
In my own league.
Mar 25, 2014
Outer Space
After yesterday hearing what people had to say, I'm sick of the excuses and finger pointing. I've heard Democrats and Liberals blaming third party voters, lack of voters, young people, Black People, etc. No no, the ones who supported Hillary since the primaries BLAME YOURSELVES.

Honestly I don't understand why Democrats and Liberals are upset. This is what you guys wanted. Let me give you a little bit of perspective here, you pretty much helped Donald Trump in the White House. You knowingly supported a corrupted party with a corrupted candidate who destroyed somebody the people CHOSE. Hillary was chosen by the establishment, not by the people.

This is what Bernie Sanders' supporters tried warning you guys about. Polls after polls proved that Bernie had a better chance of winning against Trump than Hillary did. Hell, like others have mentioned, even some Republicans liked Bernie Sanders. I'll give the RNC credit for one thing, they hated Trump and the Republican establishment didn't want him, but they didn't do everything possible to be blatantly destructed towards him. They couldn't stop because you know why? The people CHOSE him.

You guys chose to push forward with weakness and corruption and you expected to win.

Hell, I would even go as far as to say that I really wish Obama forced Biden to run. Hillary is a loser and will always be a loser. She couldn't even win against a man who had a f_cking reality TV show. People hate her that much.

Bernie's being smart about this and offering an extension from his camp to guide Donald Trump in the right direction and if Trump had a sliver of common sense for the sake of this country, he would take Bernie on his offer.


May 7, 2012
I didn't like Hillary but to be fair she received more votes than Trump. If the electoral college wasn't still in place the she'd be the president elect. I put more blame on the DNC and the media for colluding to help Hillary suppress Bernie as a viable candidate for the party because it was pretty blantant. We're lucky this didn't happen to Obama in 2004 because McCain may have been elected.