If USA Exits Paris Climate Agreement, This Is What Will Happen (UPDATE: Trump Admin not pulling out)


Jun 15, 2012
That's dope.

And it was also built before this agreement. Which basically goes to show that this fake ass agreement is nothing but a money grab by the UN using guilt to get rich countries to send money.

Countries that are really about change are doing shyt regardless. Same with all these grandstanding ceos and companies

As opposed to the money consolidating and hoarding that politicians (both parties) in this country are doing? Giving Rex Tillerson a govt position and weakening already weak anti-lobbying laws is what exactly? Socialism?


May 22, 2012
As opposed to the money consolidating and hoarding that politicians (both parties) in this country are doing? Giving Rex Tillerson a govt position and weakening already weak anti-lobbying laws is what exactly? Socialism?

you just keep proving my point. That government is selfish and doesn't care about the people. No different than the UN. I wish all people would realize this.

which I find it odd that ppl think the government would be able to handle this paris agreement tactfully without abusing it for more $$$

and....Rex Tillerson was actually FOR this agreement....

I'm sure that says something
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May 22, 2012

It’s funny how esteem for the Paris climate accord has grown since it was signed in December 2015.

Back then it was seen as a weak, political document filled with meaningless promises, diplomatic compromises and dubious science. Yet now that U.S. President Donald Trump has withdrawn his country from the accord, you would think the Paris agreement had descended, wrapped in gold, from a shimmering cloud.

The Paris accord isn’t close to being a binding agreement. Nor is it based much on science.

It has no hard-and-fast emission-reduction targets: Governments set their own targets based on what they think they can get away with with voters or what they think they have to give up to shut up the environmental lobby (which is huge and extremely well-funded) and its media pals.

For instance, in Paris, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed Canada to reducing its emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.

There is no way for us to do that without crippling our economy and putting millions out of work. That kind of emissions cut would require the equivalent of parking every car, truck, airplane, bus and train in the country – permanently – or shutting down every factory and non-nuclear power plant.

Not gonna happen. But fear not, the Paris accord gives the UN no power by which to enforce our promised reductions or punish our failure.

So how then can the UN claim adherence to Paris will keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C? The same way Al Capone could claim he made a meagre middle-class income while pocketing millions annually from bootleg liquor: creative accounting.

As Tim Kruger of Oxford University’s geo-engineering program pointed out in London’s Guardian paper in April 2016, all of the models that show the Paris accord stopping climate change are based on “massive deployment” of biomass energy coupled with technology to capture the carbon dioxide that will be created and “sequestering” it in the ground.

But the technology for neither of those – neither mass energy generation from biomass (burning wood chips, seaweed, cornstalks, etc.) nor mass carbon sequestration – exists yet on a large enough scale. And there is no evidence on the horizon it is coming, either.

Furthermore, biomass burning to create electricity produces about one-quarter more carbon dioxide and vastly more aerial solids than burning coal. So it is entirely possible that if the Paris accord is applied before the technology exists to use biomass more cleanly, adhering to Paris will actually make climate change worse.

As Kruger pointed out, “There is a distinct lack of evidence to determine whether (biomass and carbon capture) are technically feasible, economically affordable, environmentally benign, socially acceptable and politically viable.” Yet the whole of the Paris accord is based on these magic-wand technologies appearing in the next decade or two on such a grand scale that they can save the planet.

Since Paris is a largely toothless, rhetorical symbol – and not a legally binding treaty – might it have been wiser for Trump and the U.S. to take the easy way; play the Paris game and pretend to be committed the way the Chinese are?

Maybe. I commend the U.S. president for his honesty and political courage in dumping the pretentious, moralistic, socialist document.

The hysterical reaction to Trump’s move, though, shows how much more importance “progressives” place on appearances over of results. Former U.S. President Barack Obama even popped his retired head up to insist his successor had “turned his back on the future.”

Oh, please, the Paris accord was such a sham that U.S. withdrawal will do nothing to rescue or destroy Earth.


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
The Paris agreement - a pretentious, moralistic, socialist document

It’s funny how esteem for the Paris climate accord has grown since it was signed in December 2015.

Back then it was seen as a weak, political document filled with meaningless promises, diplomatic compromises and dubious science. Yet now that U.S. President Donald Trump has withdrawn his country from the accord, you would think the Paris agreement had descended, wrapped in gold, from a shimmering cloud.

The Paris accord isn’t close to being a binding agreement. Nor is it based much on science.

It has no hard-and-fast emission-reduction targets: Governments set their own targets based on what they think they can get away with with voters or what they think they have to give up to shut up the environmental lobby (which is huge and extremely well-funded) and its media pals.

For instance, in Paris, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau committed Canada to reducing its emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.

There is no way for us to do that without crippling our economy and putting millions out of work. That kind of emissions cut would require the equivalent of parking every car, truck, airplane, bus and train in the country – permanently – or shutting down every factory and non-nuclear power plant.

Not gonna happen. But fear not, the Paris accord gives the UN no power by which to enforce our promised reductions or punish our failure.

So how then can the UN claim adherence to Paris will keep global temperatures from rising more than 1.5°C? The same way Al Capone could claim he made a meagre middle-class income while pocketing millions annually from bootleg liquor: creative accounting.

As Tim Kruger of Oxford University’s geo-engineering program pointed out in London’s Guardian paper in April 2016, all of the models that show the Paris accord stopping climate change are based on “massive deployment” of biomass energy coupled with technology to capture the carbon dioxide that will be created and “sequestering” it in the ground.

But the technology for neither of those – neither mass energy generation from biomass (burning wood chips, seaweed, cornstalks, etc.) nor mass carbon sequestration – exists yet on a large enough scale. And there is no evidence on the horizon it is coming, either.

Furthermore, biomass burning to create electricity produces about one-quarter more carbon dioxide and vastly more aerial solids than burning coal. So it is entirely possible that if the Paris accord is applied before the technology exists to use biomass more cleanly, adhering to Paris will actually make climate change worse.

As Kruger pointed out, “There is a distinct lack of evidence to determine whether (biomass and carbon capture) are technically feasible, economically affordable, environmentally benign, socially acceptable and politically viable.” Yet the whole of the Paris accord is based on these magic-wand technologies appearing in the next decade or two on such a grand scale that they can save the planet.

Since Paris is a largely toothless, rhetorical symbol – and not a legally binding treaty – might it have been wiser for Trump and the U.S. to take the easy way; play the Paris game and pretend to be committed the way the Chinese are?

Maybe. I commend the U.S. president for his honesty and political courage in dumping the pretentious, moralistic, socialist document.

The hysterical reaction to Trump’s move, though, shows how much more importance “progressives” place on appearances over of results. Former U.S. President Barack Obama even popped his retired head up to insist his successor had “turned his back on the future.”

Oh, please, the Paris accord was such a sham that U.S. withdrawal will do nothing to rescue or destroy Earth.


I never read so much pretentious horseshyt in my life, damn who wrote this, Mike Pruitt?!?:dahell:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
it was from a Canadian Newspaper.

What did you disagree with?

The way it was written the writer was sucking trump off big time when in canada they are eco friendly and signed the accords too... :dahell: how you gonna disrespect the paris accords praise donald trump from pulling out because of economics and YET canada where your from signed the agreement, the entire world cant be wrong.


May 22, 2012
The way it was written the writer was sucking trump off big time when in canada they are eco friendly and signed the accords too... :dahell: how you gonna disrespect the paris accords praise donald trump from pulling out because of economics and YET canada where your from signed the agreement, the entire world cant be wrong.
many ppl in Canada HATE that the Government did that. The Government is now imposing a "carbon Tax" that is going to increase the price of everything, for everyone. Lot's of ppl around the world are actually against this "accord" as they see it as nothing but Bullshyt, and another way to steal money from the citizens.

A large portion of Canadians hate the liberal party in Canada and have seen how despicable and corrupt they are. this is just another way of sucking money out of Canadians and giving it away.

and just for the record, the conservative party in Canada, is still more left than the Democrats in the USA. Just for context.


Jun 15, 2012
you just keep proving my point. That government is selfish and doesn't care about the people. No different than the UN. I wish all people would realize this.

which I find it odd that ppl think the government would be able to handle this paris agreement tactfully without abusing it for more $$$

and....Rex Tillerson was actually FOR this agreement....

I'm sure that says something

I don't deny government corruption. People are government and people are corrupt. The status quo is being abused and any "solutions" will be too. It's part of the process. The problem is people dragging their feet and using government influence over markets to pick winners and losers, ie cool and oil. Those are the old winners. and they've leveraged their position to suppress competition. Clean & sustainable energy are the future and the sooner we accept that the sooner we can move on to new issues.

And Rex Tillerson is gonna eat regardless.


All Star
May 26, 2012

I never read so much pretentious horseshyt in my life, damn who wrote this, Mike Pruitt?!?:dahell:
You really don't have the slightest clue but for some reason you think u do! We are going through the whole green energy scam now in ontario from our libtard government and the damage done and money wasted has hurt our economy bad! We got families living in energy poverty! The debt and damage done with last decades we are truly fukked and believe me nobody I know is happy about it in fact the liberals are on their way to third party status because of it you should be bowing at trumps feet and sucking dikk for pulling out of that scam they call Paris treaty it's a complete scam! Read this article from over a year ago it breaks down how fukked we are from the crooked liberal ideology


But you still won't believe me and once the elites take the office back after trumps finished making a complete mockery out of the system (that u thought was working just fine) you'll see buddy! Hope you have kids too so they can pay for it as Well they deserve it! Good luck u oh holier than thou ass bytch! Hahaha


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You really don't have the slightest clue but for some reason you think u do! We are going through the whole green energy scam now in ontario from our libtard government and the damage done and money wasted has hurt our economy bad! We got families living in energy poverty! The debt and damage done with last decades we are truly fukked and believe me nobody I know is happy about it in fact the liberals are on their way to third party status because of it you should be bowing at trumps feet and sucking dikk for pulling out of that scam they call Paris treaty it's a complete scam! Read this article from over a year ago it breaks down how fukked we are from the crooked liberal ideology


But you still won't believe me and once the elites take the office back after trumps finished making a complete mockery out of the system (that u thought was working just fine) you'll see buddy! Hope you have kids too so they can pay for it as Well they deserve it! Good luck u oh holier than thou ass bytch! Hahaha

Don't get mad at me I don't live in Canada... Your Congress people stealing your money cause you Allow them to. :umad:


May 22, 2012
Don't get mad at me I don't live in Canada... Your Congress people stealing your money cause you Allow them to. :umad:
naw, cuz ppl bought the lies that the liberals told them.

the same lies that you are being told in America.

As someone that has family and has lived on both sides of the border, I can tell you that anyone that is impartial and objective on either side wants this stuff.

No one is (or should be) denying that climate change is real. However what is and what should be debated is on how to solve it. Not throwing money at the problem. but targeting research and putting money towards a solution.


All Star
May 26, 2012
naw, cuz ppl bought the lies that the liberals told them.

the same lies that you are being told in America.

As someone that has family and has lived on both sides of the border, I can tell you that anyone that is impartial and objective on either side wants this stuff.

No one is (or should be) denying that climate change is real. However what is and what should be debated is on how to solve it. Not throwing money at the problem. but targeting research and putting money towards a solution.


You pretty much nailed it on the head! I totally believe in man made climate change or whatever the correct term is aka pollution whatever but it's how these liberals just think that throwing hundreds of billions of dollars at it without doing the proper research. They are reckless! Liberals only care about what's in their own twisted heads and think of no one else yet they give the appearance to actually give a fukk about regular everyday people but they don't.

Our libtard government was warned countless times years ago to stop what they were doing and that it would be a disaster and this was advice by actual experts on the topic (who turned out right) did the liberals listen? Of course not because they already had the scam idea in their heads and basically said fukk it we are doing it anyway!

The green energy scam has and will continue to crush canada making the US way more competitive under donald trump. Everyday I read of another factory or business shutting down and moving to the US and this is just the beginning thank God I don't have children to leave this mess to.

Liberals are anti industry and 100% union and big government so fukk them and anybody who love em!


All Star
May 26, 2012
Don't get mad at me I don't live in Canada... Your Congress people stealing your money cause you Allow them to. :umad:
You think I voted libtard? Lol I didn't even vote trudeau and he promised legalized marijuana on a federal level (which is great) but I'm still not that fukking stupid! Lol
Our prime minister "the selfie king" is just a puppet for his crooked elite government advisors who are slowly destroying a once great economical country. And trump is the bad guy because he goes against this please US lefties get your fukking heads out of your asses anyone who's preaching lefty ideology I almost always assume is a lazy bum who just wants the government to take care of them. Nanny state!


May 15, 2014
Why is this bad exactly?:ld:

Depends on how you view global politics and your outlook on enviroment,global trading and if you have been anywhere else in the world to see the impact of chinese foreign policy in Africa for instance or South America.Not saying a change would not be long overdue but like i said,it depends on what change you would like to see happen when it comes to poor countries getting a fair chance to climb out of the perpetual hole they have been thrown in or how we can stop this planet from cooking itself to a crisp..