Have any of you actually been to any of the previous 19 Million Man Marches??


May 6, 2012
One thing I've noticed on this site is, when critiquing the NOI in a light thats not "tip Riding", I would get backlash from armchair quarterbacks who more then likely have never stepped foot in a NOI mosque let alone have been to any of the Million Man Marches. Its weird getting backlash from someone who knows nothing telling me when I'm in the know. But thats normal in cyberspace.

I've also noticed most cats on this site dont even know there's a MMM every year led by Farrakhan. I've been to two...The 1st one and the 7th one. I've spoken numerous times on how I felt that the first march was more for Farrakhans followers then it was for overall Black people due to the complex breakdowns(Tho I was really feeling how prior to the March they had a bunch of buses set up by the mosque so anyone in the hood who wanted to go could go) I've never really spoke on the 7th. Anniversary. The 7th anniversary was at the Salem United Methodist Church in Harlem. Judge Mathis was their with the cleanest, sharpest purple suit I had ever seen in my life(and he looked like money) The one thing I'll never forget was how the Minister said that he went on the mother plane and had a conversation with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad....(keep in mind, if u believe this, Farrakhan has u in a spell)...He explained that America would go to war with Iraq in a few months. I brushed it off as nonsense but months later, my mind was blown away when Bush had troops enter Iraq. (Keep in mind I was still caught up in the spell at the time and unfamiliar with the science of "Pattern recognition" being that past wars were fought for financial and economical gain)

In 2002, after Farrakhan said he was on the mothership with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I was a lil shakey about Farrakhan really being a proper representative for Black people. Then it all came to a head during the circus that was the 10th anniversary of the MMM. The distorted recording of Tookie Williams that no one could hear (and this was before his execution...it was as if his final words to the masses was unheard....it was a terrible execution) Then you had the rap concert aspect of it...with Jim Jones doing songs with curse words. You had the camera panning to people in the crowd actually partying and dancing while speakers were talking. There was even a promotion of Dr Malachi Z Yorks innocence. The MMM was left looking like a joke after that 10th Anniversary.

One has to ask, with MMM20 a week away, why is Farrakhan not on CNN or MSNBC yet he's on the Breakfast Club?? Maybe its due to the fact that a lot of young impressionable Black minds aren't familiar with Minister Farrakhans patterns. Farrakhan talks a good game but it usually has no action. In the 90's the NOI was hyping up the day when the minister would give the green light for the FOI to go in the hood and clean up the streets (Im assuming something similar to the likes of Spike Lees movie "Drop Squad") Here we are in 2015, there still in no green light and Chicago(the ministers hometown) is a war zone, meanwhile the minister has marble floors in his mansion.

What happened after the first Million Man March? Well in my hood(NYC) the only revolution I saw was an influx of "Bloods" beginning to permiate the city. Thats all. Young Black men uniting to be Bloods was the only unification on a grand scale that I saw after the Million Man March. There was actually a growth in Bloods across the country after the MMM. And Rappers didnt even change their tone. Hell, right after the Million Man March the eastcoast/west coast beef began. The MMM didnt stop rappers from killing each other on wax nor did it stop them from getting killed outside of the booth. When Pac, Biggie, Big L and Freaky Tah were killed in the 90's...No one said "well what about the Million Man March and all it stood for?"

Tho Black unity is promoted by the NOI , if you didnt join their ranks you are still considered an "outsider" to their agenda, this is why they always invite you to their classes, to join their membership. I've noticed a few posters claiming they are going to MMM 20, but do any of you even know why? Are any of you familiar with the agenda of the first one? Or are you like I was when I was young and naive and just caught up in the hype of what looks like Black unity and hope?? Let me give you fair warning, if you do go, you might get whats called a "feel good speech." It will sound nice and thats about it because thats what feel good speeches do. Also, I dont see Farrakhan saying anything revolutionary(he hasnt in the previous 19) but I encourage you to be aware of any promotion of "scientology." Word has it, the MMM20 is being funded by the church of scientology (That in itself distorts the whole concept of being "supported by Black dollars"). In closing, I really would like to see a change of direction towards dealing with the issues that affects Black people in America but I honestly don't think this march will do it. I'm not even crossing my fingers, I'm just being realistic based on the previous 19 attempts. Also, I noticed a few people in previous threads say they would attend to "network" and thats pretty much the best thing I can see coming out of this up and coming event. Afterall....Cube met John Singleton at a Farrakhan speech and they would go on to make 'dope product' together so anything is possible.


May 6, 2012
I noticed the most indepth convo about the up and coming MMM20 event is titled "Million Man March part 2"...and thats wrong. Million Man March part 2 already happened in 1996. Seeing that forced me to elaborate on a few other comments I've noticed.

The biggest positive I see right off the bat is having a large gathering of blacks in one area for one reason listening to one message . That's priceless in these times.

Question. How is it pricelss if no one remembers the message? I was at the first one and aside from the unnessesary complex 3 hour speech...I remember the minister saying we should go home and clean ourselves up. But thats me.....I'm willing to bet right now, I can find more Black folks who can quote lines from the movie Friday then they can come up with one thing from Farrakhans speech at the first MMM. Do you remember the message of the first march? Does anyone??

Idk what the organizers end goal is, but im hoping it will wake up some of the youth. They all seen civil rights footage and things like that, they need to realize that this shyt aint over yet.

I hope it can bring us back together, we've lost our sense of community. :mjcry:

What if their goal is to promote Scientology? whould you care then?? If The Church Of Scientology is supporting the march are you ok with that being promoted as a solution to the conditions of our community?? Can scientology bring us together?? I say that because word has it the Church of Scientology is funding this march meaning that at some point Farrakhan is going to have to promote their agenda.

Because we are being left out of the conversation :francis:

The leader is a Muslim. You should already know the womans place in Islam. :smugbiden:

Who's marching and singing ? I can bet there will be no singing at this rally . This aint that . This is just what we needed . Blacks attention at one time listening to someone who isnt a c00n . The theme is Justice or Else . Not Hands up dont shoot .

But there was singing and dancing in ther middle of speakers speaking at the MMM10. Sounds like you didnt know that.

It was successful 20 years ago because of the turnout and the peace of it. White people have never seen a million black men at once in a positive fashion. It's about taking back our image and branding.

The same image that Hip Hop brought down?? Sorry kid, but Hip Hop and the controlled media will continue to bring down the image of Black folks after the march is over.

I feel boycotting , setting up a economic program and code is more important but I don't have to spite 1 plan to love the other, because in the end it's all needed, the protesting , the marching, the sit ins, the rallys, the boycotting, even us passing information online is needed, the world is social media whether we want to admit that or not

And I understand the strategy of the march, it's a counter to the negative images being displayed worldwide of young black people making it ok for them to kill us and the world stand silent. A large number of black people coming together peacefully showing the world we ain't all what world star and national media through music and movies say we are does a lot on our image to show the world the police not out here killing "young savages" they killing decent human beings

I'm going to try and go. I went to the millions more March and the million man March as a kid in the 90s when the nation took a group of me and my friends in 95.

Russel Simmons attempted evey suggestion you have made and no one listened. Hell you didnt even listen. LOL Aagin...Hip Hop and websites like Worldstarhiphop will continue to promote poor images of Black folks after the March is over with. Also...Why would someone in a 3rd world country who is probably in worse living conditions care about what we are going thru as Black Americans in this country?? They have no power...and they arent gonna sign at our oppression when they are wosre off then we are. The UN knows whats going in in this country....the Black issues of yesteryear have turned into the Black burden of today.

What do you suggest? It seems like people don't know what they want . shyt I wish like hell the message of this march was on some " Arm up , let's get ready for war" type shyt . But if that was the case, the dudes saying this "Justice or Else" is worthless now , damn sho aint gonna wanna go when it's "Let's get ready for war" . So I'm kinda lost on what they see as a solution , which is why Im going to hear brothers who have a solution speak.

LOL. A few cats in the hood actually thought Farrakhan was gonna have everyone tear the white house down during the march and start the revolution. Boy were they wrong. I will say this tho....In 1995.....whatever opportunity was there to tear down the white house was lost after the march.

you are dumb as shyt.

the 95 march was a HUGE networking success. a lot of brothers made money and have been getting money TOGETHER for 20 years because of that event.

do your research before you come on here talking that "it doesn't accomplish anything" bullshyt. i'm getting sick of you lazy ass fakkits.

The way I remember it....Right after the first MMM the NOI started losing its Security Guard contracts all over the place. The Steak and Takes started shutting down. Schools would open then close and u wouldnt hear anything else afterwards. Then there was the so called 2 million dollars that Gaddafi gave to the NOI. Where did it go? Dont you dare ask??

after all the preaching is done.....then what? what will preaching change this time?

shout out to bree for saying fukk all the singing and taking action

what will happen is what happened the last 19 times. We'll all go back to doing what we always did.

BTW...Get On The Bus is on Hulu (for premium subscribers)...for all of you 90s babies that want to get an idea of what the million man march was, check that movie out. An underrated Spike Lee joint.

stronlgy disagree. Both myself and my cousin both concluded that the movie was nothing close to the MMM experience, at all.

Folks are out here trying to come together, and these clowns are concocting all sorts of excuses why they can't work with their brother. In the real world, I leave those brothers alone. Forcing them to stand by your side in a battle is the quickest way to sandbag yourself.

But if we talking solutions and it didnt work the previous 19 times...do u honestly believe that the solution is to try for the 20th time??

I remember in the first one happening when I was in sixth grade.

We went to school the next day and our teacher (black lady) asked the class if we knew what happened in DC.

I was the only one that knew at the time... And she said 'it's a shame that he knows and you all don't "

Since I'm not AA...

Anyways.. I won't be attending this march

I can co sign this. The March was on a monday so I took the day off from school. This was 1995 and it was my senior year. I came to school the next day and A white english teacher was the only one who even brought it up. A few cats gave their opinions. I was the only one who had the whole class lit up(I was enthusiastic and naive as fukk..LOL)

I'm all for another day of "atonement" but when are we as black men going to start putting in actual work? Just how does 1 million men in DC solve economic disparity, our lack of access to resources, black on black genocide etc?
If anything it is just merely a show of solidarity. The majority will go right on engaging in dysfunctional behavior that is opposed to our advancement

I agree with this statement. The only real solution is "do for self"...help ya circle....and after its all said and done and you still have some rope to throw down...do so but only to those who are deserving of it. I dont believe in attempting to help dead weight. Some people are just gonna be left behind and thats just the way it is.

Fukk the million man march :camby: They did it 20 years ago and not a damn thing changed.nikkas still killing each other,treating women like shyt and abandoning their kids,selling dope to each other etc,etc

I wouldnt say "fukk the million man march" but everything else U said is on point.

NOI is a dying organization led by a dying man (Louis Farrakhan)

Louie just wants one last standing ovation before he passes away, because this is all about his ego.

If you do not believe in NOI ideology you probably shouldn't attend because that's all their going to be proselytizing is their brand of "Islam"

well said.

It's not the answer but would be some powerful symbolism of unity, even if under a silly banner of tricknowledge

"To divide and rule, is their only plan"

Well said.

The main reason I'm going is because it'll be an excellent networking opportunity. It'll be a lot of like minded cats there.

imma be there. the networking :whew:

Networking is the one benefit i can see coming out of this up and coming event.


Deadly Jester
Apr 13, 2013
MMM is exact what happens when you hear black people used punch lines like "unity" , "come together". This is what they mean. Rub their arms together and absolutely nothing gets done, but everybody things they've done something and participated in something.


All Star
May 29, 2012
Gotdamn. All these so called militants and not 1 person has been to any of the previous MMM?? why am I not suprised.
I wasnt aware there were others, I was too young for the first, and im not a militant. :yeshrug:

Also, are these annual events considered MMM if the numbers dont reach a milly, or are they just marches?


May 6, 2012
I wasnt aware there were others, I was too young for the first, and im not a militant. :yeshrug:

Also, are these annual events considered MMM if the numbers dont reach a milly, or are they just marches?

Most cats aren't aware that the MMM happens every year. Most cats will acknowledge All Star weekend before any of the annual MMM's. That in itself speaks volumes.

Also....there's speculation that the first didnt even have a Million......When I think of "March" I think of protesting. The MMM's really are "rallys."


All Star
May 29, 2012
Most cats aren't aware that the MMM happens every year. Most cats will acknowledge All Star weekend before any of the annual MMM's. That in itself speaks volumes.

Also....there's speculation that the first didnt even have a Million......When I think of "March" I think of protesting. The MMM's really are "rallys."
I havent watched/participated in an all star weekend in about 8-10 years, but I think it speaks to the ability of the NBA to throw promotion $$ behind their product vs Farrakhan's lack of funds or know how to spread the word that the event is actually happening.

If you would have made a thread about last years march or any of them before or as they were happening then maybe more wouldn't be ignorant of the fact that it is a yearly event. My thread went 7 Pages, so there is obvious interest there. It's 2015 and social media gives you/us/them the ability to spread info quickly. Blame the promoters for the lack of knowledge of the past events.


May 6, 2012
If you would have made a thread about last years march or any of them before or as they were happening then maybe more wouldn't be ignorant of the fact that it is a yearly event. My thread went 7 Pages, so there is obvious interest there. It's 2015 and social media gives you/us/them the ability to spread info quickly. Blame the promoters for the lack of knowledge of the past events.

LOL.....Me not promoting it has nothing to do with the lack of acknowledging that its annual. After the first couple of MMM's created copycats and eventually lost its hype the masses lost interest and the hype died down. The masses stopped caring. Its the 20th anniversary so of course the promotion guns are gonna come out heavy unlike they did in year 19 or year 18. The promotion guns for the 20th has caught the attention of the youngins who werent aware of the fact that the masses stopped caring. Thats why a lot of youngins are hyped because they just dont know.


All Star
May 29, 2012
Gotdamn. All these so called militants and not 1 person has been to any of the previous MMM?? why am I not suprised.

LOL.....Me not promoting it has nothing to do with the lack of acknowledging that its annual. After the first couple of MMM's created copycats and eventually lost its hype the masses lost interest and the hype died down. The masses stopped caring. Its the 20th anniversary so of course the promotion guns are gonna come out heavy unlike they did in year 19 or year 18. The promotion guns for the 20th has caught the attention of the youngins who werent aware of the fact that the masses stopped caring. Thats why a lot of youngins are hyped because they just dont know.
Thats my point if cats dont know about an event you can't fault them for not going. :martin:


May 6, 2012
Thats my point if cats dont know about an event you can't fault them for not going. :martin:

But then the question is.....why dont they know when they should??

In the 90's it was well known that the event was annual....why did that change as years went by??

I can answer that...I've already answered that. The masses lost interest and as the years went by with a new hype the new youngins who dont know are just now jumping on the bandwagon. So the event becomes a 'we are now paying attention because we jumping on the bandwagon" thing.

The cats from the 90's were well aware of all star weekend in the 90's and that didnt die down by 2015...so the question becomes "why did the hype die down in the first place?".....Again....the masses lost interest. But why did they lose interest?? Maybe because the masses figured out it was all hype. But these new cats havent figured thats its a hype just yet.