I don't care what no man say, life is empty without a soulmate


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
Not a jumpoff or a thot, but a soulmate. A companion and a female best friend. I think about what it would be like to have a female friend that truly love you for you. They don't care about about the superficial shyt. Y'all got each other back no matter what and y'all have a spiritual connection, rather than a lustful one.

This society is so cold man, the word is so cold hearted you don't know to trust. Everybody must've read 48 laws of power, they come with a smile on their face. Roses in one hand and a dagger behind their back.
So u lose trust and become ice cold yourself, and afraid to become vulnerable enough to take risk with people. You end up missing on many opportunities out of fear, fear of being stabbed in the back again.

It's hard trying fight the internal war on the inside, constantly fighting demons and than fighting the demons in the world and still trying to maintain your sanity. People that are the devil in sheep's clothing. How do u even tell who is who anymore? Because those sheep costumes are getting better and more real looking everyday it seems.

That's why every man need a good woman. Not somebody to have cheap sex with but somebody to spiritually and mentally connect with. Somebody to watch the stars and hold. I'm not afraid to admit that. I think deep down all men want that but we gotta stay hard to survive.

I know I say that love doesn't exist and it probably doesn't but I hope it does, I want to experience it one day. Somebody to have real conversations with, totally free of judgement, somebody that I can trust and that believe in my dreams, while at the same time me believing in hers.

I value intimacy alot, getting to know the person instead of the flesh. Crawl deep inside their cerebral cortex and find out who they are. We can expose our biggest insecurities without fear of embarrassment. That to me is the first step to a real relationship. I value reality over anything. Even if it's harsh reality, I want it all in its most ugliest truthful form.

I don't know of I'll ever find my soulmate, I think I've might of went too deep down the rabbit for my own good, to a place I'll never come back. One thing that I learned about chasing a dream is that it comes with pain and loneliness, and you lose a piece of humanity in the process. Once you lose your humanity, your perception of the world becomes very grim. Maybe trying to live a dream overrated, maybe it's punishment for not just following the script and living the life that was planned for you? I don't know

Late night thoughts....I'm out


Dec 9, 2012
Not a jumpoff or a thot, but a soulmate. A companion and a female best friend. I think about what it would be like to have a female friend that truly love you for you. They don't care about about the superficial shyt. Y'all got each other back no matter what and y'all have a spiritual connection, rather than a lustful one.

This society is so cold man, the word is so cold hearted you don't know to trust. Everybody must've read 48 laws of power, they come with a smile on their face. Roses in one hand and a dagger behind their back.
So u lose trust and become ice cold yourself, and afraid to become vulnerable enough to take risk with people. You end up missing on many opportunities out of fear, fear of being stabbed in the back again.

It's hard trying fight the internal war on the inside, constantly fighting demons and than fighting the demons in the world and still trying to maintain your sanity. People that are the devil in sheep's clothing. How do u even tell who is who anymore? Because those sheep costumes are getting better and more real looking everyday it seems.

That's why every man need a good woman. Not somebody to have cheap sex with but somebody to spiritually and mentally connect with. Somebody to watch the stars and hold. I'm not afraid to admit that. I think deep down all men want that but we gotta stay hard to survive.

I know I say that love doesn't exist and it probably doesn't but I hope it does, I want to experience it one day. Somebody to have real conversations with, totally free of judgement, somebody that I can trust and that believe in my dreams, while at the same time me believing in hers.

I value intimacy alot, getting to know the person instead of the flesh. Crawl deep inside their cerebral cortex and find out who they are. We can expose our biggest insecurities without fear of embarrassment. That to me is the first step to a real relationship. I value reality over anything. Even if it's harsh reality, I want it all in its most ugliest truthful form.

I don't know of I'll ever find my soulmate, I think I've might of went too deep down the rabbit for my own good, to a place I'll never come back. One thing that I learned about chasing a dream is that it comes with pain and loneliness, and you lose a piece of humanity in the process. Once you lose your humanity, your perception of the world becomes very grim. Maybe trying to live a dream overrated, maybe it's punishment for not just following the script and living the life that was planned for you? I don't know

Late night thoughts....I'm out
Been feeling that for a Minute


All Star
Jun 1, 2013
Women are biologically wired to be hypergamous aka will leave you for a better option. Once you realize that the forever together bullshyt the media sells you is a lie and the fact that the need for love is just your body's way of signalling that you should reproduce, you move past the need for unconditional love from a significant other. Cold world breh but you got this.


Oct 9, 2012
Women are biologically wired to be hypergamous aka will leave you for a better option. Once you realize that the forever together bullshyt the media sells you is a lie and the fact that the need for love is just your body's way of signalling that you should reproduce, you move past the need for unconditional love from a significant other. Cold world breh but you got this.