injustice gods among us is FUN BUT...


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
Your game wouldnt be as dynamic as you think it would be because people would still find the most effective combos and stick to those. They wouldnt use the combos that can be easily countered.

There are players who are good at rushdown, zoning, lockdown, etc... but once they find out which style is best for that character they focus on that. No matter how much you add to the game people will eventually find the most effective way to play and stick to that.

Thats why i only play fighting games for the first 6 months or so. Thats when everyone is still trying shyt out. Once the best strategies get discovered and people only use those i stop playing. Mostly because i dont have enough time to dedicate to really using those strategies.

Waka FICO Flamez

Bricksquad Monopoly
Jun 11, 2012
Bruh ..its a fighting game...all fighting games are like this. Thats why i personally don't play them. They are fun to a degree but its once you get down or in a corner its a don dadda for you. Wish fighting games had more skill , posie and patience needed.


If Your Knee Dont Bend It Can Be Broken
May 2, 2012
The Wall
wait wait, lets address the first point. you said you could have infinite combos.

not true. and its not just due to the fatigue/stamina meter(that you have in sports games).

but in real life martial arts. lets keep it simple. or real life boxing.

if you throw lets say a right over head hook. whats the counter? there are more then one. one is a left jab to the head right underneath the hook you're throwing. if you're quick enough. you can throw a right jab to the head while move away from the hook and moving towards the otherside of the guys face. leaning and punching at the same time(that will take off some power of your punch but still a decent counter if you're athletic enough. then there's the body punches you could throw while that hook is in the air.

if you're quick enough, depending on the guys chin, body being able to take a punch, your strength, the angle you're swinging from. are you balanced are you leaning into it. or are you facing away. are you on your toes, etc. that will change the amt of power vs how quickly you throw said counters.

now why am i discussing counters? because counters can cut off an infinite combo. you start smacking me up something nice right hook left jab, body body, right hook, kick, etc.

lets say i duck the first swing. then block low. well if your next hit is a head shot thats coming from the top down. i'm in trouble. but if i'm smart enough to realize. i dont have to necessarily block low after ducking the first hook. i could duck, then crouch and crack you in the gut. depending on my strength, that could push you back just enough to stop the rest of that combo. even if you hit me with a few shots.

i'm also all for them monitoring body damage. you see how they show us now how the player looks all beat up. thats cute. but thats OLD. by now the body damage you see should effect the persons speed, strength.

if you keep blocking my hits. i want your arms to hurt to the point where when its time for you to swing. you cant swing as fast, you cant hit me as hard. but thats the decision you have made when going up against grundy, etc. perhaps.

then if you bring in that stamina meter. a big boy like say grundy cant be throwing the wild haymakers at you all game long without consequences. which start with stamina. the more combos or attempts you throw at me. the more tired he becomes. the more tired you are, the slower you move. now you're more open to getting countered. the more tired you are the more you are susceptible to getting hurt more with the same shot that would have hurt you less if you were not fatigued.

then to add to all that. any of your what i call mini super moves, for instance if you have a gun you dont have unlmited bullets. if you keep shooting, you will run out. then you will have to fight with your other gagdets.

batman even in the cartoons, comics, and on the tv show use to run out of some of the stuff in his belt. he would then go to something else in his belt. and he's mr gagdets. so what about those who have one weapon?

i'll take it a step further. weapons should be abled to be knocked out of your hand(thats old school as well, some games use to do this). sure you can pick it up. but to go pick it up will put you in danger of getting your a... whooped. lol.

at the same time if you're nice with the hands and feet. you can survive with or without your sword. if all you are good at is weaponry. dont lose that weapon. and you have to defend against that attack. which will leave you open to other attacks.

prime example. Ares throws his weapon. that thing should get stuck in the ground and STAY THERE.

just like if i got batgirl and i throw that thing in the air and lets say batman hits me with the ninja stars before i can pull up. i should fall off and my thing be stuck connected to something. now i dont have it to use. until i jump up and grab it down. doing so will leave me open to getting my a.. handed to me.

or i better be nice with the hands and feet.

again yall are just use to this stale way of fighting games. these games have not changed in Decades. yall shouldnt stand for that.

imagine if they implemented everything i just stated. which is in other games just not in the same game all at once. nothing i said is ground breaking. so it can be done.
imagine a fighting game with characters with super powers and weapons. that kind of game would have so many different scenarios that you would never get board with it. because how someone would beat the snot out of you would be different every time. right now its only a couple of ways you lose. you lose to a ranger, you lose to a rusher. you lose to a combo king. very rarely do you lose to someone who is just nice with the hands/feet, that knows when to use the weaponry, that knows some combos, but also knows how to defend him/herself as well as know when to move out of the way, and then knows when to hit you with the mini supers are real super.

most guys are all of one of those things not many. and its because the game is setup where its most effective to be a combo king and nothing else. your defense isnt really defense. its crouch low and walk backwards even though you are actually walking in place once your reach the end of the screen. that should not be possible. they should have spikes back there. or some people around in a crowd that will push you back into the fight. its one thing to retreat its another to use a glitch like walking in place to stop certain moves. thats not how those moves should have to be countered. its like i need an exploit to stop your exploit. that should not be the case. i should have to use better fighting technique to counter your fighting technique.

back to the can you have combos like that. you are correct just allowing crazy combos from one to another would never end. thats why you make it somewhat realistic. to throw a hook takes lets say 1.5 frames, to throw a jab takes 1.0 frame(quicker but not as strong of a hit). they already do this.
to go from a jab with the left hand, into a round house where your pivot foot is your left foot, would go quicker then if you thru a right jab, then use the same left foot as your pivot foot. why because truthfully using a left jab and using your left foot as your pivot to do a round house where your kicking foot is your right foot is much quicker to get into, then using your right jab first. its just realistic physics. certain real life combos work faster because of what you start with and what you use next. sure anything is a combo. but all combos are not created equal. meaning you cant move as quickly from one move to the next.

as long as they have the frame lengths proper for each single move and the inbetween transition from one to another. the combos would only be infinite aside from the stamina bar is if the other person just sucked and the guy giving you the good is that good with his choices of moves from one to another.

I see this has been grinding your gears for a loooooong time:heh:

You make good points but your argument is fundamentally flawed because you talking about incorporating real life (fatigue, etc etc) in a video game.


The main reason why people play games is to escape reality breh There is a reason why I pick Gen in street fighter instead of going to a dojo and learning the Mantis and Crane style and going outside and actually "Street Fighting"

The way you broke it down has been the fighting game industry since the start and if you want stamina and shyt to be a factor why dont you cop a UFC/Fight Night game:ld:


Jun 8, 2012
I see this has been grinding your gears for a loooooong time:heh:

You make good points but your argument is fundamentally flawed because you talking about incorporating real life (fatigue, etc etc) in a video game.


The main reason why people play games is to escape reality breh There is a reason why I pick Gen in street fighter instead of going to a dojo and learning the Mantis and Crane style and going outside and actually "Street Fighting"

The way you broke it down has been the fighting game industry since the start and if you want stamina and shyt to be a factor why dont you cop a UFC/Fight Night game:ld:

its not IMPOSSIBLE> do they not have FATIGUE in madden, 2k and every single sports game out? YES.

do the same thing here.

on cartoons, in the comics int he movies, you see super heros get tired when battling other super heros.

i dont want UFC/fight night. its a fighting game is it not? its martial it not? its boxing is it not? then its super powers is it not? but with all that, again in comics, cartoons, and movies. super heros get fatigued, tired when fighting other super heros. batman does not have unlimited stars, unlimited smoke bombs, unlimited anything but grappling since that stays connected. if a fool like bain cuts that cable. then batman no longer as that either.

its called making the comic book game more like the actual comic, movies or cartoons. dont use the excuse "its a video game" to cover the fact that the game is not that great of a FIGHTING game when you think about it. its the same combo breaker stuff we've been doing since since.

its like yall are afraid of it being the way i describe because you wouldnt be able to figure it out as fast. and even the good dudes would take L's from time time.

Don Mack

All Star
May 28, 2012
This guy must not know anything about fighting games and has never played a game competitively. Street Fighter 4 = projectile/turtle war. Tekken = launch and juggle etc. Every fighting game has something that can be abused if you don't know how to counter it.


If Your Knee Dont Bend It Can Be Broken
May 2, 2012
The Wall
This guy must not know anything about fighting games and has never played a game competitively. Street Fighter 4 = projectile/turtle war. Tekken = launch and juggle etc. Every fighting game has something that can be abused if you don't know how to counter it.

Holy shyt breh where you been at :gladbron:

You and 2guns were the best on the 360 when it came to fighting games I hardly see yall online these days I assume you getting ready for EVO correct?:obama:

I need my ass handed to me in street fighter to get the fire burning again I have ZERO motivation to play that game:snoop:

Been rocking KOF13 hard body though:ooh:


Jun 8, 2012
This guy must not know anything about fighting games and has never played a game competitively. Street Fighter 4 = projectile/turtle war. Tekken = launch and juggle etc. Every fighting game has something that can be abused if you don't know how to counter it.
thats my point if you're paying attention. its time for it to change. its been how long since street fighter, MKI, tekken, blah blah blah.

the fact that our favorite is back "COMBO BREAKER" aka killer instinct it fits perfectly with this thread. combo spamming is for that game. it should not be like that 2 decades later.

but once again, yall are use to the same nonsense so thats all you know. so thats all you will ask for. and yall wonder why games get stale so fast. you dropping $50+ on a game and its getting stale in weeks, but yet you're trying to tell me i dont know fighting games because i'm asking for some kind of legit fighting innovation for a change.


Jun 6, 2013
do they not have FATIGUE in madden, 2k and every single sports game out? YES.

do the same thing here.

They do the fatigue thing in the WWE games and I HATE that crap. :mindblown:

I'm steady pushing the buttons and my dude will barely move cause he is "fatigued" and it's frustrating as hell. And when both of the player's characters are fatigued to the point that they can't even run and just lumber around the wrasslin ring like a couple of zombies, that shyt ain't no fun. :pacspit:

Leave Injustice just the way it is. :umad:


Jun 8, 2012
They do the fatigue thing in the WWE games and I HATE that crap. :mindblown:

I'm steady pushing the buttons and my dude will barely move cause he is "fatigued" and it's frustrating as hell. And when both of the player's characters are fatigued to the point that they can't even run and just lumber around the wrasslin ring like a couple of zombies, that shyt ain't no fun. :pacspit:

Leave Injustice just the way it is. :umad:

Bingo, thats the problem you are a button smasher. now that you have combos memorized. you can just button smash combos and thats enough.

thats why the game needs to be fixed to be more realistic with stamina and no more unlimited mini special moves.

if you actually fault with a strategy you would know not to button smash.

its the same way it took 2 years of 2k games for people to get use to no longer holding the sprint button the entire game.


Jun 6, 2013
Bingo, thats the problem you are a button smasher. now that you have combos memorized. you can just button smash combos and thats enough.

thats why the game needs to be fixed to be more realistic with stamina and no more unlimited mini special moves.

if you actually fault with a strategy you would know not to button smash.

its the same way it took 2 years of 2k games for people to get use to no longer holding the sprint button the entire game.

I'm a button smasher cause I ain't no game addict who plays for hours and hours a day and becomes a fukkin "super hard level master". And I can't memorize or punch out the combos like that. I only play games on the weekend IF (and that's a big if) I don't have better shyt to do. Even then, I only play the games for an hour or so at most. So I'm one of those simplistic retards who likes my games easy to play. :lolbron:

And fukk making any changes to the game. You see how well it sells, how much people like it (you the ONLY person I know who don't like it as is) and how much money it makes? :ohhh:

Only thing I would like is more characters. And they slowly pleasing me by releasing more and more almost every week. :blessed:


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
Bingo, thats the problem you are a button smasher. now that you have combos memorized. you can just button smash combos and thats enough.

thats why the game needs to be fixed to be more realistic with stamina and no more unlimited mini special moves.

if you actually fault with a strategy you would know not to button smash.

its the same way it took 2 years of 2k games for people to get use to no longer holding the sprint button the entire game.

Its a spam fighting're right

I was just :russ: at this game with my homie earlier

My homie dealt with my cuz in Injustice the first time he played it

and its my cuz game :russ: :ohlawd:

My cuz was like " you cheesing nikka" "lemme get outta the corner" :russ:

My son was like "its my first time playing this shyt what the fucc" :aicmon:

Which led me to the conclusion of ..any game that a rookie could beat the dude who has the game on his first a spam fest

Injustice is a shytty game truthfully..They just got everyone gassed because of the characters in the game....