House majority whip Scalise acknowledge speaking at white nationalist event in 2002


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
House majority whip Scalise acknowledges speaking at white nationalist event in 2002

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By Robert Costa December 29 at 3:42 PM
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the House majority whip, acknowledged Monday that he spoke at a gathering hosted by white nationalist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002, thrusting a racial controversy into House Republican ranks days before the party assumes control of both congressional chambers.

The 48-year-old Scalise, who ascended to the House GOP’s third-ranking post earlier this year, confirmed through an adviser that he once appeared at a convention of the European-American Unity and Rights Organization.

That organization, founded by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, has been called a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“Beyond hosting a website,, and staging an occasional conference, EURO is a paper tiger, serving primarily as a vehicle to publicize Duke's writing and sell his books,” the SPLC writes on its Web site.

In a statement, Scalise’s spokesperson Moira Bagley emphasized that the then-state lawmaker was unaware at the time of the group’s ideology and its association with racists and neo-Nazi activists.

Other Scalise allies, who requested anonymity to speak candidly, argued that Scalise was poorly staffed during the period, when he was busy touring the state promoting his efforts to curb state spending.

“Throughout his career in public service, Mr. Scalise has spoken to hundreds of different groups with a broad range of viewpoints,” Bagley said. “In every case, he was building support for his policies, not the other way around. In 2002, he made himself available to anyone who wanted to hear his proposal to eliminate slush funds that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars as well as his opposition to a proposed tax increase on middle-class families.”

She added, “He has never been affiliated with the abhorrent group in question. The hate-fueled ignorance and intolerance that group projects is in stark contradiction to what Mr. Scalise believes and practices as a father, a husband, and a devoted Catholic.”

Scalise’s appearance at the event was first reported by blogger Lamar White Jr., who manages a Web site on Louisiana politics.

Related: New majority whip Steve Scalise on why he won

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) says he won a three-way race for majority whip because his coalition was united, and says his election is "a win for America." (The Associated Press)


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
hold the fukk up. You mean to tell me that there are white racists in power in this country?


humble forever

All Star
Jun 4, 2014
Modern day republicans would probably all do this if they could get away with it.

Democrats have actually had the most kkk members in government. Things changed though


May 14, 2012
David Duke won 57 percent of the white vote when he ran for Governor of Louisiana in the 90s (as a republican)... Scalise definitely voted for him too.
He lost the election only thanks to a record turnout among minorities.
His concession speech was pure cac fukkery: "I may have lost the election, but I won my constituency!" :wow:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002
Mollie Reilly

Ryan Grim
12/29/14 04:12 PM ET
Twelve years before he was elected by his colleagues as House Majority Whip, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a conference hosted by white supremacist group European-American Unity and Rights Organization.

Louisiana political blogger Lamar White Jr. dug up a number of posts on st0rmfr0nt, one of the original white supremacist websites, that place Scalise at the 2002 gathering. According to one user who attended the conference, Scalise -- then a state representative -- spoke to the organization at a workshop "to teach the most effective and up-to-date methods of civil rights and heritage related activism."

According to another st0rmfr0ntpost, the National/International EURO Workshop on Civil Rights was held from May 17 to 18, 2002, at the Landmark/Best Western Hotel in Metairie, Louisiana. The conference was also listed on an Anti-Defamation League list of extremist events for that year.

"Throughout his career in public service, Mr. Scalise has spoken to hundreds of different groups with a broad range of viewpoints," Moira Bagley Smith, a spokeswoman for Scalise, said in a statement. "In every case, he was building support for his policies, not the other way around. In 2002, he made himself available to anyone who wanted to hear his proposal to eliminate slush funds that wasted millions of taxpayer dollars as well as his opposition to a proposed tax increase on middle-class families. He has never been affiliated with the abhorrent group in question. The hate-fueled ignorance and intolerance that group projects is in stark contradiction to what Mr. Scalise believes and practices as a father, a husband, and a devoted Catholic."

An aide to Scalise noted that at the time Scalise had only one aide and that he was speaking to any group that would listen to his argument about "slush funds." According to a contemporaneous st0rmfr0nt post, Scalise referenced such funds in his remarks to the EURO conference.

"In addition to plans to implement tactical strategies that were discussed, the meeting was productive locally as State Representative, Steve Scalise, discussed ways to oversee gross mismanagement of tax revenue or 'slush funds' that have little or no accountability," user Alsace Hebert wrote on May 21, 2002. "Representative Scalise brought into sharp focus the dire circumstances pervasive in many important, under-funded needs of the community at the expense of graft within the Housing and Urban Development Fund, an apparent give-away to a selective group based on race."

The same user also referenced Scalise's remarks in a post on Feb. 2, 2004.

"It was just announced that Rep. Steve Scalise, R-Jefferson will enter the race in the 1st Congressional District," Hebert wrote. "Those that attended the EURO conference in New Orleans will recall that Scalise was a speaker, offering his support for issues that are of concern to us."

Two years after speaking at the conference, Scalise was one of just six state representatives who voted to oppose making Martin Luther King Day a state holiday.

Founded in 2000 by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke (who served as a Louisiana state representative from 1989 to 1992), EURO's goal is to fight for "white civil rights." The group is recognized as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. As the SPLC notes, the group is largely inactive, serving primarily as a vehicle to promote Duke's books.

"EURO already was well known as a racist hate group at the time that Steve Scalise apparently spoke to its workshop, and it is hard to believe that any aspiring politician would not have known that," Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a statement to The Huffington Post. "In any case, it's worth noting that Scalise apparently did not leave even after hearing other racist speakers spouting their hatred."

White supremacy runs deep in the Louisiana region Scalise now represents in Congress. The 2004 race for Louisiana's 1st Congressional District included Democrat Roy Armstrong, an ex-Ku Klux Klan leader and spokesman for Duke. Duke himself had mulled a run for Congress that year, having just been released from federal prison, but ultimately Armstrong ran instead. Republican Bobby Jindal, who is now the governor of the state, won the race in a landslide, but Armstrong managed to pick up more than 19,000 votes.


All Star
Jul 16, 2014

Pictured: Steve Scalise

So.. what will happen? Anything?

It's clear as day to anyone with a brain. Yeah, we know a lot of these guys are white supremacists.. but none of them have left behind a trail of crumbs like this.
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