Gripes with modern cinema.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
What complaints you think are fake?

“Too much CGI, I hate it”

Then when there’s an Avatar announcement

“Ooooooohhhh I can’t want to see Avatar 2, 3, 4, …… 26”

I get some things involving CGI there can be some improvements but people gotta relax.

Transformers is CGI and I thought it looked good in pretty much all the movies and enjoyed it.

That’s one, example of many


Sep 14, 2019
I think the cinema is worse because the viewers are worse, and the writers are worse. We've bred a group of movie goers/viewers who aren't doing anything beyond consuming content, and these people don't give a fukk about art. They couldn't describe a human feeling they got from a film beyond "ok can't wait for the sequel/prequel."

There's also a constant push for films and television to adopt and regurgitate views/opinions of various social groups. I'd have no issue with this if the writing was halfway decent but instead it's constantly terrible. Clunky, blatantly forced, in-your-face and you can often tell which Tweets influenced the dialogue. Film being influenced by the times/social views is nothing new. Peep the cynicism and American disillusionment in 1970s cinema for instance. But compare that to today and you immediately sense an inability to write anything subtle, a refusal/inability to tackle controversial or opposing views, and nonstop child-like pandering. The audience wants simple shyt. And the audience is in a perpetual state of adolescence. We've gone from people debating the meaning of films to arguing over whether Spiderman would support [insert progressive political issue].
This has to do with the declining rate of literacy and critical thinking. An uneducated population is easy to control.

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
man i wanna tell you

you cannot IMAGINE how many young dudes and women i talk to that not only dont know films from teh 70s like Dog Day Afternoon or Butch and Sundance or Deliverance... but they are ignorant of the films in the 50 and 40s and even 30s ( a film major i spoke to was amazed that movies like Metrolpolis or Nosferatu existed and was completely ignorant of their influences )

but the real shyt you touchedon is just how LITERARY ignorant some writers and film makers are-- no one reads and you can tell

no Hawthorne or James or Proust or Poe or even fukking as a writer how the fukk are you going to write and you dont READ???

and the real fukking shame is this younger generation could have good writers but they are so infantilized and stunted - they dont live life with risk at all.

i mean a Kerouac, Hunter Thompson or Bukowski life is some shyt that is too edge and they cant handle that.

they dont really experience suffering in their lives...addiction or loss. or just badshyt happening to them because - only the safe path is taken ....and that lack of experience with bad shyt in life gets mirrored in the writing and the art....its why Horror movies now are so fukking tame compared to the 70s and 80s films that really pushed boundaries of "acceptability"- its why 50 shades is somehow a fukking phenomemnon when the shyt taht was in 50 Shades was shyt that was printed in the Cosmopolitan magazine letters to the editor or feature stories...

it would blow bytches minds to read Erica Jong and Fear of Flying...
:whoa: we shouldn't be encourage anyone to live like he did