Hoping y'all can explain her actions

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
Like the rhino and ox pecker, the simp and attention whore coexist in a mutually dependent symbiosis

The simp cannot get full cooperation from women as attractive as the attention whore, so he settles for "friendship"... less out of hope that the friendship blossoms and more out of fear that he will never have access to such an attractive woman again

The attention whore cannot get full cooperation from the men she feels she deserves, so she settles for the adoration of the simp without reciprocity. Meanwhile, she herself is a female simp, offering up her body to a man (or men :merchant: ) who only fill her physical needs and desires, leaving the emotional engagement and cleanup for her loyal simp.

They both tell themselves lies to insist they are in control of and want the current situation, but they are both miserable and confused. Hence threads like this....

Beautiful. :mjcry:.

Never read it so succinctly stated.