberals, but because he is a Republican who voted for Trump some people will probably accuse him of being racist without even knowing him.He told me I'm Black, he's White and he will treat me or any other minority just like he treats anyone else.I countered that it's not the media who has brought racism back, racism never left.I told him the only reason some people believed that racism was gone was because it was hidden.I told him that all these shootings of unarmed black men didn't just all of a sudden happen, they have been going on for years, the only thing is that now we have social media so now the mainstream news media can't hide the story or bury the story somewhere in a newspaper.I also told him that the internet has also exposed a lot of this country's racism.People will smile in each other's faces and act all cordial in public, but then go home, get online and be racist using some anynomous username.I wouldve said more but by that time my break was over.But like I said when White people get comfortable with you they will tell you anything.


Sep 12, 2015
It's funny when white people get comfortable with you and feel like you're one of the good ones, they will tell you all sorts things.Today I was talking to this 65 year old Cac I work with and he started talking about how there's a racial divide in this country and he was trying to blame it the Liberal media.He claimed that the United States was past racism and racial anomosity, but because the Liberal media outlets such as Nbc,Cnn and Others are desperate for ratings they push news stories of white Cops killing black people.He said they dont care about the victim or the Police officer all they care about is ratings. He asked why is it everytime a Police officer shoots a black person they have to announce the person's race.He said its because the media knows that black vs White or Black Victim vs Police officer will get people talking.He claimed that he is a former small business owner and that he has probably done more and gave more to the black community than so called liberals, but because he is a Republican who voted for Trump some people will probably accuse him of being racist without even knowing him.He told me I'm Black, he's White and he will treat me or any other minority just like he treats anyone else.I countered that it's not the media who has brought racism back, racism never left.I told him the only reason some people believed that racism was gone was because it was hidden.I told him that all these shootings of unarmed black men didn't just all of a sudden happen, they have been going on for years, the only thing is that now we have social media so now the mainstream news media can't hide the story or bury the story somewhere in a newspaper.I also told him that the internet has also exposed a lot of this country's racism.People will smile in each other's faces and act all cordial in public, but then go home, get online and be racist using some anynomous username.I wouldve said more but by that time my break was over.But like I said when White people get comfortable with you they will tell you anything.
This is true though


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
" liberal " is another white supremacist code word

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
It's funny when white people get comfortable with you and feel like you're one of the good ones, they will tell you all sorts things.Today I was talking to this 65 year old Cac I work with and he started talking about how there's a racial divide in this country and he was trying to blame it the Liberal media.He claimed that the United States was past racism and racial anomosity, but because the Liberal media outlets such as Nbc,Cnn and Others are desperate for ratings they push news stories of white Cops killing black people.He said they dont care about the victim or the Police officer all they care about is ratings. He asked why is it everytime a Police officer shoots a black person they have to announce the person's race.He said its because the media knows that black vs White or Black Victim vs Police officer will get people talking.He claimed that he is a former small business owner and that he has probably done more and gave more to the black community than so called liberals, but because he is a Republican who voted for Trump some people will probably accuse him of being racist without even knowing him.He told me I'm Black, he's White and he will treat me or any other minority just like he treats anyone else.I countered that it's not the media who has brought racism back, racism never left.I told him the only reason some people believed that racism was gone was because it was hidden.I told him that all these shootings of unarmed black men didn't just all of a sudden happen, they have been going on for years, the only thing is that now we have social media so now the mainstream news media can't hide the story or bury the story somewhere in a newspaper.I also told him that the internet has also exposed a lot of this country's racism.People will smile in each other's faces and act all cordial in public, but then go home, get online and be racist using some anynomous username.I wouldve said more but by that time my break was over.But like I said when White people get comfortable with you they will tell you anything.

:mjlol: backwards ass mofo, So he's mad at the liberals reporting the news but mentioned nothing about the police officer shooting the black person. Wouldn't be a ratings to discuss if cops weren't shooting unarmed black people. :mjpls:

He's another white supremacist mad the shyt they do can being brought to light. It'd be better to him if shyt like Mike Brown and Alton Sterling were kept quiet a local level.

The only thing that comes out of convos like these are trips to HR


Suffering From Success | 1316 Days
Jun 8, 2012
The Island of Relevancy, Forever
Got into debate with old white guy at Work
