#HOH: Man Wins $6 Million Lottery & DOESN'T Tell His Girlfriend That He Left


All Star
Jun 11, 2015
Stop it. None of us know this dude from a can of paint. All we know is he's a savage for doing his girl like this. Savages tend to thrive in capitalistic societies. :ld:
Nah, if he was he wouldn't be caught up in this mess now.
46 years old.
3 kids.
Living off of a single mother (potentially of manbearpig status) in her house.
Employed at granite shops and tire stores.

Maurice Thibeault is seen in this January 2016 Postmedia file photo working as a tire technician at Brooks Tire in Chatham. A former colleague there described him as "laid back" as a war over a $6-million winning Lotto 6/49 ticket brews.


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Man I feel like 5-6 mil aint enough to quit your job, unless he using it to start his own business:patrice:

That shyt feels like it can run out quick after taxes and provided theres no state law requiring him to stay with her:pachaha:

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
He fukked up by lying.

I find it hard to sympathize with him. He's a man who was living off a woman because he didn't want to be alone, but he wasn't really with her.


Jan 25, 2016
Win the lottery and end up on Baller Alert the same day brehs :dead:The women are going to be stalking him online trying to land a sugardaddy.:ahh: Congrats to him and his family.

A father of two and grandfather of 12, he said he plans to have an "all-family discussion" once things settle down.:huhldup: That conversation may get ugly for Mr. Smith. He may end us with family members no longer speaking to him. Its hard to say no to your grandkids so he may have to do it through a lawyer.

© NY Gaming Commission Jimmie Smith claimed the $24.1 million New York Lotto jackpot from the drawing held on May 25, 2016 - just days before the ticket was set to expire.

Everyone has that spot in their house or car where they let the mail and receipts pile up.

For 68-year old Jimmie Smith, it was an old shirt hanging in his closet. Stuffed in its pockets was a stack of unchecked lottery tickets.

"I always told myself, 'I'll check them when I have the time,'" the New Jersey man said.

It's a good thing he did. Because had he waited two days longer, he'd have lost out on $24.1 million.

'Check your pockets. Check your glove box'
More than a year ago, Smith bought a ticket to the New York Lotto.

The winning numbers for the May 25, 2016 drawing were: 05 - 12 - 13 - 22 - 25 - 35.

The New York Gaming Commission knew the winning ticket, worth $24.1 million, was sold at a bodega in New York City -- but it didn't know who bought the ticket.

Winners have a year to claim the prize and that expiration day was quickly approaching.

So earlier this year, the New York Lottery started to get the word out.

"We urge New York Lottery players: Check your pockets. Check your glove box. Look under the couch cushions. If you have this winning ticket, we look forward to meeting you," Gweneth Dean, director of the Commission'sDivision of the Lottery, said at the time.

'Do I see what I think I see?'
Smith, a retired security officer, caught a news story about the search for the mystery winner. That inspired him to check his old tickets.

He went up to the closet where the old shirt hung.

When the numbers matched up, he "stood there for a minute thinking, 'Do I see what I think I see?'"

"I had to stick my head out the window and breathe in some fresh air,: he said. "I was in serious doubt. I really had to convince myself this was real."

"All-family discussion"

That was on May 23, 2017. He'd have been ineligible to collect after May 25, 2017.

On Wednesday, the New York Lottery released Smith's name after completing a review.

"We are thrilled that this lucky winner was able to locate this life-changing ticket," Dean, of the gaming commission, said.

Smith chose to receive his payments over the course of 26 years.

A father of two and grandfather of 12, he said he plans to have an "all-family discussion" once things settle down.

Breh hit the :picard::whew: :blessed:when he saw the date on the ticket and then saw the date on the calendar


Jul 22, 2014
he's going to have to split it. the article said they played together alternating each week who'd buy it. it was his week to buy it. he even lied when she asked about whether their numbers won. fair is fair.
May 7, 2012
Nah, if he was he wouldn't be caught up in this mess now.
46 years old.
3 kids.
Living off of a single mother (potentially of manbearpig status) in her house.
Employed at granite shops and tire stores.

So dude worked at tire shops and granite shops? He likely ain't making more than 60k a year. :dead:

Don't get it twisted breh, I ain't suggesting this dude won't go broke. I've already stated that a staggering number of lotto winners find themselves in financial ruin. What I'm saying is there is no reason for him to keep working his job(s) after hitting for 6M. If this dude is the type to blow through 6M, his little 60k/year in job money ain't gonna save him! In that case he has a spending problem, better to address that than waste his time working a job paying peanuts.

LMAO @ trading your time, $30 (before taxes) for each hour when you got $6M liquid :mjlol:

LMAO @ letting some manager tell you you can't go to some event cuz they need you to work when you got $6M liquid :mjlol:

LMAO @ getting cussed out by some customer cuz you took too long putting on their tires when you got $6M liquid :mjlol:

Y'all nikkas done lost your mind. :russ:


You don't touch the principal, you put the $6 million in low risk bonds with 5% returns like municipal bonds, 5% of 6 million is $300,000 a year and muni-bonds are generally tax exempt.

Anything he wants should be financed or leased, period.

So starve for the first year though?

Why are you acting like Malta's plan wouldn't work for $5M instead of $6M? :gucci:
He could spot himself $1M to live off until the bonds start paying out and to kick off any large initial expenses he may want (vacations, debt eradication, car, house, etc)

The only thing is, bond rates have taken a nosedive since Trump stepped in. However, even at current rate of 1.9% for a 5 year (United States Rates & Bonds), you'd make $95k/year untaxed. And bonds typically pay out every 6 months until they mature. I wouldn't go beyond 5 years cuz when bond rates rise again, you'll want to be in a position to buy in. So if they're back to 5% after those 5 years, you can take that $5M and park it in a 30 year joint living off of that $250k/year for the next 30 years :win:

So y'all really want me to believe dude can't live off 95k + 200k (1M/5 years) for the first five years? :usure:
May 7, 2012
Man I feel like 5-6 mil aint enough to quit your job, unless he using it to start his own business:patrice:

That shyt feels like it can run out quick after taxes and provided theres no state law requiring him to stay with her:pachaha:

$5-6M is absolutely enough to quit your job. I'm convinced y'all don't really appreciate how much of an advantage it is to be wealthy in this country. Malta presented the most risk adverse plan possible (all muni bonds) and it works, but if you're willing to assume a bit more risk, you'd see even higher returns. Sure, most aren't educated enough about the markets to be great portfolio managers and they'd rather enjoy life instead of watching markets to make sure they're making the right moves: That's why I'd recommend just hiring a financial advisor to take care of that for you! Go with a big shop (Morgan Stanley, Merrll Lynch, etc), and you won't have to worry about getting ripped off. A financial advisor will lay out just how rich you really are. You're not Diddy rich, but you can afford that vacation and Benz if you want it. An advisor will listen to the life you want to live (expected spending), your age (how much risk you're willing to take), and craft a portfolio (mix of stocks and bonds) that'll meet your needs. He'll constantly be monitoring that portfolio, shielding you with bonds when needed, taking advantages of high yield stocks when appropriate, all while maintaining the cash flow that you need to live the lifestyle you want.

So yes, with that kind of money, you can indeed just live your life, and live merrily, merrily off the streams :ahh:


Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.
Apr 21, 2015
Unless any of his three children are minors.
I just assumed those were her kids and not his. I thought he moved in with a single mother who had 3 kids and she was lonely and desperate to have a man around. If they are not his kids then he shouldn't have to pay child support unless he adopted them legally. I don't know anything about Canada laws so I just wait on the Canadians on the board to let us know how it is up there.


Aug 30, 2014
DADE County
I'm out. I would break my newly ex gf off something proper. Have her living way better than the average person. But I'm out. When you rich your options are endless and you don't wan't nobody holding you back.