Hillary Clinton: Being a Capitalist Hurt Me in Primary Because Many Democrats Are Socialists


Nov 19, 2016
Oh I get it, these states are filled with racists. :skip:
Funny how she's white and Obama was able to carry these states against white opponents. :sas2:
Outdated policy and talking points. Throw the playbook in the garbage. It doesn't work. :why:
But but but Obama was a corporatist Democrat shill and Hillary was 8 more years of Obama.


Keep exposing yourself.


All Star
May 9, 2012
Oh, this again? :comeon:

Worked the first time, but she's not wrong here and no rational personal on the left is going to be offended by these statements. :royumad1:
you mean besides the fact she literally blames everything and everyone and every reason besides herself and the awful state of the DNC for why she lost to a clown ? fukk her and she should stfu and go away cause the repubs are still drawing people to their base by rallying against her and shes not even viable anymore, the reason is she wont go away, damn bytch you already made hundreds of millions by being a criminal but that aint enough? now you need your book tour and allt hat bullshyt?

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
This message by I_Got_Da_Burna has been removed from public view. Thursday at 1:59 PM, Reason: Ban Bet - 13 indicted: Account bushed until 4/24/2020.


they gave homie football numbers


Jun 8, 2012
Again....can either you or @jayshiggs define what you mean by "HARD left"?
Hard left of Hillary Clinton. Not hard left of someone full right.

Obviously all policies, social, economic, defense, etc are not all center right with her, some are center left, and a few are possibly far left or even far right.

I'll make it plain and simple. when it comes to economics. I need a straight up redistribution of wealth. There's a multitude of ways to go about doing that. You've been stealing the other people's money for a while now. Time to give it back. its not rocket science. like i always say, i'm not afraid of corporations. what are they going to do? leave for other countries? be my guest. go ahead and show us how Unamerican you really are. We'll make due without you. if you want to jump ship because I called you out for stealing people's money thru various method's. and you know its true. shame on you, not i.

oh by the way. i'm even further left than bernie since I'm a black man. so that means I want reparations too. no excuses. pay me what ya owe me.


May 3, 2012
Hard left of Hillary Clinton. Not hard left of someone full right.

Obviously all policies, social, economic, defense, etc are not all center right with her, some are center left, and a few are possibly far left or even far right.

I'll make it plain and simple. when it comes to economics. I need a straight up redistribution of wealth. There's a multitude of ways to go about doing that. You've been stealing the other people's money for a while now. Time to give it back. its not rocket science. like i always say, i'm not afraid of corporations. what are they going to do? leave for other countries? be my guest. go ahead and show us how Unamerican you really are. We'll make due without you. if you want to jump ship because I called you out for stealing people's money thru various method's. and you know its true. shame on you, not i.

oh by the way. i'm even further left than bernie since I'm a black man. so that means I want reparations too. no excuses. pay me what ya owe me.
How much exactly do you feel you're owed?
Is there some way of determining exactly who is owed what, and how much?
Is that tied in to redistribution of wealth, or is it separate?
If so, what exactly does that look like?


Jun 8, 2012
thats not proof that he's a complete blubbering idiot like trump that doesnt and probably can't read. thats how bad trump is.

that aint bern.

did bern know everything nope. did obama know everything about constitutional law and he was a lawyer? NOPE. hillary is a smart lady, bill is a smart dude. they've been around the white house/dc for a very long time. they better know more than bernie sanders, and obama put together. but with all of that. Hillary still never said she would do anything ground breaking or even attempt to during her last run. that lady said out of her own mouth. i'll keep doing what obama was doing...baby steps. I would rather have a we die trying dude like bernie in there. figuring the specifics out once he gets closer to it than a professional that aint about to move the needle. is there a guarantee bernie could'ved pulled it off? NOPE. it was a 50/50shot. but i bet you he would have pulled some of that stuff off. Because some of it isnt complicated. The banks thing is going to be super complicated because we are so deep in bed with the banks/wallstreet etc. this is how the too big to fail happened in the first place. It's like red tape, and webs all over the place. trip wires setup..dont cut the red one. cut the green one. most politicians dont know the answer to some of these questions. but thats not why they dont run on those things. they dont run on those principles because thats not what they believe. At least this is what this dude believes in. he's been preaching this stuff since the 90's. you can pull up the youtubes of him on cspan saying the same thing. that has to mean something to people that have been lied to time and time again by politicians not changing course because they found out what they wanted is more complicated. but due to the fact that they have to pay off their donors first before you and i can get our promises met.

I dont need the president going into the white house to have all of the exact specific laws and answers. because odds are they will never happen. the only way that could happen is if you found a guy/gal thats been in DC for 30 years. that has moved around all throughout congress, different cabinets, appointments, etc for different presidents. so they could know every rule, every breakdown from every angle. otherwise thats not the case.

this robert mueller investigation. with all those super lawyers on his team. at the end of the day these things still have to go to court, and get OK'd or shot down. this means even if they know the law. they can still lose a fight in court because things can be interpreted differently for different reasons. this is why its not necessary to know everything going in. because
#1 you can't. #2 its deeper than you think. #3 you will have to figure a lot of stuff out as you go.

Now Trump doesnt even know basic civics. you know this.I know this. Bernie does. Apples to Rats comparison to call Bernie an indio like trump. Trump aint good at anything but being an A-hole. thats it. thats the only thing this guy excels at. He's rich because he was a child of a rich family. not because he was so intelligent. all of his businesses outside of selling his name/brand has failed multiple times over. so again the guy isnt really good at anything but being an A hole.

thats not bern.

i'll repeat this again. I would rather have a guy that doesnt know everything in there that i know based on historic evidence he believes in a lot of positions I believe in and is willing figure it out and fight for them. and possibly lose.

than someone that knows much more and yet wont do much. Hillary per her own mouth was not going to even use her expertise. because she was going to just keep doing what obama was doing and thats pretty much it.

If you're steve jobs or bill gates but both of you are to scared to try to invent something. then whats the point of you two being steve jobs and bill gates?


Jun 8, 2012
How much exactly do you feel you're owed?
Is there some way of determining exactly who is owed what, and how much?
Is that tied in to redistribution of wealth, or is it separate?
If so, what exactly does that look like?
google DR claude anderson reparations. they are already looking into the specifics of that.

thats separate from redistribution of wealth. even though it seems like its the same it isnt.

We're going to redistribute the wealth first. while at the same time get those Reparations going.

Reps = an everyone Tax. The same way they figure out how many is given to native american funds but they themselves dont pay into those funds all the rest of us citizens do. is the same way this will work. it wont be perfect, especially in the early stages. its going to take some future presidents/ congressmen/women to tighten it up.

Its going to have issue like obama care. part reason due to all the pushback and part to the fact we have never done anything like this on this scale. its been done before. groups have gotten their payment before. thats not new. but this large amount for 14 to 17% of the US population is lot. But hey, have money to spare for Israel. So i know we got the cashflow. no excuses.Yeah i know thats for strategic reasons. And so is this. We're going to make america great once and for all. not again because it was never great. it's foundation is built on slavery. clean that up. do the right thing and lets move forward as a nation. move that money back around to a more sustainable/fairer setup for ALL not just a small few. and we're ready to rock and roll.

See one of the main reasons the white racists all over can't hear any common sense. is because they are too hungry now. their stomachs are growling. its hard to talk to people that are hungry. you have to feed them first. get their bellies full and all of a sudden even the most staunch trump voter will start to listen a bit.

It's like catching a hood mama on payday. She mad as hell all week long, broke, hungry...but when payday hits. the kids can get to eat out at a decent spot. maybe one of the kids can get a new toy. shoot, everybody is feeling good now that they're fed.

See while i'm reparating blacks... this is also going to lessen crime. which means we wont need as many whtie folks and others running around arresting us. so they will push back because thats their livelihood. but the push back wont be as hard as usual because I'm getting their money they're owed from the small fraction of society that has stolen it from them.

non of this stuff are the specifics, but its a concept where you get the best and brightest in the field of finance, economics, that feel the same way. and we fill in the blanks to flesh out the concept.

Its like coding a program. I dont have to be a coder to have a great idea. steve jobs always aid his coders were much better than he was. but he had the best ideas. Thats how you, I, or a bernie could pull this off. even without all the answers before they got into office.

Trump was an idiot from the jump. and his planned was flawed from the jump. because it wasnt a true plan at all except for make the base happy about being racist. the other stuff hasnt helped them one bit. they are still hurting economically. because his ideas were never truthfully what he wanted. that was a smoke screen for the idiots to gravitate too.