How does Warren Buffet stay so young? “Eat like a 6 year old..”


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I ate like Warren Buffett for a week — and it was miserable

Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in history.

He also has a really weird diet.

Buffett's diet of sugary soda, junk food, and limited vegetables has reached legendary status.

The Berkshire Hathaway CEO drinks about five cans of Coca-Cola products a day, constantly munches on See's Candies, and pours so much salt on his food that John Stumpf, the former Wells Fargo CEO, said watching Buffett dole it out was like a "snowstorm."

Business Insider has tried various people's diets — from Elon Musk's to Tom Brady's — so back in 2017 I decided to take on Buffett's strange food tastes for one workweek to see what it was like.

There were some basic ground rules — eat three meals a day, don't drink alcohol, and avoid vegetables.

Overall, I just tried to maintain the general attitude by which the man himself defines his diet.

"I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among 6-year-olds, so I decided to eat like a 6-year-old," Buffett told Fortune. "It's the safest course I can take."


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth

At 88 years old, Warren Buffett is still living life to the fullest.

To Buffett, that means going to work -- which he calls a "vacation every day" -- and eating McDonald's for lunch at least three times a week.

The CEO of holding company Berkshire Hathaway and the world's third-richest man revealed his peculiar lifestyle habits in a three-hour long interview with the Financial Times. Buffett told FT he has no plans to retire; while his old age means he must wear a hearing aid and avoid driving at night, he still "jumps out of bed" to go to work.

Along with Buffett's thrice-weekly McDonald's chicken nuggets habit, a quarter of Buffett's caloric intake comes from drinking Coke. "I'm not bothered by the thought of my death," the CEO told the FT.

The Oracle of Omaha doesn't shy away from talking about his unusual diet. Buffett eats mostly junk food and soda, with very little vegetables. Along with McDonald's, Buffett gulps down five cans of Coca-Cola products a day, eats Dairy Queen ice cream, and munches on See's Candies.

The CEO also uses so much salt, former Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf said "it's a snowstorm" every time Buffett uses a salt shaker.

While he has no plans to retire, Buffett spoke frankly about trusting a successor to one day run the company after he passes. Without "capitalism's favorite grandpa" running the show, as FT put it, Buffett said he expects Berkshire Hathaway will continue to thrive due to the community he created among shareholders and employees, as well as Buffett's insistence of not over-promising on returns.

Until that day, Buffett has no plans of quitting work (or chicken nuggets): "I have more fun here than I think any 88-year-old is having, virtually, in the world," he said.


May 14, 2012
He seems to be on the spectrum. Definite financial prodigy but everything else is shyt. You a billionaire and choose to live in Omaha or wherever the fukk. :stopitslime::hhh:
I’ve always thought this. With the amount of money he has, dude isn’t frugal, he’s borderline miserly.

You can't choose where your born. He was born in Omaha, made his money in Omaha and all his businesses headquarters are in Omaha. He didn't get chased off his block. Only thing he has to pay is property taxes. Nebraskans love their property taxes. Other than that he's good. The state ain't taking his money, the state and the Fed don't have their hands in his money.

There's a reason businesses are fleeing California and moving to Texas and will be leaving Texas after they find out how shytty that is. Businesses having been moving away from the east coast since manifest destiny and won't return.

Omaha seems like a silly place to hoard your cash but he's doing alright.