I Never Knew That The Bible Literally Denounces Faqqots šŸ˜† šŸ˜†

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
@RamsayBolton I think youā€™re applying todayā€™s definition of a ā€œslaveā€ to biblical context, which I THINK is supposed to have a different definition for what a ā€œslaveā€ is? :lupe:

1) translations are sketchy. Especially people "translating" G-d's word and using said translation to rule over others.

If you REALLY wanna study this stuff you'd have to find the source in its original language and learn to read it yourself. Or at least study multiple translations and study the reasons for the differences. Cause all the translations are bound to be different.

2) there's A LOT of stuff in the Bible that we ignore. The slave shyt is not a mistake. That's why CACs felt fine enslaving my African ancestors. It's in the Bible. Along with conquering the lands of the unrighteous and destroying the environment.

You're supposed to be stoned to death for working on the Sabbath. Is that Sat or Sun? (different religions say both) Better make sure. Your life is on the line.

The Jewish dietary requirements are in what we call the Bible. You follow that too?

Bottom line. I am not a fan of those who go against the prophet :dame: and the Harlem gospel.. but I cannot judge.

Whenever I meet a person that is totally against my personal morals, I treat them like I treat my favorite cousin. Until.

If they cross any of my lines I switch to a junk yard dog. If they keep it respectful of my ideals, I do the same and we never antagonize one another.

"The Bible" is basically an encyclopedia of Abrahamic religious writing. But it has been heavily curated and edited. There's plenty of books written around the same time and we're popular among early Christians that were left out of "The Bible".

The study of the Bible is a study of ancient literature. It's not a textbook or a scientific manual.


Love is a long road.
Jun 10, 2018
Washington D.C.
The Bibleā€™s been heavily edited throughout history (early copies of the Bible supposedly had passages mentioning and supporting reincarnation as well as Jesus traveling to India during his ministries) and people back then was not entirely accepting of gays at all so itā€™s difficult to say wether or not God truly prohibited homosexuality.

Itā€™s important to note that God would never forbid anyone from entering Heaven as long as they repent and ask him for forgiveness.
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