I just want everyone on this board to know that true love is real. Story inside.


Chef Will Equilibrar Òkùnkùn
Jan 11, 2013
Sparking blunts in the shade.
Welp, :francis:

She was having an emotional breakdown, blew my phone up until I answered and hit me with the “so you won’t even come talk to me?:damn:” So I went over there and she’s crying about her same situation and got on some “make me feel good” shyt, ambushed me with head and then told me that I didn’t have to sneak out because ______ knows about “us”.:why:

Mind you, I didn’t speak to this chick since early last year and haven’t fukked since early 2020.:snoop: I had to let her know that there is no “us” and she was making that Kerry Washington face the whole time because she already knew she could never be with me seriously. Not to sound full of myself but I’m well established financially, don’t have problems finding women who are attracted to me and I don’t have any children yet. I’d be slow to date her and it was stupid of me to even deal with her in the first place. I let emotion over some petty shyt that happened years ago lead me to playing with peoples lives. Now ole girl is breaking under the pressure of trying to stay loyal to a lifer, threw a Hail Mary by telling him about “us” which I’d put my money on that being her way of inflicting pain on him because she’s probably bitter about him now but can’t outright say that to him because her “I’m super down” veil will be ruined and was able to drag me into it because I decided to lower myself into the disfunction.

Buddys been locked for over a decade and he’s most likely never coming home. I doubt very much that there’s anyone that would try to harm me because I fukked his bm. I’m honestly not concerned with him knowing. I am going to keep in contact with the bm because I made myself a source of hope/joy for her to do my dirt and I’ll stay that for her to clean up my mess i.e. help her get back to a stable mental space so she can do what she’s supposed to for her family.

Yes, I was wrong for getting head but in my defense she went from crying and embracing me to pulling my dikk out of my sweats and into her mouth in literally less 2 seconds. Low key, I was R worded (seriously :usure:) and just let it happen because my attacker was good at what she was doing. It’s still my fault but I’m just saying.:manny:

Look at the bullshyt in the OP and the other “revenge story” aka me reminiscing over how lame and feminine I used to be as an example of what not to do out here. You should build yourself up and then raise your standards romantically and otherwise to a level that matches where you were able to build to and then don’t lower them for anything especially not petty revenge on childhood foes.

Also, it’s now known who a couple of her other romantic trysts where with so if that nikka is actually mad then he’s mad at a few of us and I’m the most out of reach, them other nikkas are still in the hood. It is what it is.:yeshrug:
