Horrible. Landlords and Realtors trading tips on how to easily evict people

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
"if you buy these buildings you could give 60 day notices to evict all the tenants on the first day"

:scust:Real talk fukk landlords

Oakland Realtors Coach Buyers On How To Profit From Tenant Eviction

OAKLAND (KPIX) – Oakland’s housing market is sizzling. There are open houses every weekend. And many of them are filled with tenants who have to awkwardly watch and listen to the people who could take away their homes. It’s an especially lucrative business model because of what some are calling a huge loophole in the city’s eviction law.

Undercover cameras videotaped, as realtors walked KPIX and a group of potential home buyers through duplexes and triplexes at open houses in Oakland. They coached us as we went along on how to legally kick out everyone living there.

It was a crash course in the business of eviction, all caught on hidden camera.

“You can move in, and then once you have lived in the property, then the umm the restrictions on evictions and stuff go away,” one realtor told us.

The realtors openly explained how to maximize our return and make a career off buying and selling duplexes.

Another realtor put it this way: “A lot of people, that is what they do for a living. They will buy apartments that have below market rate rents, and figure out a way that they can get them up higher so they can sell it for a profit.”

Meanwhile, current occupants of the home were sitting within earshot, knowing whoever buys their place has the ability to drastically change their life.

Morgan West lives in Oakland. We toured her apartment while she was home.

“Honestly kind of awkward,” she said.

The realtor thanked her and wished her a ‘good day’ as we left.

These apartment tours have been part of Love’s life for the past 7 months. She’s been anxiously watching realtors advertise the West Oakland triplex she desperately wants to continue living in.

“I think there’s got to be some level of understanding that when you’re coming in and probably going to push people out of your home, that’s going to be really hard for those people,” says Love. “If that doesn’t make you uncomfortable, I think there’s really a problem.”

Love and the other women living in her triplex are all artists. If she loses this apartment she says she won’t be able to afford rent in the Bay Area.

“I think it’s really sad and horrible that folks who are artists are being pushed out,” she says. “I think it’s even more sad and horrible that people who have been in these neighborhoods for generations are being displaced

KPIX showed the hidden camera video to Leah Simon-Weisberg, with Centro Legal de la Raza, a tenants’ rights group in Oakland.

She listened as a third realtor showing us Morgen’s triplex told us: “The day you own this property as the homeowner you can give 60-day notices to vacate to all three tenants immediately if you wanted.”

“It’s kind of one of those situations where you’re sad to know you were right,” she says. “We have the worst homelessness that California has had since the Great Depression, and some say since the big earthquake. If we want to live in a civil society and we don’t understand why we have so many homeless families, this is why — because we’ve allowed, we are tolerating that people are making a business model off of this.”

It is business model that is uniquely profitable in Oakland thanks to a loophole in the city’s Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance. It states that all the tenants living in buildings with three units or less can be evicted as long as the owner occupies one.

“This is your home, this is not like a business, like the guy who has got the 100 unit building. This is where you live,” says Wayne Roland.

He is with the East Bay Rental Housing Association. He says voters passed a ballot measure in 2002 to exempt small landlords from the ‘just cause’ eviction law for a reason.

“It takes 2 to tango,” he says. “You can’t just set up rules that favor tenants and have your concerns always related to the tenants. You have to be concerned about the people who are providing the housing, as well.”

As for the small property owner in Oakland, Roland says “they are providing the lion’s share — the overwhelming lion’s share of the affordable housing, so let’s give them a break sometimes.”

Meanwhile, with every day that goes by, another duplex sells over asking price. Artists like Love live day-to-day in their rented units, hoping for the best but bracing for the worst

:pacspit:These bloodsuckers

Caught On Video: Oakland Realtors Coach Buyers On How To Profit From Tenant Eviction

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
pretty foul

then again, ive been thinking about getting into real estate and reading these fukkin horror stories where it costs people 8 thousand dollars to kick someones ass out of THEIR fukkin house. so while i wouldnt tend to to side with some business cocksucker who's in it for a quick flip, it can go both ways


Jun 13, 2013
The H
As much as I hate to say it, you don't own the home. It's not your property. There are those who pay on time, keep the building/structure maintained, and are good tenants. But then there's also the filthy ones, who scrap by and feel entitles to their low rate.

All in all though, why would anyone want to live in the Bay Area at this point? Oakland was going to turn the same way BK did, and it was only going to get worse.

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
shytty landlords

There are definately shytty landlords out there. Some develop a god complex because you live in their peoperty even if you are paying rent. Some wanna collect rent but wont do basic at times critical maintenance to the rental property.

Yo Mama

...the sweeter the juice.
Jan 9, 2016
Your dreams
shytty tenants:

I have also noted there are "career" shytty tenants. They pay the deposit and first months rent then they move in and never pay another cent.

By the time you manage to evict legally months later they have cost you rental imcome and such shytty people like that tend to not clean or take basic care of a house so you will have to loose more money to repairs.

The cost and time of litigation will not be covered by the assets that you will have managed to discover.

So they take advantage of the law which in some places favours tenants and they manage to squeeze some free acvomodation for some months. Then they find another victim/home owner and act all sweet and organised then pay the 1st rent and deposit then they repeat their BS again.

Rinse and repeat...

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
shytty tenants:

I have also noted there are "career" shytty tenants. They pay the deposit and first months rent then they move in and never pay another cent.

By the time you manage to evict legally months later they have cost you rental imcome and such shyttu people like that tend to not clean or takr basic care of a house so you will have to loose more money to repairs.

They find another victim/home owner and act all sweet and organised then pay the 1st rwnt and deposit then they repeat their BS again.

Make housing actually affordable and the poor, poor, landlords won't have this problem.