Hillary on Bernie Sanders "Nobody likes him, he got nothing done"

Trot LaRoc

Dec 15, 2016
:gladbron: you in trouble now..

:manny: I just call it like it is. I mean both parties are pro-business, pro-corporate interests as far as economics go. The only real difference are the takes on wedge issues(gay issues, abortion and immigration). Both parties are pro-war as well. There's really not that much difference besides superficial social issues and it's been like that for the last 30 years at least

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, often called the "bank bailout of 2008," was proposed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, passed by the 110th United States Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush
You're posting a half-truth that completely misses what I said. Obama was 100% behind the bailouts the entire time. Please, HE took credit for it right from the beginning:
In President Obama's first State of the Union address, he tried to capture the public's anger toward Wall Street while defending his decision to bail it out. He argued that while his rescue of the banks wasn't popular, it was necessary. As a palliative, he suggested that $30 billion of the repaid TARP money be given to community banks to lend to small businesses. And he pushed for a bill that reduces the risk in the financial system to prevent a recurrence of the financial crisis.Obama cast his actions regarding the banks as a necessary response to a dire emergency: "A year ago when I took over as president, our financial system was on the verge of collapse. Experts told us that if we did not act, we might face a second Great Depression. So we acted immediately and aggressively."

He continued: "One year later, the emergency is past, but the devastation remains. Many people don't understand why bad behavior on Wall Street is rewarded but middle-class hard work isn't."

Obama suggested that the bank bailout was the lesser of two evils. He commented that many people wondered why we needed to "shore up the same banks that caused this crisis." And he put himself squarely in the midst of popular opinion about the financial rescue: "We all hated the bank bailout. I hated it. You hated it. It was as popular as a root canal."

And honestly he should own the bank bailout. First, he was one of the original pushes and biggest supporters of the bailout bill:
By September 2008, McCain and Obama met with President George W. Bush and together they called for a $700 billion bailout of the banks, not the people. Obama and McCain issued a joint statement that called the bank bailout plan “flawed,” but said, “the effort to protect the American economy must not fail.”

In order to get the bill passed, the backers lied about the bill and said it would help mortgage owners, then gave the money straight to the companies instead. Some congressmen and senators actually tried to repeal the bailout. But do you know who came to its rescue? Obama again.
Congress was furious. “We’ve been lied to,” fumed Rep. David Scott, a Democrat from Georgia. Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland, raged at transparently douchey TARP administrator (and Goldman banker) Neel Kashkari, calling him a “chump” for the banks. And the anger was bipartisan: Republican senators David Vitter of Louisiana and James Inhofe of Oklahoma were so mad about the unilateral changes and lack of oversight that they sponsored a bill in January 2009 to cancel the remaining $350 billion of TARP.

So what did bailout officials do? They put together a proposal full of even bigger deceptions to get it past Congress a second time. That process began almost exactly four years ago – on January 12th and 15th, 2009 – when Larry Summers, the senior economic adviser to President-elect Barack Obama, sent a pair of letters to Congress. The pudgy, stubbyfingered former World Bank economist, who had been forced out as Harvard president for suggesting that women lack a natural aptitude for math and science, begged legislators to reject Vitter’s bill and leave TARP alone.

In the letters, Summers laid out a five-point plan in which the bailout was pitched as a kind of giant populist program to help ordinary Americans. Obama, Summers vowed, would use the money to stimulate bank lending to put people back to work. He even went so far as to say that banks would be denied funding unless they agreed to “increase lending above baseline levels.” He promised that “tough and transparent conditions” would be imposed on bailout recipients, who would not be allowed to use bailout funds toward “enriching shareholders or executives.” As in the original TARP bill, he pledged that bailout money would be used to aid homeowners in foreclosure. And lastly, he promised that the bailouts would be temporary – with a “plan for exit of government intervention” implemented “as quickly as possible.”

The reassurances worked. Once again, TARP survived in Congress – and once again, the bailouts were greenlighted with the aid of Democrats who fell for the old “it’ll help ordinary people” sales pitch. “I feel like they’ve given me a lot of commitment on the housing front,” explained Sen. Mark Begich, a Democrat from Alaska.

But in the end, almost nothing Summers promised actually materialized. A small slice of TARP was earmarked for foreclosure relief, but the resultant aid programs for homeowners turned out to be riddled with problems, for the perfectly logical reason that none of the bailout’s architects gave a shyt about them. They were drawn up practically overnight and rushed out the door for purely political reasons – to trick Congress into handing over tons of instant cash for Wall Street, with no strings attached. “Without those assurances, the level of opposition would have remained the same,” says Rep. Raúl Grijalva, a leading progressive who voted against TARP. The promise of housing aid, in particular, turned out to be a “paper tiger.”

Obama 100% owned the bailout, he had the authority over funds, and he let Bush's own guys keep giving the money to executives while poor people got jack shyt.
In short, the bailout program designed to help those lazy, job-averse, “water-drinking” minority homeowners – the one that gave birth to the Tea Party – turns out to have comprised about one percent of total TARP spending. “It’s amazing,” says Paul Kiel, who monitors bailout spending for ProPublica. “It’s probably one of the biggest failures of the Obama administration.”

The failure of HAMP underscores another damning truth – that the Bush-Obama bailout was as purely bipartisan a program as we’ve had. Imagine Obama retaining Don Rumsfeld as defense secretary and still digging for WMDs in the Iraqi desert four years after his election: That’s what it was like when he left Tim Geithner, one of the chief architects of Bush’s bailout, in command of the no-stringsattached rescue four years after Bush left office.

And Obama low-key kept handing out more bailout money as time went on:
Other banks found more creative uses for bailout money. In October 2010, Obama signed a new bailout bill creating a program called the Small Business Lending Fund, in which firms with fewer than $10 billion in assets could apply to share in a pool of $4 billion in public money. As it turned out, however, about a third of the 332 companies that took part in the program used at least some of the money to repay their original TARP loans. Small banks that still owed TARP money essentially took out cheaper loans from the government to repay their more expensive TARP loans – a move that conveniently exempted them from the limits on executive bonuses mandated by the bailout. All told, studies show, $2.2 billion of the $4 billion ended up being spent not on small-business loans, but on TARP repayment. “It’s a bit of a shell game,” admitted John Schmidt, chief operating officer of Iowa-based Heartland Financial, which took $81.7 million from the SBLF and used every penny of it to repay TARP.

And this whole time he was finding all that money for the banks, where was the money for the people screwed over by the banks? Obama argued the banks had to be bailed out but refused to bail out mortgage holders.


MIami Beach on the check-in.
May 3, 2012
Miami Beach, FL
Elizabeth Warren is number one choice for Democrat candidate among LGBT voters, landmark poll finds

Warren has the big lead with the gay vote. Bernie is pulling 18% with them.

Gay people are already a tiny minority and if you only got 18% of them then they sure as hell ain't your base. @DatManJay must know a LOT more gay white people than I do if he's meeting gay Bernie supporters like that. He's obviously got way more Black supporters than gay supporters.
You said no gays were supporting Sanders. Stop being disingenuous.


Nov 18, 2016
:manny: I just call it like it is. I mean both parties are pro-business, pro-corporate interests as far as economics go. The only real difference are the takes on wedge issues(gay issues, abortion and immigration). Both parties are pro-war as well. There's really not that much difference besides superficial social issues and it's been like that for the last 30 years at least


You're saying both parties take large donations from corporations to push an agenda?


Nov 18, 2016
You're posting a half-truth that completely misses what I said. Obama was 100% behind the bailouts the entire time. Please, HE took credit for it right from the beginning:

And honestly he should own the bank bailout. First, he was one of the original pushes and biggest supporters of the bailout bill:

In order to get the bill passed, the backers lied about the bill and said it would help mortgage owners, then gave the money straight to the companies instead. Some congressmen and senators actually tried to repeal the bailout. But do you know who came to its rescue? Obama again.

Obama 100% owned the bailout, he had the authority over funds, and he let Bush's own guys keep giving the money to executives while poor people got jack shyt.

And Obama low-key kept handing out more bailout money as time went on:

And this whole time he was finding all that money for the banks, where was the money for the people screwed over by the banks? Obama argued the banks had to be bailed out but refused to bail out mortgage holders.

Everything is a continuous process..

The economy was crumbling when Bush was in office.. Whether a republican or democratic was elected, those banks was getting bailed out..


Mar 17, 2015
I don't get why Coli brethren are going after each other's throats defending any of these politicians.

Clinton and Sanders and both wack AF. So are the rest of the Dems (AND the Repubs before I get called a CAC by inexperienced internet geeks, *sigh*).

Let em bite each others heads off.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
You said no gays were supporting Sanders. Stop being disingenuous.
No I didn't. :gucci:

I said that his BASE wasn't gay people. You can't build your base by getting 18% of the votes of an already tiny minority. That was in response to the guy who was trying to claim that Sanders's entire base was "white liberals and homos". I never said that he has 0 gay supporters, that wouldn't make sense to say about any candidate.


MIami Beach on the check-in.
May 3, 2012
Miami Beach, FL
No I didn't. :gucci:

I said that his BASE wasn't gay people. You can't build your base by getting 18% of the votes of an already tiny minority. That was in response to the guy who was trying to claim that Sanders's entire base was "white liberals and homos". I never said that he has 0 gay supporters, that wouldn't make sense to say about any candidate.
I never said that was his base either!

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Everything is a continuous process..

The economy was crumbling when Bush was in office.. Whether a republican or democratic was elected, those banks was getting bailed out..
That's the bullshyt they sold you. They could have let the banks die and used that exact same money to bail out people at the bottom instead. The economy would have recovered slower but the people who were hurting would have been BETTER off.

Obama's people claimed repeatedly that the money was going to go to creating jobs, to saving mortgage holders, that he was going to fix the system. And that was bullshyt. The money went to the rich, the economy "recovered" meaning the stock market went back up but job growth sucked, all those people who were losing their homes still lost their homes. There was more than one way to go about it and he chose Bush's way and put Bush's people in charge because those same Wall Street folk are the ones who pay the DNC's bills too.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
but what has a MAGA negro actually DONE to anybody?<<< a question his bytch ass won't answer because it destroys his narrative, watch.
Like that's hard, here's a headline from literally yesterday.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are destroying one of MLK's most enduring legacies

That's just one of at least 7-8 ways that Ben Carson has tried to fukk up civil rights protections since he became head of the DHHS. He's damn near the only original Trump appointee that hasn't been fired yet because he just does exactly what Trump tells him to do, even when it means black people get fukked over.

And he was one of my heroes for the longest. :mjcry:

Candice Owens giving Congressional testimony to cover for White racists, trying to derail the anti-White Nationalism hate crimes hearing by complaining about how "conservatives of color" are treated instead.

Here's Alveda King in one of the many times she's ran interference for Trump, claiming that he isn't racist at all and "all that news is absolutely fake" even when confronted with actual examples of Trump's racism, once again helping to normalize racism in the highest office in America.
Last edited:


Nov 18, 2016
That's the bullshyt they sold you. They could have let the banks die and used that exact same money to bail out people at the bottom instead. The economy would have recovered slower but the people who were hurting would have been BETTER off.

Obama's people claimed repeatedly that the money was going to go to creating jobs, to saving mortgage holders, that he was going to fix the system. And that was bullshyt. The money went to the rich, the economy "recovered" meaning the stock market went back up but job growth sucked, all those people who were losing their homes still lost their homes. There was more than one way to go about it and he chose Bush's way and put Bush's people in charge because those same Wall Street folk are the ones who pay the DNC's bills too.

:rudy: they sold me B.S while you're dreaming..

Bailing out the people puts american further away from socialism..

Seems like thats what most americans want anyway..

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Like that's hard, here's a headline from literally yesterday.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are destroying one of MLK's most enduring legacies

That's just one of at least 7-8 ways that Ben Carson has tried to fukk up civil rights protections since he became head of the DHHS. He's damn near the only original Trump appointee that hasn't been fired yet because he just does exactly what Trump tells him to do, even when it means black people get fukked over.

And he was one of my heroes for the longest. :mjcry:

Candice Owens giving Congressional testimony to cover for White racists, trying to derail the anti-White Nationalism hate crimes hearing by complaining about how "conservatives of color" are treated instead.

You quote me from a thread about BLACK MAGA SUPPORTERS, everyday citizens.

then you turn around and post something about someone in Trump's cabinet - you did this to avoid answering my question like the coward you are.

and that video of candace owens is still just somebody talking, that's not DOING anything to harm anyone no matter how much you disagree or cry over it.

Further proof that you're just overly emotional human garbage, you can't even have a cohesive discussion like a man...not sure how the fukk you got that badge but you're not honoring it at all.

Armchair Militant

Stay woke
Nov 18, 2016
What is Sanders supposed to do as a pro-poor, anti-establishment senator in that climate? Magically be the 50 votes all by himself?

And I looked up you claim about CHIP, Sanders opposed the original CHIP because it had too many giveaways to corporate/Republican interests and he was fighting for a bill that covered MORE kids, not less. But once it was law he's continuously fought to make it better with more money and more people covered.

Good question. I’ve been wondering how Bernie is gonna get all this shyt passed, but I haven’t heard a good answer. Congress is filled with republicans and moderate dems. You have to compromise in politics.

He voted against a program that would provide healthcare for millions of poor kids because he didn’t want to compromise. He also voted against the AMBER alert bill.That’s not a good look.