I knew the corporate game was rigged but woooow


Aug 22, 2015
Bit of back story, there is a new role that's been created in my division and in the months leading up to it, my boss and his boss have been sounding me out for it in our catch-up meetings. My message has been pretty consistent in that I don't think I have the experience or skills to do that job and they've always told me to just "think about it"

Fast forward a few weeks, the post gets advertised publicly for people to apply.

So, I miss the deadline for applying and my manager's boss sets up a 1hr "catch-up" meeting with me. I already know we were gonna be discussing this new role and that's exactly what happened.

I've basically been told, in loosely uncertain terms, that this job is mine even though I've told them I don't think I deserve it, don't feel ready for it and missed the application deadline. This is basically some "offer you can't refuse" type shyt:mjtf:

At the risk of "counting my eggs before they hatch" the only way I see myself not getting it is if I show up to the interview drunk and start swearing at people because I was told I would be given "advice" before the interview too :snoop:

I've also got a 1-on-1 meeting with the Head of the division later this week. You know, the guy who signs off on all appointments/promotions:snoop:

They talk all this shyt about "fair" selection processes and procedures which I've always known was BS but now I'm seeing it first hand and becoming part of this bs system too.

Sure, as far as problems go, this is not a bad one to have but this shyt stinks to me. There's people applying for this role not knowing that a decision has already been made and it feels wrong. fukk MAN, what a farce!

TLDR: It's been strongly hinted to me that I'll be getting a promotion I don't feel ready for and that I don't think I deserve.

69 others

May 2, 2012
Is this a humble brag thread:lolbron:
Maybe you're not as bad as you think you are:manny: but provide some details on why you think you're not qualified.

How long you've been at the job? Maybe it's a situation where you either move up or move out and they're trying to save your ass.

Also most places rather hire internally and alot of jobs are not as demanding or don't require most of the skills requested in the description, companies usually aim higher than what they really need.

Another thing is that the job market is hot right now and they've been having issues filling the position with a qualified candidate and rather train you than an outside candidate since they know your work ethic
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69 others

May 2, 2012
Things like this are exactly why I can’t get hired.

99.9% of these job postings are FAKE.

And the interviews are TAX WRITE OFFS for HR.
Thread like these attract waste men like you like flies to shyt on why you don't have a job. In this market if you can't get a job is because you don't really want one.
All your posts concerning employment and careers are always negative with some type of stupid excuse like the above. At some point you must realize that you are the problem.
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Koba St

Feb 1, 2015
You’re really letting such a massive opportunity go talking about “Im not ready” really?

You need to get your confidence up. Take the job and if you’re struggling in any area, ask for help and keep learning on the job. That’s how you progress instead of waiting till you’re ready.
May 8, 2012
Cut the “I dont deseve” shyt out man. Your bosses :dame: wouldn’t be pushing you for it if they didnt think you could do the job. You wanted to just stay doing the same thing forever and not learn something new?

QFT. Almost exact situation I was in this year and I’d be a fool to say I’m not appreciative of what was done…


Aug 22, 2015
Is this a humble brag thread:lolbron:
Maybe you're not as bad as you think you are:manny: but provide some details on why you think you're not qualified.

How long you've been at the job? Maybe it's a situation where you either move up or move out and they're trying to save your ass.

Also most places rather hire internally and alot of jobs are not as demanding or don't require most of the skills requested in the description, companies usually aim higher than what they really need.

Another thing is that the job market is hot right now and they've been having issues filling the position with a qualified candidate and rather train you than an outside candidate since they know your work ethic
Been in my current role for 2 years but I basically got a double promotion to get it which was already a stretch. People weren't happy about it then (fukk their emotions though) however I didn't care because it's not like they reported to me or anything.

This new role would mean they report to me though and whilst I still don't care about their feelings, I care if it will start to have a bad reflection on my performance.

Yeah, totally agree on the internal hire part though. It will be cheaper for them and they don't need to take a risk on an unkown.

Cut the “I dont deseve” shyt out man. Your bosses :dame: wouldn’t be pushing you for it if they didnt think you could do the job. You wanted to just stay doing the same thing forever and not learn something new?

This situation is good for me now because it's in my favour but what happens when a decision is made a few years down the line that I should sit tight in my role when I actually want something more? I don't like that merit means so little when people have favourites. Does this mean I gotta kiss ass for the rest of my work-life to stay in these people's good books?

I know that this is just part of the game but it really sucks man.


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
That’s how real life works. These jobs are required legally to post the job. But if I know it’s someone qualified for the shyt then he gonna have the leg up without doubt

Yh I've worked at places where they advertise a job with the boss already knowing who he wants

HR made him put the ad out

He was like "aight cool:martin:"

Those poor applicants getting all dressed up, preparing... Being all nervous and shyt



All Star
Mar 20, 2017
Nah man don't feel like that. I'm at a fortune 50 company and I moved up as up as I could. At some point it's extremely difficult to get to a certain level because people don't want to leave and want to stick around until they die. When an opportunity comes up go for it.

Step 1 is to secure the bag regardless if you feel you are not ready. Step 2 is to learn as quickly as you can and make connections so that people will make your life easier at work if you need favors or training at the beginning.

If it still doesn't work out after a few months then step down from your position. Make an excuse that you want to focus on family or go back to get your master or whatever. Just don't show you couldn't do the job. Last thing you want is to get demoted or fired so step down if it doesn't feel like it's gonna work out. Hopefully when you are ready they won't look down on you the first time and you get the interview again.


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC
Bit of back story, there is a new role that's been created in my division and in the months leading up to it, my boss and his boss have been sounding me out for it in our catch-up meetings. My message has been pretty consistent in that I don't think I have the experience or skills to do that job and they've always told me to just "think about it"

Fast forward a few weeks, the post gets advertised publicly for people to apply.

So, I miss the deadline for applying and my manager's boss sets up a 1hr "catch-up" meeting with me. I already know we were gonna be discussing this new role and that's exactly what happened.

I've basically been told, in loosely uncertain terms, that this job is mine even though I've told them I don't think I deserve it, don't feel ready for it and missed the application deadline. This is basically some "offer you can't refuse" type shyt:mjtf:

At the risk of "counting my eggs before they hatch" the only way I see myself not getting it is if I show up to the interview drunk and start swearing at people because I was told I would be given "advice" before the interview too :snoop:

I've also got a 1-on-1 meeting with the Head of the division later this week. You know, the guy who signs off on all appointments/promotions:snoop:

They talk all this shyt about "fair" selection processes and procedures which I've always known was BS but now I'm seeing it first hand and becoming part of this bs system too.

Sure, as far as problems go, this is not a bad one to have but this shyt stinks to me. There's people applying for this role not knowing that a decision has already been made and it feels wrong. fukk MAN, what a farce!

TLDR: It's been strongly hinted to me that I'll be getting a promotion I don't feel ready for and that I don't think I deserve.

Take the job breh.
If its been created and you're the 1st one to have that means you can mold it into what you can do. What they got listed most likely isn't whats its gonna be. You bosses fukk with you so they'll give you some leeway on getting the position down. If you got the basics they gon make sure you get whatever else you need.
You can't win the game by trying not to play it.


The black man is always targeted.
Apr 8, 2017
Thread like these attract waste men like you like flies to shyt on why you don't have a job. In this market if you can't get a job is because you don't really want one.
All your posts concerning employment and careers are always negative with some type of stupid excuse like the above. At some point you must realize that you are the problem.
:laff::laff:god damn nothing is ever your fault and there's always a built in excuse

No wonder hoes act allergic to you:francis:
I don’t see why any of you useless mfers aren’t offering a breh a job since you claim to know so much :mjlol: