I just found the goat site..http://talkaboutmarriage.com/coping-infidelity/


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
All Jokes Aside I Dunno How People Go Thru This shyt, Being With Someone Over 10 Years And They :pacspit: In Ya Face

Then You Got The Kids Jesus

Honestly it ain't even that funny to me, I've been cheated in even though I was only with that chick for 3 months and didnt love her or anything I was still :sadcam: for a little bit.

This post

Never say Never

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Honestly it ain't even that funny to me, I've been cheated in even though I was only with that chick for 3 months and didnt love her or anything I was still :sadcam: for a little bit.

This post

Never say Never

I'd never cheat, hasn't happened to this point, but I don't believe that rule I live by is something everyone else can adhere to. I love my girl, but I put nothing past anyone not bound by blood, especially since she's very attractive and other guys are always trying to talk to her.

I know I've got an iron will (don't drink/smoke or do drugs), other people? Nah, not so much.


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
Wow.... Been a rough couple days since I found out. Hope this will help. Here it goes:

Wife and I dated for 5 years. Generally a very good time, little trouble with jealousy on both parts of friends of the opposite gender but no cheating. Were married (1999) and continued to have a good relationship. Those who knew us said we had a perfect relationship, etc... Of course the trouble started when we decided to try to conceive (2003). We tried, and tried, and tried, nothing happened. We saw our doctors and did the initial tests which showed everything was fine, no reason why we couldn't. Of course during this time all of our friends were getting pregnant, having babies, and our mental health (especially my wife's) plunged. She withdrew, become despondent, said she ruined my life, that she was an utter failure. I tried to reassure her I didn't blame her and wanted to help her or help her get help. She withdrew more. Partying became a staple in both of our lives to escape. Her to escape her feelings of guilt and uselessness, me to escape the despair of seeing your wife spiral out of control and not being able to stop her. During this time she started spending more and more time with a mutual friend. At first, of course, I thought it was fine. I would rather her be with someone I knew as a friend when she was out and about so they could keep an eye on her, I trusted both of them. As time went on (at least a year, so 2005) I realized I couldn't do it anymore. They were together all the time, other people were accusing them of having an affair, asking me how I can stand it, etc... I confronted both of them on numerous occasions to fess up if anything was going on but of course they both denied. After a year to year and a half the wife made a breakthrough, wanted to work things out, was tired of running away from problems, etc... Of course I welcomed her with wide arms. I wanted my wife back! We went to counseling for a couple sessions but neither of us were good at it, didn't want to think we had problems that big, whatever.... I basically swallowed everything up, took her word for it that it never was sexual, just emotional (which in many ways is worse) and I basically gave her a get out of jail free card.

So, we gradually start putting things together. We decide to stop worrying about conceiving and become foster parents. We were very lucky that we were able to adopt our first two placements (2007-2008) and in 2009 she gave birth, a home birth nonetheless, to our daughter. Wow! Awesome..... I thought. Just this past weekend (2012!!!!!! after 7 years!) a friend who knew of the whole truth tells me my wife had a physical affair with our so-called friend. Knock-out. I'm blasted. Utterly devastated. I had worked so hard to get over this, never really did (and I'll take some blame for not forcing a reconciliation the first time) but now I have to go through all of this again. And she does too! She doesn't want to rehash this time of her history. I know she was depressed about the infertility (seen many couple break because of it) I know she is genuinely remorseful, she is disgusted with herself, etc...

So now I am grappling with being extremely angry and extremely sympathetic with her. I want to scream and yell, to punish her, to make her hurt but I want to pick her up and make all of her pain go away as well. I love her, I believe her when she says she loves me. We are going to try to work this out, we know we should have a long time ago, but this time we want to do it right.

It has only been a couple days and we are both still in shock. In October we will celebrate (hopefully) our 13th anniversary. We have three awesome kids ages 3,4 and 5. A house in the country, horses, dogs, cats, chickens, a rabbit. Good friends, good family. And a load of **** to work through.

I really don't know why I joined this board but just typing this out seems to help. Now if I can push the post button...

Jesus Christ.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
My wife has cheated for 8 months by having sex with men on craigslist. She met at least three men and had sex with each one multiple times. She no longer wants to discuss it and refuses my questions. She allowed these men to do things with her that she absolutely refuses to do with me.

She did everything but anal with them and even swallowed which I had asked her to do many times and she always refused. She almost always refuses to even give me a blowjob saying that she hated it and didn't want to. She admitted that she blew them frequently and that she just let all her inhibitions go and did anything that they wanted. I want her to do these things with me and having her refuse something that she gave freely to some random internet guy is very very hard.

We are starting counciling next week but I am not sure what to do or say to get her to lose her inhibitions with me as well. I love her and want to stay married but I am not going to accept less than what she was willing to give to strangers.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
It's Crazy How Vicious Women Could Be, This One Dudes Wife Was fukking Some Guy In Their Bed While She Was PREGNANT!! While He Was Aay Seeing His SICK Brother

Women on average are able to detach from men easier than vice versa, once they lose that feeling it's a wrap for you, and your feelings become completely irrelevant.