How many coli brehs does it take to influence change?

May 22, 2012
So I’ve been thinking about what it takes to start trends and how many people it takes for something to start to catch on via social media and other media platforms. I mean, half the time we don’t even know where stuff originates before it takes over our daily conversations.

Then I started thinking about think tanks that exist solely for the purpose of pushing a particular agenda.

Then I finally thought, could the Coli form its own “think tank” to start pushing ideas that are beneficial to the black community? If a large portion of us collectively started pushing positive ideas at the same time via our social media platforms, would it pick up steam? If we refined our talking points, coordinates our posts/content, collectively shared posts that align with our message, and vowed to stay on code for a given topic, would it make any difference?

I say we do a makeshift case study and figure it out brehs.
