Guys that've been cheated on..


May 27, 2012
I never understood why dudes choose to waste time and energy going at the other breh. Why waste it on someone you don't even know or have any relationship with? And chances are, the other dude don't even know she got another man.

Also, can you really be THAT mad at a dude for getting with a woman who threw it at him.....even if it's your woman? I don't think you should....only exception being that he's someone who knows you personally. Otherwise, yeah he's wrong if he's at least aware that she has a man, but still.....

When it comes to the other dude, you gotta be like Martin in that episode when he thought the maintenance dude was in bed with Gina. He straight-up told dude he didn't have a problem with him personally because he was just being a man (even though he almost beat his ass anyway :laugh:)

If I was in that situation and found out some random dude had my broad, then I'm gonna be pissed at her for a good minute, calm myself down then be like "Welp....he can continue having her; cuz I damn sure don't want her no more :yeshrug:". Throw her in the bushes. If it wasn't that particular breh then it would've been another one. SHE'S the main problem, so SHE gotta be the one you focus on dealing with after finding out. It happened; it was beyong your control. Now dump her and move on to better people and better things in life, because THAT'S something you control.

I always believed that the biggest L you can take in that situation isn't actually getting cheated on......the biggest L is still letting it control your emotions and actions afterwards (outside of removing yourself from the situation); whether it be anger towards her and/or the other dude, trying to argue with/fight her or the other dude (possibly leading to jail time/court time/hospital time/death/etc.), or even simply still having feelings for the chick afterwards. fukk ALL of that waste of time. Life is too short to be wasting your precious time and emotions on a lying cheater of a woman. The faster you dump her, end all them feelings you had for her and move on, the smaller the L becomes. And let's not forget, lightskin bytches always look better than darkskin women. Them darkies be lookin' like Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z....Noob Saibot-ass bytches. Just making sure you're still reading.

Anyway, like I said before, getting over her doesn't mean hating her and getting pissed whenever you think about her or see her afterwards. It means accepting the fact that she disrespected you, accepting the fact that she tricked you into thinking that she was good girlfriend material and a trustworthy, respectable woman with morals.....and accepting that in reality, she was just another typical lying ho who likes to sleep around under the guise of being in a serious relationship, instead of just being real and letting all the dudes she was with know that she isn't a one-man woman. You ain't mad at her turning out to be a lying, cheater; you're simply acknowledging it and keeping your distance from her as a result so she doesn't mess up your life any further.

And if it's a dude you know? A friend or a co-worker? :manny:.....just keep that snake-ass nikka out of your life as much as possible. You don't need to confront him, talk to him or anything. That kind of disrespect should be a complete and total friendship-ender.

:dead: :dead: :dead: I skimmed till I saw dragon ball z then thought how does that tie in :heh:

:beli: shoulda went with my gut tho so...
