If Iran seriously gets a nuke, what do you want the USA to seriously do?


May 20, 2012
In 2003, a military historian, Martin van Creveld, thought that the Al-Aqsa Intifada then in progress threatened Israel's existence.[27] Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003) as saying:

We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.

If Iran was to say something like this or create a so-called Samson Option :whew:



May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
And yes. Ideology matters. Ask the UK and Canada.

At one point you could've actually fooled people into thinking you knew what you were talking about.

My god, are you clueless. You actually buy the diplomatic press releases about ''brotherly nations'' and ''special relationships''?

Ideology is cool and all but it doesn't dictate foreign policy you fukking doughnut. Economic and security interests do.

At this time and at this place in history, our national interest lies in stability and order, not in the pursuit of the last wisps of the Arab Spring. Yet, nor is it in our national interest that Isil should establish a caliphate athwart Syria and Iraq, a springboard for terrorism around the world and the unravelling of the frontiers of the Middle East. It follows, therefore, that we must support, by force where necessary, the integrity of Syria and Iraq, with regional allies such as Turkey and, yes, Iran and Russia. This, in turn, means that we have to stop working for the overthrow of President Assad and the Alawite ascendancy in Damascus.

This would be the mother of all U-turns. It would stick in the craw of many. But, as the great Victorian foreign secretary, Lord Palmerston, once said, we have no permanent friends or enemies, only permanent interests.
- Sir Christopher Meyer is a former British Ambassador to the United States


The bolded has been British foreign policy for the last 500 years and their interests have always been economic and security. No no fukking ideology :heh:

The UK jumped on the US bandwagon and Churchill invented the term the ''special relationship'' because they were flabby and sick post-empire and needed to remain relevant. There are no friends inna dis ting.

Stop skimming headlines and acting like you know what you're talking about.


Jun 4, 2012
allow the increased stability of the region to unfold without intervention.... :yeshrug:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
At one point you could've actually fooled people into thinking you knew what you were talking about.

My god, are you clueless. You actually buy the diplomatic press releases about ''brotherly nations'' and ''special relationships''?

Because those things exist.

You do know this, right?

Israel doesn't just disappear because arabs don't like them. Its not 1967 anymore :mjlol:

Ideology is cool and all but it doesn't dictate foreign policy you fukking doughnut. Economic and security interests do.

- Sir Christopher Meyer is a former British Ambassador to the United States


The bolded has been British foreign policy for the last 500 years and their interests have always been economic and security. No no fukking ideology :heh:

Compare the last 500 to the last 50 brehs :mjlol:

The UK jumped on the US bandwagon and Churchill invented the term the ''special relationship'' because they were flabby and sick post-empire and needed to remain relevant. There are no friends inna dis ting.
Being english speaking economic powerhouses helps that too :heh:

Stop skimming headlines and acting like you know what you're talking about.

Stop undermining the importance of geopolitical dominance to make yourself feel less guilty about being complicit in the suppression of others. :dead:
May 8, 2012
What regional interests do we secure?

Better access as a jump off point to russian aggression.

Better access to regulating energy markets

Better access to maintaining shipping routes through the persian/arabian gulf and the suez canal

AND an ideological partner in a very opposite part of the world.


May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
Because those things exist.

You do know this, right?

Israel doesn't just disappear because arabs don't like them. Its not 1967 anymore :mjlol:

Compare the last 500 to the last 50 brehs :mjlol:

Being english speaking economic powerhouses helps that too :heh:

Stop undermining the importance of geopolitical dominance to make yourself feel less guilty about being complicit in the suppression of others. :dead:

Either you're trolling or you're even stupider than I thought.

''Damn the evidence, those things exist :damn:''

''It's real to me dammnit :to:''

I'm not going to waste my time dropping real analysis with legit sources if this is the foolishness you wish to engage in.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Either you're trolling or you're even stupider than I thought.

''Damn the evidence, those things exist :damn:''

''It's real to me dammnit :to:''

I'm not going to waste my time dropping real analysis with legit sources if this is the foolishness you wish to engage in.
Your "analysis" is posting perspectives from dudes whose entire livelihood is based on double-speak

Read between the lines dumbass.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
What regional interests do we secure?

Better access as a jump off point to russian aggression.


This nikka really hit us with "the Russians are coming"...in 2014. :mjlol:

Better access to regulating energy markets

How exactly does our propping up of Israel help us regulate energy markets?

Better access to maintaining shipping routes through the persian/arabian gulf and the suez canal

lol...like we wouldn't have access to shipping routes if we didn't subsidize them the way we do. Sorry, no.
AND an ideological partner in a very opposite part of the world.

Meaningless fluff.

Your sloppy insta-googling led to no avail. You didn't even list the only semi-plausible benefit we get out of our "special" relationships with Israel, which is that they give us intel on terrorist groups and regimes in the middle east, and of course the counter to that is we wouldn't even need that intel if we stopped supporting Israel and stayed out of the middle east militarily.

If you do a cost-benefit analysis of our current relationship with Israel, the bad outweighs the good and anyone with any common sense knows this. $3 billion a year is bad enough. The geopolitical blowback is immeasurable. The Palestinian situation is the cause celebre of 20-21st radical fundamentalist Islam.

"While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:

(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:"

-Osama Bin Laden

Israel has violated dozens of UN resolutions and is one of the most hated countries in the world. Our one-sided support of them delegitimizes us in the eyes of a lot of the world, and it undercuts diplomacy not just in the Palestinian issue, but in the entire middle east and elsewhere because we're not seen as an honest broker. We get nothing in return for our support of Israel but headaches.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

This nikka really hit us with "the Russians are coming"...in 2014. :mjlol:

The arctic is the next battle ground and ex-soviet nations have their sphincters tightened.

Yeah, but Russian aggression isn't a problem :mjlol:

How exactly does our propping up of Israel help us regulate energy markets?
Promotes governments and a way of life in the region that allow us base regional operations from and use as local pressure to capitulate to western demands.

lol...like we wouldn't have access to shipping routes if we didn't subsidize them the way we do. Sorry, no.
We wouldn't.

The US is the main force stopping piracy off the coast of africa

The US is the main force stopping chinese aggression in the south china seas

The US is the main force securing the Mediterranean trade routes including across the bosphorous as well. Ask Russia why Crimea was so important.

Meaningless fluff.
Geopolitics is hard...I know.

Your sloppy insta-googling led to no avail. You didn't even list the only semi-plausible benefit we get out of our "special" relationships with Israel, which is that they give us intel on terrorist groups and regimes in the middle east, and of course the counter to that is we wouldn't even need that intel if we stopped supporting Israel and stayed out of the middle east militarily.
This was implied and that you think I have to list this is asinine. It says a lot about your lack of understanding of your least favorite word: "nuance"

Of course, if I mentioned this, you'd downplay the role of terrorism.

I'm onto you. :ufdup:

If you do a cost-benefit analysis of our current relationship with Israel, the bad outweighs the good and anyone with any common sense knows this. $3 billion a year is bad enough. The geopolitical blowback is immeasurable. The Palestinian situation is the cause celebre of 20-21st radical fundamentalist Islam.
Too bad. Israel is still at the end of the day an island in a world of dudes who want them off the map. That hasn't changed.

I have not nor will I excuse gaza aggression, however to ignore their existential threats in the region is irresponsible and somewhat naive of you.
"While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:

(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:"

-Osama Bin Laden
I've read his fatwa too. Whats your problem?

And you're missing the fact he was pissed about the Bosnian affair and the US having ties with Saudi Arabia.

Israel is only a fraction of OBL's beef with the west. Word to Al-Zawahiri

Israel has violated dozens of UN resolutions and is one of the most hated countries in the world. Our one-sided support of them delegitimizes us in the eyes of a lot of the world, and it undercuts diplomacy not just in the Palestinian issue, but in the entire middle east and elsewhere because we're not seen as an honest broker. We get nothing in return for our support of Israel but headaches.

No where did I say that Palestinian autonomy wasn't important. I support a two state solution, but you pretending like Isreal doesn't exist doesn't help you.

Diplomacy is hard and ignoring the reality of having to pick between only bad decisions makes you equally unfit to be taken seriously on the matter...and frankly its why you'd never become a diplomat.

You don't value anything. Thats kinda the problem. You're ashamed to be an American and when faced with the reality of the advantages you have, you like to pretend they don't exist...and even further when given information as to the nature of the leverage you indirectly take for granted, you push it back into the shadows and pretend you have no hand in the matter.

You're not as enlightened as you really think you are. Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez ain't got all the answers fam.


May 20, 2012
Israel is at the core of our problems in the Middle East. If it wasn't for Israel's influence on our government we could actually begin to repair our relationship with countries like Iran. We made peace with the Soviets and China for Gods sake. These nations were actually frightening adversaries. Israel is a special interest that keeps us in beef with players in the Middle East similar to how American-Cuban interests in South Florida keep us in tension with Cuba.

It's not in the countries best interest, just in the interest of Israel and American-Cuba interests.


Jul 6, 2014
Name a mammal with a duck bill that isn't a platypus. I'll wait.

Why do you always try to deflect from offering a line of logic behind your shytty arguments with some non-sequitur red herring of a question?

Explain how the U.S. unwavering support of Israel adds value that is worth the cost. "They are like us ideologically" is not a valid answer unless you can make a rational argument to explain how them being like us ideologically provides some added benefit that outweighs the cost of the billions we give them annually and the geopolitical blowback we get from it.



Jul 24, 2013
Simple question :sas1:

Me personally? I want the US to drop them thangs. :yeshrug:

The world isn't fair and not everyone is going to get the same toys for christmas. I prefer us to have them over anyone else.[/QU


Don't know you personally but your an absolutely despicable human being. People with your mentality are the people who are responsible for colonialism, racism, slavery, sexism, and any other system that exploits and keeps down one group of people for your own personal gain. I don't want Iran to have nukes but I don't want anyone having nukes. Iran is oppressive to its own people but it has never invaded another country throughout its history. We on the other hand invade nations every other week and its not for the most moral reasons either. Our imposition on the world has led to several democratically elected officials to be toppled and replaced by dictators. Its allowed for resources to exploited and extracted from impoverished nations leading them to take out debts with the World Bank and IMF. That shyt ain't funny, cuz anyone of us could have been born in to that situation


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Don't know you personally but your an absolutely despicable human being. People with your mentality are the people who are responsible for colonialism, racism, slavery, sexism, and any other system that exploits and keeps down one group of people for your own personal gain. I don't want Iran to have nukes but I don't want anyone having nukes. Iran is oppressive to its own people but it has never invaded another country throughout its history. We on the other hand invade nations every other week and its not for the most moral reasons either. Our imposition on the world has led to several democratically elected officials to be toppled and replaced by dictators. Its allowed for resources to exploited and extracted from impoverished nations leading them to take out debts with the World Bank and IMF. That shyt ain't funny, cuz anyone of us could have been born in to that situation

And this is the reality that we're facing.

So when you're done playing the emotional cards of who did what to who, then you can rejoin the adult table and contribute to the difficult decision of what must be done to prevent Iran from getting nukes.

I don't empathize with countries who have nuclear pursuits.

I just don't.

So for all they went through, as much as life sucks, and as difficult as things may be for them...when nukes are on the table, nothing else matters.


Jul 24, 2013
And this is the reality that we're facing.

So when you're done playing the emotional cards of who did what to who, then you can rejoin the adult table and contribute to the difficult decision of what must be done to prevent Iran from getting nukes.

I don't empathize with countries who have nuclear pursuits.

I just don't.

So for all they went through, as much as life sucks, and as difficult as things may be for them...when nukes are on the table, nothing else matters.

Your a fukking hypocrite because when others bring up country's like Israel having nuclear weapons you say you don't mind because their ideals are in line with ours. Acting like we got some moral superiority or that we're more responsible. Yet when people bring up how irresponsible and reckless the United States has been with its foreign policy and its effects on the world you act like past events shouldn't be taken into consideration.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Your a fukking hypocrite because when others bring up country's like Israel having nuclear weapons you say you don't mind because their ideals are in line with ours. Acting like we got some moral superiority or that we're more responsible. Yet when people bring up how irresponsible and reckless the United States has been with its foreign policy and its effects on the world you act like past events shouldn't be taken into consideration.
The time to care about Israel getting nukes was when Pollard and Vanunu were in the daily news reels. You can't put that worm in the ground.

And we DO have moral superiority.

Do you know why?

Because we say we do.

Its that simple.

Stop trying to guilt the USA so much. It fukks up from time to time. We get it.

The point is to make a policy decision. You even said it yourself. You don't want Iran to get nukes...OK...now lets go about finding a way to prevent that from happening.
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